= lyber_utils Require the following: require 'lyber_utils' This will give you: LyberUtils::BagitBag LyberUtils::ChecksumValidate LyberUtils::FileUtilities If you do not want all 3, you can require the individual classes. I.E. if you only want the bagit utils, then require: require 'lyber_utils/bagit_bag' The BagitBag class requires the bagit gem http://github.com/flazz/bagit == Build and release procedure Modify the version number in lyber-utils.gemspec, then push your commits to AFS. DO NOT TAG! Run: 'rake dlss_release' to tag, build, and publish the lyber-core gem See the Rakefile and the LyberCore::DlssRelease task in lyberteam-devel/lib/dlss/rake/dlss_release.rb for more details == Releases - 1.3 Started to use Dor::Config for workspace configuration - 0.1.1 Update dependent version of nokogiri for more flexibility - 0.1.2 Ensure bag begins with an empty directory. Disallow nil values in bag-info.txt properties == Copyright Copyright (c) 2011 Stanford University Library. See LICENSE for details.