require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe "Mebla" do describe "searching" do before(:each) do Mebla.context.rebuild_index MongoidAlpha.create! :name => "Testing index", :value => 1, :cost => 2.0 end it "should search and return the only relevant result" do do query { string "name: Testing index" } end results.count.should == 1 end it "should search and return the only relevant result, and cast it into the correct class type" do do query { string "name: Testing index" } end results.first.class.should == MongoidAlpha end describe "multiple types" do before(:each) do MongoidBeta.create! :name => "Testing index" end it "should search and return all results of all class types" do do query { string "name: Testing index" } end results.count.should == 2 (results.each.collect{|e| e.class} & [MongoidAlpha, MongoidBeta]).should =~ [MongoidAlpha, MongoidBeta] end it "should search and return only results from the searched class type" do do query { string "name: Testing index" } end results.count.should == 1 results.first.class.should == MongoidAlpha end end describe "embedded documents" do before(:each) do beta = MongoidBeta.create! :name => "Embedor parent" beta.mongoid_gammas.create :name => "Embedded", :value => 1 end it "should search and return the only relevant result" do do query { string "name: Embedded" } end results.count.should == 1 end it "should search and return the only relevant result, and cast it into the correct class type" do do query { string "name: Embedded" } end results.first.class.should == MongoidGamma end end end end