module ReaderTags include Radiant::Taggable include ReaderHelper class TagError < StandardError; end # I can see this causing problems: will change soon desc %{ The root 'site' tag is not meant to be called directly. All it does is to prepare the way for eg. <pre><code><r:site:url /></code></pre> } tag 'site' do |tag| raise TagError, "r:site currently only works in email" unless @mailer_vars raise TagError, "no site" unless = @mailer_vars[:@site] tag.expand end tag 'site:name' do |tag| if defined?(Site) && else[:name] end end tag 'site:url' do |tag| if defined?(Site) && else[:url] end end tag 'site:login_url' do |tag| reader_login_url(:host => @mailer_vars[:@host]) end desc %{ The root 'recipient' tag is not meant to be called directly. All it does is summon a reader object so that its fields can be displayed with eg. <pre><code><r:recipient:name /></code></pre> } tag 'recipient' do |tag| raise TagError, "r:recipient only works in email" unless @mailer_vars raise TagError, "no recipient" unless tag.locals.recipient = @mailer_vars[:@reader] tag.expand end [:name, :forename, :email, :description, :login].each do |field| desc %{ Only for use in email messages. Displays the #{field} field of the reader currently being emailed. <pre><code><r:recipient:#{field} /></code></pre> } tag "recipient:#{field}" do |tag| tag.locals.recipient.send(field) end end desc %{ Only for use in email messages. Displays the password of the reader currently being emailed, if we still have it. (After the first successful login we forget the cleartext version of their password, so you only want to use this tag in welcome and activation messages.) <pre><code><r:recipient:url /></code></pre> } tag "recipient:password" do |tag| tag.locals.recipient.clear_password || "<encrypted>" end desc %{ Only for use in email messages. Displays the me-page url of the reader currently being emailed. <pre><code><r:recipient:url /></code></pre> } tag "recipient:url" do |tag| reader_url(tag.locals.recipient, :host => @mailer_vars[:@host]) end desc %{ Only for use in email messages. Displays the preferences url of the reader currently being emailed. <pre><code><r:recipient:url /></code></pre> } tag "recipient:edit_url" do |tag| edit_reader_url(tag.locals.recipient, :host => @mailer_vars[:@host]) end desc %{ Only for use in email messages. Displays the address that will activate the current reader account. <pre><code><r:recipient:activation_url /></code></pre> } tag "recipient:activation_url" do |tag| activate_me_url(tag.locals.recipient, :activation_code => tag.locals.recipient.perishable_token, :host => @mailer_vars[:@host]) end desc %{ Only for use in email messages. Displays the address that will bring up a new-password form for the current reader account. <pre><code><r:recipient:repassword_url /></code></pre> } tag "recipient:repassword_url" do |tag| repassword_me_url(tag.locals.recipient, :confirmation_code => tag.locals.recipient.perishable_token, :host => @mailer_vars[:@host]) end desc %{ The root 'sender' tag is not meant to be called directly. All it does is summon a sender object so that its fields can be displayed with eg. <pre><code><r:sender:name /></code></pre> } tag 'sender' do |tag| raise TagError, "r:sender only works in email" unless @mailer_vars tag.expand end desc %{ Only for use in email messages. Displays the name of the email-sender (which is probably configured in ``) <pre><code><r:sender:name /></code></pre> } tag "sender:name" do |tag| @mailer_vars['sender'] end desc %{ Only for use in email messages. Displays the address of the email-sender (which is probably configured in `email.address`) <pre><code><r:sender:address /></code></pre> } tag "sender:address" do |tag| @mailer_vars['reply_to'] end # and for referring to messages on pages # at the moment this only works inside r:reader:messages:each or r:group:messages:each, # both of which are defined in reader_group # but soon there will be a conditional r:messages:each tag here too desc %{ The root 'message' tag is not meant to be called directly. All it does is summon a message object so that its fields can be displayed with eg. <pre><code><r:message:subject /></code></pre> } tag 'message' do |tag| raise TagError, "no message!" unless tag.locals.message tag.expand end desc %{ Displays the message subject. <pre><code><r:message:subject /></code></pre> } tag "message:subject" do |tag| tag.locals.message.subject end desc %{ Displays the formatted message body. <pre><code><r:message:body /></code></pre> } tag "message:body" do |tag| tag.locals.message.filtered_body end desc %{ Returns the url of the show-message page. <pre><code><r:message:url /></code></pre> } tag "message:url" do |tag| preview_message_path(tag.locals.message) end desc %{ Displays a link to the show-message page. <pre><code><r:message:link /></code></pre> } tag "message:link" do |tag| options = tag.attr.dup attributes = options.inject('') { |s, (k, v)| s << %{#{k.downcase}="#{v}" } }.strip attributes = " #{attributes}" unless attributes.empty? text = tag.double? ? tag.expand : tag.render('message:subject') %{<a href="#{tag.render('message:url')}"#{attributes}>#{text}</a>} end desc %{ The root 'reader' tag is not meant to be called directly. All it does is summon a reader object so that its fields can be displayed with eg. <pre><code><r:reader:name /></code></pre> This will only work on an access-protected page and should never be used on a cached page, because everyone will see it. } tag 'reader' do |tag| tag.expand if ! && tag.locals.reader = Reader.current end [:name, :forename, :email, :description, :login].each do |field| desc %{ Displays the #{field} field of the current reader. <pre><code><r:reader:#{field} /></code></pre> } tag "reader:#{field}" do |tag| tag.locals.reader.send(field) end end desc %{ Expands if the current reader has been sent any messages. <pre><code><r:reader:if_messages>...</r:reader:if_messages /></code></pre> } tag "reader:if_messages" do |tag| tag.expand if tag.locals.reader.messages.any? end desc %{ Expands if the current reader has not been sent any messages. <pre><code><r:reader:unless_messages>...</r:reader:unless_messages /></code></pre> } tag "reader:unless_messages" do |tag| tag.expand unless tag.locals.reader.messages.any? end desc %{ Loops through the messages that belong to this reader (whether they have been sent or not, so at the moment this may include drafts). <pre><code><r:reader:messages:each>...</r:reader:messages:each /></code></pre> } tag "reader:messages" do |tag| tag.locals.messages = tag.locals.reader.messages tag.expand if tag.locals.messages.any? end tag "reader:messages:each" do |tag| result = [] tag.locals.messages.each do |message| tag.locals.message = message result << tag.expand end result end desc %{ Displays the standard reader_welcome block, but only if a reader is present. For a block that shows an invitation to non-logged-in people, use @r:reader_welcome@ <pre><code><r:reader:controls /></code></pre> } tag "reader:controls" do |tag| tag.render('reader_welcome') end desc %{ Displays the standard block of reader controls: greeting, links to preferences, etc. If there is no reader, this will show a 'login or register' invitation, provided the reader.allow_registration? config entry is true. If you don't want that, use @r:reader:controls@ instead: the reader: prefix means it will only show when a reader is present. If this tag appears on a cached page, we return an empty @<div class="remote_controls">@ into which you can drop whatever you like. <pre><code><r:reader_welcome /></code></pre> } tag "reader_welcome" do |tag| if %{<div class="remote_controls"></div>} else if tag.locals.reader = Reader.current welcome = %{<span class="greeting">Hello #{tag.render('reader:name')}.</span> } links = [] if tag.locals.reader.activated? links << %{<a href="#{edit_reader_path(tag.locals.reader)}">Preferences</a>} links << %{<a href="#{reader_path(tag.locals.reader)}">Your page</a>} links << %{<a href="/admin">Admin</a>} if tag.locals.reader.is_user? links << %{<a href="#{reader_logout_path}">Log out</a>} else welcome << "Please check your email and activate your account." end %{<div class="controls"><p>} + welcome + links.join(%{<span class="separator"> | </span>}) + %{</p></div>} elsif Radiant::Config['reader.allow_registration?'] %{<div class="controls"><p><span class="greeting">Welcome!</span> To take part, please <a href="#{reader_login_path}">log in</a> or <a href="#{reader_register_path}">register</a>.</p></div>} end end end desc %{ Expands only if there is a reader and we are on an uncached page. <pre><code><r:if_reader><div id="controls"><r:reader:controls /></r:if_reader></code></pre> } tag "if_reader" do |tag| tag.expand if ! && tag.locals.reader = Reader.current end desc %{ Expands only if there is no reader or we are not on an uncached page. <pre><code><r:unless_reader>Please log in</r:unless_reader></code></pre> } tag "unless_reader" do |tag| tag.expand unless Reader.current && ! end # work in progress tag "truncated" do |tag| limit = tag.attr['limit'] || 64 omission = tag.attr['omission'] || '…' content = tag.expand Rails.logger.warn "!! truncating #{content} to #{limit}#{omission}" truncate_words(content, limit, omission) end end