Rails.application.routes.draw do resources :job_templates, :except => [:show] do member do get 'clone_template' get 'lock' get 'unlock' post 'preview' end collection do post 'preview' get 'revision' get 'auto_complete_search' get 'auto_complete_job_category' end end resources :job_invocations, :only => [:new, :create, :show, :index] do collection do post 'refresh' get 'preview_hosts' get 'auto_complete_search' end member do get 'rerun' end end # index is needed so the auto_complete_search can be constructed, otherwise autocompletion in filter does not work resources :template_invocations, :only => [:show, :index] do collection do get 'auto_complete_search' end end namespace :api, :defaults => {:format => 'json'} do scope '(:apiv)', :module => :v2, :defaults => {:apiv => 'v2'}, :apiv => /v1|v2/, :constraints => ApiConstraints.new(:version => 2, :default => true) do resources :job_invocations, :except => [:new, :edit, :update, :destroy] do resources :hosts, :only => :none do get '/', :to => 'job_invocations#output' end end resources :job_templates, :except => [:new, :edit] do (resources :locations, :only => [:index, :show]) if SETTINGS[:locations_enabled] (resources :organizations, :only => [:index, :show]) if SETTINGS[:organizations_enabled] post :clone, :on => :member collection do get 'revision' end end resources :templates, :only => :none do resources :template_inputs, :only => [:index, :show, :create, :destroy, :update] resources :foreign_input_sets, :only => [:index, :show, :create, :destroy, :update] end end end end