Heroku Ruby Client ================== The Heroku Ruby Client is used to interact with the [Heroku Legacy API](http://legacy-api-docs.herokuapp.com) from Ruby. Where possible we recommend interacting instead with the [Heroku Platform API](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/platform-api-reference). You can use the [Ruby client](https://github.com/heroku/platform-api) with the Platform API (or just install the [gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/platform-api)). [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/heroku/heroku.rb.png)](https://travis-ci.org/heroku/heroku.rb) Usage ----- Start by creating a connection to Heroku with your credentials: require 'heroku-api' heroku = Heroku::API.new(:api_key => API_KEY) # use API Key heroku = Heroku::API.new(:username => USERNAME, :password => PASSWORD) # use username and password heroku = Heroku::API.new(:headers => {'User-Agent' => 'custom'}) # use custom header NOTE: You can leave out the `:api_key` if `ENV['HEROKU_API_KEY']` is set instead. Now you can make requests to the api. Requests -------- What follows is an overview of commands you can run for the client. For additional details about any of the commands, see the [API docs](http://legacy-api-docs.heroku.com). ### Add-ons heroku.delete_addon(APP, ADD_ON) # remove the ADD_ON add-on from the app named APP heroku.post_addon(APP, ADD_ON) # add ADD_ON add-on to an the app named APP heroku.put_addon(APP, ADD_ON) # update the ADD_ON add-on on the app named APP heroku.get_addons # see a listing of all available add-ons heroku.get_addons(APP) # see listing of installed add-ons for the app named APP ### Apps heroku.delete_app(APP) # delete the app named APP heroku.get_apps # get a list of your apps heroku.get_app(APP) # get info about the app named APP heroku.get_dyno_types(APP) # get dyno types for the app named APP heroku.post_app # create an app with a generated name and the default stack heroku.post_app_maintenance(APP, '1') # toggle maintenance mode for the app named APP heroku.post_app('name' => 'app') # create an app with a specified name, APP heroku.put_app('name' => 'myapp') # update an app to have a different name ### Collaborators heroku.delete_collaborator(APP, 'email@example.com') # remove 'email@example.com' collaborator from APP app heroku.get_collaborators(APP) # list collaborators for APP app heroku.post_collaborator(APP, 'email@example.com') # add 'email@example.com' collaborator to APP app ### Config Variables heroku.delete_config_var(APP, KEY) # remove KEY key from APP app heroku.get_config_vars(APP) # get list of config vars for APP app heroku.put_config_vars(APP, KEY => 'value') # set KEY key to 'value' for APP app ### Domains heroku.delete_domain(APP, 'example.com') # remove the 'example.com' domain from the APP app heroku.get_domains(APP) # list configured domains for the APP app heroku.post_domain(APP, 'example.com') # add 'example.com' domain to the APP app ### Keys heroku.delete_key('user@hostname.local') # remove the 'user@hostname.local' key heroku.delete_keys # remove all keys heroku.get_keys # list configured keys heroku.post_key('key data') # add key defined by 'key data' ### Logs heroku.get_logs(APP) # return logs information for APP app ### Processes heroku.get_ps(APP) # list current dynos for APP app heroku.post_ps(APP, 'command') # run 'command' command in context of APP app heroku.post_ps_restart(APP) # restart all dynos for APP app heroku.post_ps_scale(APP, TYPE, QTY) # scale TYPE type dynos to QTY for APP app heroku.post_ps_stop(APP, 'ps' => 'web.1') # stop 'web.1' dyno for APP app heroku.post_ps_stop(APP, 'type' => 'web') # stop all 'web' dynos for APP app heroku.post_ps_restart(APP, 'ps' => 'web.1') # restart 'web.1' dyno for APP app heroku.put_dynos(APP, DYNOS) # set number of dynos for bamboo app APP to DYNOS heroku.put_workers(APP, WORKERS) # set number of workers for bamboo app APP to WORKERS heroku.post_ps_scale(APP, 'worker', WORKERS) # set number of workers for cedar app APP to WORKERS heroku.put_formation(APP, 'web' => '2X') # set dyno size to '2X' for all 'web' dynos for APP app ### Releases heroku.get_releases(APP) # list of releases for the APP app heroku.get_release(APP, 'v#') # get details of 'v#' release for APP app heroku.post_release(APP, 'v#') # rollback APP app to 'v#' release ### Stacks heroku.get_stack(APP) # list available stacks heroku.put_stack(APP, STACK) # migrate APP app to STACK stack ### User heroku.get_user # list user info Mock ---- For testing (or practice) you can also use a simulated Heroku account: require 'heroku-api' heroku = Heroku::API.new(:api_key => API_KEY, :mock => true) Commands will now behave as normal, however, instead of interacting with your actual Heroku account you'll be interacting with a **blank** test account. Note: test accounts will have NO apps to begin with. You'll need to create one: heroku.post_app(:name => 'my-test-app') Tests ----- To run tests, first set `ENV['HEROKU_API_KEY']` to your api key. Then use `bundle exec rake` to run mock tests or `MOCK=false bundle exec rake` to run integration tests. Meta ---- Released under the [MIT license](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php).