module Devise module Controllers # Create url helpers to be used with resource/scope configuration. Acts as # proxies to the generated routes created by devise. # Resource param can be a string or symbol, a class, or an instance object. # Example using a :user resource: # # new_session_path(:user) => new_user_session_path # session_path(:user) => user_session_path # destroy_session_path(:user) => destroy_user_session_path # # new_password_path(:user) => new_user_password_path # password_path(:user) => user_password_path # edit_password_path(:user) => edit_user_password_path # # new_confirmation_path(:user) => new_user_confirmation_path # confirmation_path(:user) => user_confirmation_path # # Those helpers are added to your ApplicationController. module UrlHelpers def self.remove_helpers!|path)$/).each do |method| remove_method method end end def self.generate_helpers!(routes=nil) routes ||= begin mappings = Devise::URL_HELPERS.slice(*mappings) end routes.each do |module_name, actions| [:path, :url].each do |path_or_url| actions.each do |action| action = action ? "#{action}_" : "" method = "#{action}#{module_name}_#{path_or_url}" class_eval <<-URL_HELPERS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{method}(resource_or_scope, *args) scope = Devise::Mapping.find_scope!(resource_or_scope) send("#{action}\#{scope}_#{module_name}_#{path_or_url}", *args) end URL_HELPERS end end end end generate_helpers!(Devise::URL_HELPERS) end end end