Stochastic Interaction and Linear Logic
2: Patrick D. Lincoln John C. Mitchell Andre Scedrov
3: Abstract
4: We present stochastic interactive semantics for propositional linear
5: Logic without modalities. The framework is based on interactive
6: protocols considered in computational complexity theory, in which
17:new tool in automated deduction.
18: A revised version appears in : "Advances in Linear Logic", ed. by J.-Y. Girard et
19:al., London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes Series, Volume 222, Cambridge University
20:Press, 1995, pp. 147-166.
21: lincoln@csl.sri.com SRI International Computer Science Laboratory, Menlo Park
22:CA 94025 USA. Work supported under NSF Grant CCR-9224858.
23: jcm@cs.stanford.edu http://theory.stanford.edu/people/jcm/home.html Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, Supported in part
24:by an NSF PYI Award, matching funds from Digital Equipment Corporation, the Powell Foundation, and Xerox Corporation; and the Wallace F. and Lucille M. Davis Faculty
26: andre@cis.upenn.edu http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~andre Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 19104-6395. Partially supported by
27:NSF Grants CCR-91-02753 and CCR-94-00907 and by ONR Grant N00014-92-J-1916. Sce-drov is an American Mathematical Society Centennial Research Fellow.