#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'optparse' require 'csv' require 'bio' require 'bio-samtools' $: << File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib') $: << File.expand_path('.') path= File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/bioruby-polyploid-tools.rb') require path options = {} options[:arm_selection] = Bio::PolyploidTools::ChromosomeArm.getArmSelection("nrgene"); OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: vcfToPolyMarker.rb [options]" opts.on("-c", "--reference FILE", "File with genome reference to use as database") do |o| options[:path_to_contigs] = o end opts.on("-a", "--arm_selection #{Bio::PolyploidTools::ChromosomeArm.getValidFunctions.join('|')}", "Function to decide the chromome arm") do |o| tmp_str = o arr = o.split(",") if arr.size == 2 options[:arm_selection] = lambda do |contig_name| separator, field = arr field = field.to_i ret = contig_name.split(separator)[field] return ret end else options[:arm_selection] = Bio::PolyploidTools::ChromosomeArm.getArmSelection(o) end end end.parse! def parseVCFheader(head_line="") ##INFO= m=/##INFO=/.match(head_line) {:id=>m[1],:number=>m[2],:type=>m[3],:desc=>m[4]} end header_info = Hash.new ref=options[:path_to_contigs] fasta_reference_db = Bio::DB::Fasta::FastaFile.new({:fasta=>ref}) fasta_reference_db.load_fai_entries $stdin.each do |line| h = nil h = parseVCFheader(line) if line.start_with? "##INFO" header_info[h[:id]] = h[:desc] if h #puts header_info.inspect next if line.start_with? "##" if line.start_with? "#CHROM" arr = line.split arr = arr.drop(9) arr2 = arr.map { |s| [s.clone().prepend('Cov'), s.clone().prepend('Hap') ]} #header += arr2.join("\t") #puts header next end line.chomp! #puts line snp = Bio::PolyploidTools::SNP.parseVCF( line , chr_arm_parser: options[:arm_selection]) #puts snp.inspect snp.setTemplateFromFastaFile(fasta_reference_db, flanking_size: 100) puts [snp.gene, snp.chromosome ,snp.to_polymarker_sequence(100)].join(",") end