module ModelClass require 'stringio' include OrientSupport::Support ########### CLASS FUNCTIONS ######### SELF #### ######## INITIALIZE A RECORD FROM A CLASS ######## =begin NamingConvention provides a translation from database-names to class-names. It can be overwritten to provide different conventions for different classes, eg. Vertexes or edges and to introduce distinct naming-conventions in differrent namespaces To overwrite use class Model # < ActiveOrient::Model[:: ...] def self.naming_convention ( conversion code ) end end =end def naming_convention name=nil nc = name.present?? name.to_s : ref_name if namespace_prefix.present? nc.split(namespace_prefix).last.camelize else nc.camelize end rescue nil end =begin Set the namespace_prefix for database-classes. If a namespace is set by ActiveOrient::Init.define_namespace { ModuleName } ActiveOrient translates this to ModuleName::CamelizedClassName The database-class becomes modulename_class_name If the namespace is set to a class (Object, ActiveOrient::Model ) namespace_prefix returns an empty string. Override to change its behavior =end def namespace_prefix namespace.is_a?(Class )? '' : namespace.to_s.downcase+'_' end =begin orientdb_class is used to refer a ActiveOrient:Model-Object providing its name Parameter: name: string or symbol =end def orientdb_class name:, superclass: nil # :nodoc: # public method: autoload_class ActiveOrient.database_classes[name].presence || ActiveOrient::Model rescue NoMethodError => e logger.error { "Error in orientdb_class: is ActiveOrient.database_classes initialized ? \n\n\n" } logger.error{ {|l| " #{l}\n"}.join } Kernel.exit end =begin setter method to initialise a dummy ActiveOrient::Model class to enable multi-level access to links and linklists =end def link_list *property property.each do |p| the_dummy_class = orientdb.allocate_class_in_ruby("dummy_"+p.to_s) the_dummy_class.ref_name = ref_name + "." + p.to_s singleton_class.send :define_method, p do the_dummy_class end end end =begin requires the file specified in the model-dir In fact, the model-files are loaded instead of required. Thus, even after recreation of a class (Class.delete_class, ORD.create_class classname) custom methods declared in the model files are present. Required modelfiles are gone, if the class is destroyed. The directory specified is expanded by the namespace. The parameter itself is the base-dir. Example: Namespace: HC model_dir : 'lib/model' searched directory: 'lib/model/hc' =end def require_model_file the_directory = nil logger.progname = 'ModelClass#RequireModelFile' the_directory = Pathname( the_directory.presence || ActiveOrient::Model.model_dir ) rescue nil # the_directory is a Pathname return nil if the_directory.nil? if File.exists?( the_directory ) model= self.to_s.underscore + ".rb" filename = the_directory + model if File.exists?(filename ) if load filename{ "#{filename} sucessfully loaded" } self #return_value else logger.error{ "#{filename} load error" } nil #return_value end else{ "model-file not present: #{filename}" } nil #return_value end else{ "Directory #{ the_directory } not present " } nil #return_value end rescue TypeError => e puts "TypeError: #{e.message}" puts "Working on #{self.to_s} -> #{self.superclass}" puts "Class_hierarchy: #{orientdb.class_hierarchy.inspect}." print e.backtrace.join("\n") raise # end ########## CREATE ############ =begin Universal method to create a new record. It's overloaded to create specific kinds, eg. edge and vertex and is called only for abstract classes Example: ORD.create_class :test Test.create string_attribute: 'a string', symbol_attribute: :a_symbol, array_attribute: [34,45,67] Test.create link_attribute: Test.create( :a_new_attribute => 'new' ) =end def create **attributes attributes.merge :created_at => result = db.create_record self, attributes: attributes if result.nil logger.error('Model::Class'){ "Table #{refname}: create failed: #{attributes.inspect}" } elsif block_given? yield result else result # return value end end =begin Creates or updates a record. Parameter: - set: A hash of attributes to insert or update unconditionally - where: A string or hash as condition which should return just one record. The where-part should be covered with an unique-index. returns the affected record =end def upsert set: nil, where: set = where if set.nil? db.upsert self, set: set, where: where end =begin Sets a value to certain attributes, overwrites existing entries, creates new attributes if nessesary IB::Account.update_all connected: false IB::Account.update_all where: "account containsText 'F'", set:{ connected: false } **note: By calling UpdateAll, all records of the Class previously stored in the rid-cache are removed from the cache. Thus autoload gets the updated records. =end def update_all where: {} , set: {}, **arg if where.empty? set.merge! arg end db.update_records self, set: set, where: where end # # removes a property from the collection (where given) or the entire class def remove attribute, where:{} db.update_records self, remove: attribute, where: where end =begin Create a Property in the Schema of the Class and optionaly create an automatic index Examples: create_property :customer_id, type: integer, index: :unique create_property( :name, type: :string ) { :unique } create_property :in, type: :link, linked_class: V (used by edges) :call-seq: create_property(field (required), type: :a_supported_type', linked_class: nil supported types: :bool :double :datetime :float :decimal :embedded_list = :list :embedded_map = :map :embedded_set = :set :int :integer :link_list :link_map :link_set If `:list`, `:map`, `:set`, `:link`, `:link_list`, `:link_map` or `:link_set` is specified a `linked_class:` parameter can be specified. Argument is the OrientDB-Class-Constant =end def create_property field, type: :integer, index: nil, **args arguments = do |y| if y.is_a?(Class) && ActiveOrient.database_classes.values.include?(y) y.ref_name elsif ActiveOrient.database_classes.keys.include?(y.to_s) y else puts ActiveOrient.database_classes.inspect puts "YY : #{y.to_s} #{y.class}" raise ArgumentError , "database class #{y.to_s} not allocated" end end.compact.join(',') supported_types = { :bool => "BOOLEAN", :double => "BYTE", :datetime => "DATE", :float => "FLOAT", :decimal => "DECIMAL", :embedded_list => "EMBEDDEDLIST", :list => "EMBEDDEDLIST", :embedded_map => "EMBEDDEDMAP", :map => "EMBEDDEDMAP", :embedded_set => "EMBEDDEDSET", :set => "EMBEDDEDSET", :string => "STRING", :int => "INTEGER", :integer => "INTEGER", :link => "LINK", :link_list => "LINKLIST", :link_map => "LINKMAP", :link_set => "LINKSET", } ## if the »type« argument is a string, it is used unchanged type = supported_types[type] if type.is_a?(Symbol) raise ArgumentError , "unsupported type" if type.nil? s= " CREATE PROPERTY #{ref_name}.#{field} #{type} #{arguments}" puts s db.execute { s } i = block_given? ? yield : index ## supported format of block: index: { name: 'something' , on: :automatic, type: :unique } ## or { name: 'something' , on: :automatic, type: :unique } # ## or { some_name: :unique } # manual index ## or { :unique } # automatic index if i.is_a? Hash att= i.key( :index ) ? i.values.first : i name, on, type = if att.size == 1 && att[:type].nil? [att.keys.first, field, att.values.first ] else [ att[:name] || field , att[:on] || field , att[:type] || :unique ] end create_index( name , on: on, type: type) elsif i.is_a?(Symbol) || i.is_a?(String) create_index field, type: i end # orientdb.create_property self, field, **keyword_arguments, &b end # Create more Properties in the Schema of the Class def create_properties argument_hash, &b orientdb.create_properties self, argument_hash, &b end # Add an Index def create_index name, **attributes orientdb.create_index self, name: name, **attributes end # list all Indexes def indexes properties[:indexes] end ########## GET ############### def classname # :nodoc: # ref_name end # get elements by rid def get rid if @excluded.blank? db.get_record(rid) else db.execute{ "select expand( @this.exclude( #{",")})) from #{rid} "} end end # get all the elements of the class def all db.get_records from: self end # get the first element of the class def first where: {} db.get_records(from: self, where: where, limit: 1).pop end # get the last element of the class def last where: {} db.get_records(from: self, where: where, order: {"@rid" => 'desc'}, limit: 1).pop end # Used to count of the elements in the class def count **args orientdb.count from: self, **args end # Get the properties of the class def properties object = orientdb.get_class_properties self :properties => object['properties'], :indexes => object['indexes'] {:properties => object['properties'], :indexes => object['indexes']} end alias get_class_properties properties # Print the properties of the class def print_properties orientdb.print_class_properties self end =begin »GetRecords« uses the REST-Interface to query the database. The alternative »QueryDatabase« submits the query via Batch. Both methods rely on OrientSupport::OrientQuery and its capacity to support complex query-builds. The method requires a hash of arguments. The following keys are supported: *projection:* SQL-Queries use »select« to specify a projection (ie. `select sum(a), b+5 as z from class where ...`) In ruby »select« is a method of enumeration. To specify anything etween »select« and »from« in the query-string we use »projection«, which acceps different arguments projection: a_string --> inserts the sting as it appears projection: an OrientSupport::OrientQuery-Object --> performs a sub-query and uses the result for further querying though the given parameters. projection: [a, b, c] --> "a, b, c" (inserts a comma-separated list) projection: {a: b, "sum(x)" => f} --> "a as b, sum(x) as f" (renames properties and uses functions) *distinct:* Constructs a query like »select distinct(property) [as property] from ...« distinct: :property --> the result is mapped to the property »distinct«. distinct: [:property] --> the result replaces the property distinct: {property: :some_name} --> the result is mapped to ModelInstance.some_name *order:* Sorts the result-set. If new properties were introduced via select:, distinct: etc. Sorting takes place on these properties order: :property {property: asc, property: desc}[property, property, .. ](orderdirection is 'asc') Further supported Parameter: group_by skip limit unwind see orientdb- documentation ( *query:* Instead of providing the parameter to »get_records«, a OrientSupport::OrientQuery can build and tested prior to the method-call. The OrientQuery-Object is then provided with the query-parameter. I.e. q = ORD.create_class :test_model q.from TestModel q.where {name: 'Thomas'} count = TestModel.count query: q q.limit 10 0.step(count,10) do |x| q.skip = x puts TestModel.get_documents(query: q).map{|x| x.adress }.join('\t') end prints a Table with 10 columns. =end def get_records **args db.get_records(from: self, **args){self} end alias get_documents get_records def custom_where search_string q = from: self, where: search_string #puts q.compose query_database q end =begin Performs a query on the Class and returns an Array of ActiveOrient:Model-Records. Example: Log.where priority: 'high' --> submited database-request: query/hc_database/sql/select from Log where priority = 'high'/-1 => [ # select from aktie where symbol = 'TLS' and exchange = 'ASX' Where performs a »match-Query« that returns only links to the queries records. These are autoloaded (and reused from the cache). If changed database-records should be obtained, custom_query should be used. It performs a "select form class where ... " query which returns records instead of links. Property.custom_where( "'Hamburg' in exchanges.label") =end def where *attributes query= kind: :match, start:{ class: self.classname } query.match_statements[0].where = attributes unless attributes.empty? # the block contains a result-record : #"d", :class=>nil, :version=>0, :fieldTypes=>"test_models=x"}, @d=nil, # @attributes={:test_models=>"#29:3", :created_at=>Thu, 28 Mar 2019 10:43:51 +0000}>] # ^...........° -> classname.pluralize query_database( query, set_from: false){| record | record.is_a?(ActiveOrient::Model) ? record : record.send( self.classnamepluralize.to_sym ) } end =begin Performs a Match-Query The Query starts at the given ActiveOrient::Model-Class. The where-cause narrows the sample to certain records. In the simplest version this can be returned: Industry.match where:{ name: "Communications" } => #"d", "class"=>nil, "version"=>0, "fieldTypes"=>"Industries=x"}, @attributes={"Industries"=>"#21:1", (...)}> The attributes are the return-Values of the Match-Query. Unless otherwise noted, the pluralized Model-Classname is used as attribute in the result-set. I.match( where: { name: 'Communications' }).first.Industries is the same then Industry.where name: "Communications" The Match-Query uses this result-set as start for subsequent queries on connected records. These connections are defined in the Block var = Industry.match do | query | query.connect :in, count: 2, as: 'Subcategories' puts query.to_s # print the query before sending it to the database query # important: block has to return the query end => MATCH {class: Industry, as: Industries} <-- {} <-- { as: Subcategories } RETURN Industries, Subcategories The result-set has two attributes: Industries and Subcategories, pointing to the filtered datasets. By using subsequent »connect« and »statement« method-calls even complex Match-Queries can be clearly constructed. =end def match where: {} query= kind: :match, start:{ class: self.classname } query.match_statements[0].where = where unless where.empty? if block_given? query_database yield(query), set_from: false else send :where, where end end =begin QueryDatabase sends the Query directly to the database. The result is not nessessary an Object of the Class. The result can be modified further by passing a block. This is helpful, if a match-statement is used and the records should be autoloaded: result = query_database(query, set_from: false){| record | record[ self.classname.pluralize ] } This autoloads (fetches from the cache/ or database) the attribute self.classname.pluralize (taken from method: where ) query_database is used on model-level and submits select (...) from class #query performs queries on the instance-level and submits select (...) from #{a}:{b} =end def query_database query, set_from: true query.from self if set_from && query.is_a?(OrientSupport::OrientQuery) && query.from.nil? sql_cmd = -> (command) {{ type: "cmd", language: "sql", command: command }} result = db.execute do query.to_s # sql_cmd[query.to_s] end if block_given? result.is_a?(Array)?{|x| yield x } : yield(result) else result end if result.is_a? Array work_on: self, work_with: result else result end # return value end ########### DELETE ############### # Delete a property from the class def delete_property field orientdb.delete_property self, field end # Delete record(s) specified by their rid's def delete_record *rid db.delete_record rid end alias delete_document delete_record # Query the database and delete the records of the resultset def delete_records where: {} orientdb.delete_records self, where: where end alias delete_documents delete_records ##################### EXPERIMENT ################# =begin Suppose that you created a graph where vertexes month is connected with the vertexes day by the edge TIMEOF. Suppose we want to find all the days in the first month and in the third month.. Usually we can do in the following way. ORD.create_class :month (.. put some records into Month ... ) firstmonth = Month.first thirdmonth = Month.all[2] days_firstmonth ={|x|} days_thirdmonth ={|x|} However we can obtain the same result with the following command Month.add_edge_link name: "days", direction: "out", edge: TIME_OF firstmonth = month.first thirdmonth = month.all[2] days_firstmonth = firstmonth.days days_thirdmonth = thirdmonth.days To get their value you can do: thirdmonth.days.value =end def add_edge_link name:, direction: :out, edge: dir = direction.to_s == "out" ? :out : :in define_method(name.to_sym) do return self["#{dir}_#{edge.classname}"].map{|x| x["in"]} end end =begin See =end def alter_property property:, attribute: "DEFAULT", alteration: # :nodoc: orientdb.alter_property self, property: property, attribute: attribute, alteration: alteration end end