= Disclaimer A tool for adding disclaimers to applications. == Installation To use this engine: === Gemfile Add the following to your Gemfile gem 'disclaimer' === Migrations To add disclaimer's migrations to the host apps' migrations, run this command: rake disclaimer:install:migrations === Routing Update config/routes.rb by adding: mount Disclaimer::Engine => "/disclaimer" See test/dummy/config/routes.rb == Usage First create a disclaimer document (see below) and give it a name. (The name is in underscore form: like_this). Then in your application controller, define the disclaimer you wish to use with 'disclaimer(:document_name)'. So for example, you have a disclaimer document with the name :our_company_disclaimer and you want to make sure that everyone who visits your products controller has accepted this disclaimer. Modify the controller like this: class ProductsController < ApplicationController disclaimer :our_company_disclaimer .....(rest of controller).... end Then when a user navigates to the products controller, they will be redirected to the disclaimer document at: /disclaimer/documents/our_company_disclaimer If they accept the disclaimer, they will be redirected back to the page they were originally aiming for. The acceptance is stored in session and therefore will be remembered for as long as the browser is open. === Options A before_filter is used to provide this functionality, and you can pass before_filter options through from the disclaimer declaration. Therefore, to only display a disclaimer for the index and show actions in a controller use: disclaimer :our_company_disclaimer, :only => [:index, :show] == Documents and Segments Each disclaimer consists of a Disclaimer::Document, and this document can have many Segments. Segments can be shared across many documents. == Controller CRUD actions By default, documents#show (GET) and documents#accept (POST) are the only acceptable disclaimer actions. If you wish to enable all the CRUD actions available in the documents and segments controllers, set Disclaimer.enable_crud! in an initializer. For example, see test/dummy/config/initializers/disclaimer.rb With CRUD actions enabled documents can be managed at /disclaimer/documents, and Segments at /disclaimer/segments. If you wish to modify the controller behaviour (for example by adding access control), copy disclaimer's app/disclaimer/controllers to the same location in your application, and modify these copies. The versions in your application will take precedence over those in disclaimer. == Routing Disclaimer uses a redirect to send a user to the disclaimer document. So as to determine the correct path irrespective of where the app is hosted, the redirect uses the hosts apps root path to build the redirect url. For this to work, root needs to be defined in the host apps routes. Alternatively, you can over-ride the host root url used in the redirect by setting host_app_root_path in an initializer: Disclaimer.host_app_root_path= '/app1' == Managing views The default views are simple, and you will probably want to modify them. To do this create disclaimer view files in your host app. These will take precedence over the versions located in the gem. To create your own disclaimer page, create a new show file within your host rails app. For example: /app/views/disclaimer/documents/show.html.erb == Into production I would recommend using seeding to generate your initial disclaimer documents, or you could create a custom rake task to do this for you. Alternatively use the option used in test/dummy: disclaimer Disclaimer::Document.first.name.to_sym This will display the first disclaimer document in your database.