module Classiccms module Helpers #for the test suite. Lets remove this laterrr! def ping 'pong' end #insert the header for CMS to work def cms if defined? @user show :header, views: File.join(Classiccms::ROOT, 'views/cms') end end #insert the logout button def logout if @user != nil show :logout, views: File.join(Classiccms::ROOT, 'views/cms') end end #generates url for a document def link(document, url) url = url.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\/]+/, '-').downcase slugs = Slug.where document_id: if slugs.count > 0 slug = slugs.first else slug = slug.document_id = slug.generate_id end "/#{}/#{url}" end #renders a specific page def layout(section_name, position) id = get_parent_id(position) records = Base.where(:_id => id) if records.count > 0 and records.first.connections.where(:section => section_name, => nil).count > 0 file_name = records.first.connections.where(:section => section_name, => nil).first.file show file_name, {views: ["app/views/#{records.first._type}", "app/views/#{records.first._type.downcase}"]}, {record: records.first} else '404' end end #renders all child pages of the given position (id) def section(section_name, parent_id = nil) html = [] parent_id = get_parent_id(parent_id) Base.where(:'connections.parent_id' => parent_id, :'connections.section' => section_name, :'connections.file'.ne => nil).each do |record| connection = record.connections.where(:parent_id => parent_id, :section => section_name, => nil).first #render html rendering = show connection.file, {views: ["app/views/#{record._type}", "app/views/#{record._type.downcase}"]}, {record: record} html.insert(connection.order_id, rendering) end html.join end #returns the html for add button def add(*items) items.each do |item| if item.class == Array item[1] = get_parent_id(item[1]) end end if @user != nil info = Base64.encode64(items.to_s.encrypt) show :add, {views: File.join(Classiccms::ROOT, 'views/cms')}, {encrypteddata: info} end end #returns the html for edit button def edit(id) records = Base.where(_id: id) if records.count > 0 and @user != nil info = Base64.encode64 show :edit, {views: File.join(Classiccms::ROOT, 'views/cms')}, {encrypteddata: info} end end #simple function that return id if user is allowed to sort the item def sort(object) if object.kind_of? BSON::ObjectId or object.kind_of? String object = Base.where(:_id => object).first end if @user != nil end end private #Holy crap! It will return the id based upon the given position (in reverse) def get_parent_id(position) if position.kind_of? Integer routes = @routes.reverse if routes.length > position return routes[position] elsif routes.count > 0 return get_parent_id(position-1) end else return position != nil ? position : @routes.first end end end end