require 'config/requirements' require 'config/hoe' # setup Hoe + all gem configuration Dir['tasks/**/*.rake'].each { |rake| load rake } desc "Clean tmp directory" task :clean_tmp do |t| %x[rm #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/Manifest.txt; touch #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/Manifest.txt] %w(logs tmp).each do |dir| FileUtils.rm_rf("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/#{dir}") if ::File.exists?("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/#{dir}") end end desc "Remove the pkg directory" task :clean_pkg do |t| %w(pkg).each do |dir| FileUtils.rm_rf("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/#{dir}") if ::File.exists?("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/#{dir}") end end desc "Generate a new manifest and a new gem" task :build_local_gem => [:clean_tmp, :spec, :clean_pkg, :"manifest:refresh", :package] desc "Packge with timestamp" task :update_timestamp do data = open("PostInstall.txt").read str = "Updated at #{"%D")}" if data.scan(/Updated at/).empty? data = data.gsub(/just installed PoolParty\!/, '\0'+" (#{str})") else data = data ^ {:updated_at => str} end"PostInstall.txt", "w+") {|f| f << data } end desc "Release to github" task :github_release => [:clean_tmp, :spec, :clean_pkg, :"manifest:refresh", :update_timestamp, :package] do res = %x[rake debug_gem] res = res.split("\n")[1..-1].join("\n")"#{GEM_NAME.downcase}.gemspec", "w+") do |f| f << res end `mv #{::File.expand_path(::File.dirname(__FILE__))}/pkg/*.gem #{::File.expand_path(::File.dirname(__FILE__))}/pkg/poolparty.gem` end desc "Generate gemspec" task :gemspec => [:spec, :clean_tmp, :"manifest:refresh", :build_local_gem] do |t| res = %x[rake debug_gem] res = res.split("\n")[1..-1].join("\n")"#{GEM_NAME.downcase}.gemspec", "w+") do |f| f << res end end desc "Generate gemspec for github" task :gh => [:github_release] do filepath = ::File.join(::File.dirname(__FILE__), "poolparty.gemspec") data = open(filepath).read spec = eval("$SAFE = 3\n#{data}") yml = YAML.dump spec, "w+") do |f| f << yml end end desc "Generate github gemspec and latest gem" task :ghgem => [:gh] do %x[sudo gem install pkg/poolparty.gem] end