# frozen_string_literal: true module GoodJob # # Adds Postgres advisory locking capabilities to an ActiveRecord record. # For details on advisory locks, see the Postgres documentation: # - {https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/explicit-locking.html#ADVISORY-LOCKS Advisory Locks Overview} # - {https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/functions-admin.html#FUNCTIONS-ADVISORY-LOCKS Advisory Locks Functions} # # @example Add this concern to a +MyRecord+ class: # class MyRecord < ActiveRecord::Base # include Lockable # # def my_method # ... # end # end # module Lockable extend ActiveSupport::Concern # Indicates an advisory lock is already held on a record by another # database session. RecordAlreadyAdvisoryLockedError = Class.new(StandardError) included do # Default column to be used when creating Advisory Locks class_attribute :advisory_lockable_column, instance_accessor: false, default: nil # Default Postgres function to be used for Advisory Locks class_attribute :advisory_lockable_function, default: "pg_try_advisory_lock" # Attempt to acquire an advisory lock on the selected records and # return only those records for which a lock could be acquired. # @!method advisory_lock(column: _advisory_lockable_column, function: advisory_lockable_function) # @!scope class # @param column [String, Symbol] column values to Advisory Lock against # @param function [String, Symbol] Postgres Advisory Lock function name to use # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] # A relation selecting only the records that were locked. scope :advisory_lock, (lambda do |column: _advisory_lockable_column, function: advisory_lockable_function, select_limit: nil| original_query = self cte_table = Arel::Table.new(:rows) cte_query = original_query.select(primary_key, column).except(:limit) cte_query = cte_query.limit(select_limit) if select_limit cte_type = if supports_cte_materialization_specifiers? 'MATERIALIZED' else '' end composed_cte = Arel::Nodes::As.new(cte_table, Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral.new([cte_type, "(", cte_query.to_sql, ")"].join(' '))) query = cte_table.project(cte_table[:id]) .with(composed_cte) .where(Arel.sql(sanitize_sql_for_conditions(["#{function}(('x' || substr(md5(:table_name || '-' || #{connection.quote_table_name(cte_table.name)}.#{connection.quote_column_name(column)}::text), 1, 16))::bit(64)::bigint)", { table_name: table_name }]))) limit = original_query.arel.ast.limit query.limit = limit.value if limit.present? unscoped.where(arel_table[primary_key].in(query)).merge(original_query.only(:order)) end) # Joins the current query with Postgres's +pg_locks+ table (it provides # data about existing locks) such that each row in the main query joins # to all the advisory locks associated with that row. # # For details on +pg_locks+, see # {https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/view-pg-locks.html}. # @!method joins_advisory_locks(column: _advisory_lockable_column) # @!scope class # @param column [String, Symbol] column values to Advisory Lock against # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] # @example Get the records that have a session awaiting a lock: # MyLockableRecord.joins_advisory_locks.where("pg_locks.granted = ?", false) scope :joins_advisory_locks, (lambda do |column: _advisory_lockable_column| join_sql = <<~SQL.squish LEFT JOIN pg_locks ON pg_locks.locktype = 'advisory' AND pg_locks.objsubid = 1 AND pg_locks.classid = ('x' || substr(md5(:table_name || '-' || #{quoted_table_name}.#{connection.quote_column_name(column)}::text), 1, 16))::bit(32)::int AND pg_locks.objid = (('x' || substr(md5(:table_name || '-' || #{quoted_table_name}.#{connection.quote_column_name(column)}::text), 1, 16))::bit(64) << 32)::bit(32)::int SQL joins(sanitize_sql_for_conditions([join_sql, { table_name: table_name }])) end) # Joins the current query with Postgres's +pg_locks+ table AND SELECTs the resulting columns # @!method joins_advisory_locks(column: _advisory_lockable_column) # @!scope class # @param column [String, Symbol] column values to Advisory Lock against # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] scope :includes_advisory_locks, (lambda do |column: _advisory_lockable_column| owns_advisory_lock_sql = "#{connection.quote_table_name('pg_locks')}.#{connection.quote_column_name('pid')} = pg_backend_pid() AS owns_advisory_lock" joins_advisory_locks(column: column).select("#{quoted_table_name}.*, #{connection.quote_table_name('pg_locks')}.locktype, #{owns_advisory_lock_sql}") end) # Find records that do not have an advisory lock on them. # @!method advisory_unlocked(column: _advisory_lockable_column) # @!scope class # @param column [String, Symbol] column values to Advisory Lock against # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] scope :advisory_unlocked, ->(column: _advisory_lockable_column) { joins_advisory_locks(column: column).where(pg_locks: { locktype: nil }) } # Find records that have an advisory lock on them. # @!method advisory_locked(column: _advisory_lockable_column) # @!scope class # @param column [String, Symbol] column values to Advisory Lock against # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] scope :advisory_locked, ->(column: _advisory_lockable_column) { joins_advisory_locks(column: column).where.not(pg_locks: { locktype: nil }) } # Find records with advisory locks owned by the current Postgres # session/connection. # @!method advisory_locked(column: _advisory_lockable_column) # @!scope class # @param column [String, Symbol] column values to Advisory Lock against # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] scope :owns_advisory_locked, ->(column: _advisory_lockable_column) { joins_advisory_locks(column: column).where('"pg_locks"."pid" = pg_backend_pid()') } # Whether an advisory lock should be acquired in the same transaction # that created the record. # # This helps prevent another thread or database session from acquiring a # lock on the record between the time you create it and the time you # request a lock, since other sessions will not be able to see the new # record until the transaction that creates it is completed (at which # point you have already acquired the lock). # # @example # record = MyLockableRecord.create(create_with_advisory_lock: true) # record.advisory_locked? # => true # # @return [Boolean] attr_accessor :create_with_advisory_lock after_create -> { advisory_lock }, if: :create_with_advisory_lock end class_methods do # Acquires an advisory lock on the selected record(s) and safely releases # it after the passed block is completed. The block will be passed an # array of the locked records as its first argument. # # Note that this will not block and wait for locks to be acquired. # Instead, it will acquire a lock on all the selected records that it # can (as in {Lockable.advisory_lock}) and only pass those that could be # locked to the block. # # @param column [String, Symbol] name of advisory lock or unlock function # @param function [String, Symbol] Postgres Advisory Lock function name to use # @param unlock_session [Boolean] Whether to unlock all advisory locks in the session afterwards # @yield [Array<Lockable>] the records that were successfully locked. # @return [Object] the result of the block. # # @example Work on the first two +MyLockableRecord+ objects that could be locked: # MyLockableRecord.order(created_at: :asc).limit(2).with_advisory_lock do |record| # do_something_with record # end def with_advisory_lock(column: _advisory_lockable_column, function: advisory_lockable_function, unlock_session: false, select_limit: nil) raise ArgumentError, "Must provide a block" unless block_given? records = advisory_lock(column: column, function: function, select_limit: select_limit).to_a begin unscoped { yield(records) } ensure if unlock_session advisory_unlock_session else records.each do |record| record.advisory_unlock(key: record.lockable_column_key(column: column), function: advisory_unlockable_function(function)) end end end end # Acquires an advisory lock on this record if it is not already locked by # another database session. Be careful to ensure you release the lock when # you are done with {#advisory_unlock_key} to release all remaining locks. # @param key [String, Symbol] Key to Advisory Lock against # @param function [String, Symbol] Postgres Advisory Lock function name to use # @return [Boolean] whether the lock was acquired. def advisory_lock_key(key, function: advisory_lockable_function) query = if function.include? "_try_" <<~SQL.squish SELECT #{function}(('x'||substr(md5($1::text), 1, 16))::bit(64)::bigint) AS locked SQL else <<~SQL.squish SELECT #{function}(('x'||substr(md5($1::text), 1, 16))::bit(64)::bigint)::text AS locked SQL end binds = [ ActiveRecord::Relation::QueryAttribute.new('key', key, ActiveRecord::Type::String.new), ] locked = connection.exec_query(pg_or_jdbc_query(query), 'GoodJob::Lockable Advisory Lock', binds).first['locked'] return locked unless block_given? return nil unless locked begin yield ensure advisory_unlock_key(key, function: advisory_unlockable_function(function)) end end # Releases an advisory lock on this record if it is locked by this database # session. Note that advisory locks stack, so you must call # {#advisory_unlock} and {#advisory_lock} the same number of times. # @param key [String, Symbol] Key to lock against # @param function [String, Symbol] Postgres Advisory Lock function name to use # @return [Boolean] whether the lock was released. def advisory_unlock_key(key, function: advisory_unlockable_function) query = <<~SQL.squish SELECT #{function}(('x'||substr(md5($1::text), 1, 16))::bit(64)::bigint) AS unlocked SQL binds = [ ActiveRecord::Relation::QueryAttribute.new('key', key, ActiveRecord::Type::String.new), ] connection.exec_query(pg_or_jdbc_query(query), 'GoodJob::Lockable Advisory Unlock', binds).first['unlocked'] end def _advisory_lockable_column advisory_lockable_column || primary_key end def supports_cte_materialization_specifiers? return @_supports_cte_materialization_specifiers if defined?(@_supports_cte_materialization_specifiers) @_supports_cte_materialization_specifiers = connection.postgresql_version >= 120000 end # Postgres advisory unlocking function for the class # @param function [String, Symbol] name of advisory lock or unlock function # @return [Boolean] def advisory_unlockable_function(function = advisory_lockable_function) function.to_s.sub("_lock", "_unlock").sub("_try_", "_") end # Unlocks all advisory locks active in the current database session/connection # @return [void] def advisory_unlock_session connection.exec_query("SELECT pg_advisory_unlock_all()::text AS unlocked", 'GoodJob::Lockable Unlock Session').first[:unlocked] end # Converts SQL query strings between PG-compatible and JDBC-compatible syntax # @param query [String] # @return [Boolean] def pg_or_jdbc_query(query) if Concurrent.on_jruby? # Replace $1 bind parameters with ? query.gsub(/\$\d*/, '?') else query end end end # Acquires an advisory lock on this record if it is not already locked by # another database session. Be careful to ensure you release the lock when # you are done with {#advisory_unlock} (or {#advisory_unlock!} to release # all remaining locks). # @param key [String, Symbol] Key to Advisory Lock against # @param function [String, Symbol] Postgres Advisory Lock function name to use # @return [Boolean] whether the lock was acquired. def advisory_lock(key: lockable_key, function: advisory_lockable_function) self.class.advisory_lock_key(key, function: function) end # Releases an advisory lock on this record if it is locked by this database # session. Note that advisory locks stack, so you must call # {#advisory_unlock} and {#advisory_lock} the same number of times. # @param key [String, Symbol] Key to lock against # @param function [String, Symbol] Postgres Advisory Lock function name to use # @return [Boolean] whether the lock was released. def advisory_unlock(key: lockable_key, function: self.class.advisory_unlockable_function(advisory_lockable_function)) self.class.advisory_unlock_key(key, function: function) end # Acquires an advisory lock on this record or raises # {RecordAlreadyAdvisoryLockedError} if it is already locked by another # database session. # @param key [String, Symbol] Key to lock against # @param function [String, Symbol] Postgres Advisory Lock function name to use # @raise [RecordAlreadyAdvisoryLockedError] # @return [Boolean] +true+ def advisory_lock!(key: lockable_key, function: advisory_lockable_function) self.class.advisory_lock_key(key, function: function) || raise(RecordAlreadyAdvisoryLockedError) end # Acquires an advisory lock on this record and safely releases it after the # passed block is completed. If the record is locked by another database # session, this raises {RecordAlreadyAdvisoryLockedError}. # @param key [String, Symbol] Key to lock against # @param function [String, Symbol] Postgres Advisory Lock function name to use # @yield Nothing # @return [Object] The result of the block. # # @example # record = MyLockableRecord.first # record.with_advisory_lock do # do_something_with record # end def with_advisory_lock(key: lockable_key, function: advisory_lockable_function) raise ArgumentError, "Must provide a block" unless block_given? advisory_lock!(key: key, function: function) begin yield ensure advisory_unlock(key: key, function: self.class.advisory_unlockable_function(function)) end end # Tests whether this record has an advisory lock on it. # @param key [String, Symbol] Key to test lock against # @return [Boolean] def advisory_locked?(key: lockable_key) query = <<~SQL.squish SELECT 1 AS one FROM pg_locks WHERE pg_locks.locktype = 'advisory' AND pg_locks.objsubid = 1 AND pg_locks.classid = ('x' || substr(md5($1::text), 1, 16))::bit(32)::int AND pg_locks.objid = (('x' || substr(md5($2::text), 1, 16))::bit(64) << 32)::bit(32)::int SQL binds = [ ActiveRecord::Relation::QueryAttribute.new('key', key, ActiveRecord::Type::String.new), ActiveRecord::Relation::QueryAttribute.new('key', key, ActiveRecord::Type::String.new), ] self.class.connection.exec_query(pg_or_jdbc_query(query), 'GoodJob::Lockable Advisory Locked?', binds).any? end # Tests whether this record does not have an advisory lock on it. # @param key [String, Symbol] Key to test lock against # @return [Boolean] def advisory_unlocked?(key: lockable_key) !advisory_locked?(key: key) end # Tests whether this record is locked by the current database session. # @param key [String, Symbol] Key to test lock against # @return [Boolean] def owns_advisory_lock?(key: lockable_key) query = <<~SQL.squish SELECT 1 AS one FROM pg_locks WHERE pg_locks.locktype = 'advisory' AND pg_locks.objsubid = 1 AND pg_locks.classid = ('x' || substr(md5($1::text), 1, 16))::bit(32)::int AND pg_locks.objid = (('x' || substr(md5($2::text), 1, 16))::bit(64) << 32)::bit(32)::int AND pg_locks.pid = pg_backend_pid() SQL binds = [ ActiveRecord::Relation::QueryAttribute.new('key', key, ActiveRecord::Type::String.new), ActiveRecord::Relation::QueryAttribute.new('key', key, ActiveRecord::Type::String.new), ] self.class.connection.exec_query(pg_or_jdbc_query(query), 'GoodJob::Lockable Owns Advisory Lock?', binds).any? end # Releases all advisory locks on the record that are held by the current # database session. # @param key [String, Symbol] Key to lock against # @param function [String, Symbol] Postgres Advisory Lock function name to use # @return [void] def advisory_unlock!(key: lockable_key, function: self.class.advisory_unlockable_function(advisory_lockable_function)) advisory_unlock(key: key, function: function) while advisory_locked? end # Default Advisory Lock key # @return [String] def lockable_key lockable_column_key end # Default Advisory Lock key for column-based locking # @return [String] def lockable_column_key(column: self.class._advisory_lockable_column) "#{self.class.table_name}-#{self[column]}" end delegate :pg_or_jdbc_query, to: :class end end