### spelling This is a Danger plugin that wraps the python library pyspelling and some of its usage. The pyspelling results are posted to the pull request as a comment with the spelling mistake, file path & line number where the spelling mistake was found. It has some dependencies that should be installed prior to running. * [pyspelling](https://facelessuser.github.io/pyspelling/) * [aspell](http://aspell.net) * **OR** * [hunspell](http://hunspell.github.io) Your repository will also require a .pyspelling.yml file to be present. This .pyspelling.yml can be basic, but it will require a name and source property. There are several ways to use this danger plugin added in the given pull request. spelling.name = "test_matrix" spelling.check_spelling request, excluding some specific file names spelling.ignored_files = ["Gemfile"] spelling.name = "test_matrix" spelling.check_spelling request, excluding some specific file names and excluding some words spelling.ignored_words = ["HammyAssassin"] spelling.ignored_files = ["Gemfile"] spelling.name = "test_matrix" spelling.check_spelling
execute pyspelling matrix with the name 'test_matrix' on all files modified or
execute pyspelling matrix with the name 'test_matrix' on all files modified or added in the given pull
execute pyspelling matrix with the name 'test_matrix' on all files modified or added in the given pull#### Attributes `ignored_words` - Allows you to ignore certain words that might otherwise be detected as a spelling error. default value is [] when its nil `ignored_files` - Allows you to ignore certain files that might otherwise be scanned by pyspelling. The default value is [] for when its nil `name` - **required** The name of the test matrix in your .pyspelling.yml An exception will be raised if this is not specified in your Danger file. #### Methods `check_spelling` - Checks the spelling of all files added or modified in a given pull request. This will fail if pyspelling cannot be installed if not installed already. It will fail if `aspell` or `hunspell` are not detected. It will also fail if the required parameter `name` hasn't been specificed in the Danger file. modified files will be scanned. `update_message_for_issues` - **Internal Method** Updates the message that will eventually be posted as a comment a pull request with a new line for each time the spelling error has been detected. `pyspelling_results` - **Internal Method** Runs pyspelling on the test matrix name provided with any files given. `git_check` - **Internal Method** Check on the git service used. Will raise an error if using bitbucket as it currently doesnt support that. `check_for_dependancies` - **Internal Method** Check for dependencies. Raises exception if pyspelling, hunspell or aspell are not installed. `ignore_line` - **Internal Method** Checks if a given line can be ignored if it contains expected pyspelling output. `remove_ignored_words` - **Internal Method** Removes some standard words in the pyspelling results. Words provided in `ignored_words` will also be removed from the results array. `pyspelling_installed?` - **Internal Method** Checks of pyspelling is installed. `aspell_installed?` - **Internal Method** Checks if aspell is installed. `hunspell_installed?` - **Internal Method** Checks if Hunspell is installed. `aspell_hunspell_installed?` - **Internal Method** checks if aspell and hunspell are installed. `get_files` - **Internal Method** Gets a file list of the files provided or finds modified and added files to scan. If files are provided via `ignored_files` they will be removed from the final returned list. Will raise an exception if no files are found.