class UsersController < BaseController include Viewable cache_sweeper :taggable_sweeper, :only => [:activate, :update, :destroy] before_action :login_required, :only => [:edit, :edit_account, :update, :welcome_photo, :welcome_about, :welcome_invite, :return_admin, :assume, :featured, :toggle_featured, :edit_pro_details, :update_pro_details, :dashboard, :deactivate, :crop_profile_photo, :upload_profile_photo] before_action :find_user, :only => [:edit, :edit_pro_details, :show, :update, :statistics, :deactivate, :crop_profile_photo, :upload_profile_photo ] before_action :require_current_user, :only => [:edit, :update, :update_account, :edit_pro_details, :update_pro_details, :welcome_photo, :welcome_about, :welcome_invite, :deactivate, :crop_profile_photo, :upload_profile_photo] before_action :admin_required, :only => [:assume, :destroy, :featured, :toggle_featured, :toggle_moderator] before_action :admin_or_current_user_required, :only => [:statistics] def activate redirect_to signup_path and return if params[:id].blank? @user = User.find_by_activation_code(params[:id]) if @user and @user.activate self.current_user = @user @user.track_activity(:joined_the_site) flash[:notice] = :thanks_for_activating_your_account.l redirect_to welcome_photo_user_path(@user) and return end flash[:error] = :account_activation_error.l_with_args(:email => configatron.support_email) redirect_to signup_path end def deactivate @user.deactivate current_user_session.destroy if current_user_session flash[:notice] = :deactivate_completed.l redirect_to login_path end def index @users, @search, @metro_areas, @states = User.search_conditions_with_metros_and_states(params) @users =[:page]).per(20) @metro_areas, @states = User.find_country_and_state_from_search_params(params) @tags = User.tag_counts :limit => 10 setup_metro_areas_for_cloud end def dashboard @user = current_user @network_activity = @user.network_activity @recommended_posts = @user.recommended_posts end def show @friend_count = @user.accepted_friendships.count @accepted_friendships = @user.accepted_friendships.limit(5).to_a.collect{|f| f.friend } @pending_friendships_count = @user.pending_friendships.count() @comments = @user.comments.limit(10).order('created_at DESC') @photo_comments = Comment.find_photo_comments_for(@user) @users_comments = Comment.find_comments_by_user(@user).limit(5) @recent_posts = @user.posts.recent.limit(2) @clippings = @user.clippings.limit(5) @photos = @comment = @my_activity = Activity.recent.by_users([]).limit(10) update_view_count(@user) unless current_user && current_user.eql?(@user) end def new @user = => Date.parse(( - 25.years).to_s)) @inviter_id = params[:id] @inviter_code = params[:code] end def create @user = @user.role = Role[:member] if (!configatron.require_captcha_on_signup || verify_recaptcha(@user)) && create_friendship_with_inviter(@user, params) flash[:notice] = :email_signup_thanks.l_with_args(:email => redirect_to signup_completed_user_path(@user) else render :action => 'new' end end def edit @metro_areas, @states = setup_locations_for(@user) @avatar = (@user.avatar || @user.build_avatar) end def update @metro_areas, @states = setup_locations_for(@user) unless params[:metro_area_id].blank? @user.metro_area = MetroArea.find(params[:metro_area_id]) @user.state = (@user.metro_area && @user.metro_area.state) ? @user.metro_area.state : nil = if (@user.metro_area && else @user.metro_area = @user.state = = nil end @user.tag_list = params[:tag_list] || '' if user_params attributes = user_params.permit! attributes[:avatar_attributes][:user_id] = if attributes[:avatar_attributes] if @user.update_attributes(attributes) @user.track_activity(:updated_profile) flash[:notice] = :your_changes_were_saved.l unless params[:welcome] redirect_to user_path(@user) else redirect_to :action => "welcome_#{params[:welcome]}", :id => @user end else render :action => 'edit' end else render :action => 'edit' end end def destroy @user = User.find(params[:id]) unless @user.admin? || @user.featured_writer? @user.spam! if params[:spam] && configatron.has_key?(:akismet_key) @user.destroy flash[:notice] = :the_user_was_deleted.l else flash[:error] = :you_cant_delete_that_user.l end respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to users_url } format.js { render :inline => flash[:error], :status => 500 if flash[:error] render if flash[:notice] } end end def change_profile_photo @user = User.find(params[:id]) @photo = Photo.find(params[:photo_id]) @user.avatar = @photo if! flash[:notice] = :your_changes_were_saved.l redirect_to user_photo_path(@user, @photo) end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid @metro_areas, @states = setup_locations_for(@user) render :action => 'edit' end def crop_profile_photo unless @photo = @user.avatar flash[:notice] = :no_profile_photo.l redirect_to upload_profile_photo_user_path(@user) and return end return unless request.put? || request.patch? @photo.update_attributes(:crop_x => params[:crop_x], :crop_y => params[:crop_y], :crop_w => params[:crop_w], :crop_h => params[:crop_h]) redirect_to user_path(@user) end def upload_profile_photo @avatar = return unless request.put? || request.patch? @avatar.user = @user if @user.avatar = @avatar redirect_to crop_profile_photo_user_path(@user) end end def edit_account @user = current_user @authorizations = current_user.authorizations @is_current_user = true end def update_account @user = current_user if @user.update_attributes(user_params) flash[:notice] = :your_changes_were_saved.l respond_to do |format| format.html {redirect_to user_path(@user)} format.js end else respond_to do |format| format.html {render :action => 'edit_account'} format.js end end end def edit_pro_details @user = User.find(params[:id]) end def update_pro_details @user = User.find(params[:id]) if @user.update_attributes(user_params) respond_to do |format| format.html { flash[:notice] = :your_changes_were_saved.l redirect_to edit_pro_details_user_path(@user) } format.js { render :text => 'success' } end end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid render :action => 'edit_pro_details' end def create_friendship_with_inviter(user, options = {}) unless options[:inviter_code].blank? or options[:inviter_id].blank? friend = User.find(options[:inviter_id]) if friend && friend.valid_invite_code?(options[:inviter_code]) accepted = FriendshipStatus[:accepted] @friendship = =>, :friend_id =>, :friendship_status => accepted, :initiator => true) reverse_friendship = =>, :friend_id =>, :friendship_status => accepted )!! end end end def signup_completed @user = User.find(params[:id]) redirect_to home_path and return unless @user end def welcome_photo @user = User.find(params[:id]) @avatar = (@user.avatar || @user.build_avatar) end def welcome_about @user = User.find(params[:id]) @metro_areas, @states = setup_locations_for(@user) end def welcome_invite @user = User.find(params[:id]) end def invite @user = User.find(params[:id]) end def welcome_complete flash[:notice] = :walkthrough_complete.l_with_args(:site => configatron.community_name) redirect_to user_path end def forgot_username return unless if @user =[:email]) UserNotifier.forgot_username(@user).deliver redirect_to login_url flash[:info] = :your_username_was_emailed_to_you.l else flash[:error] = :sorry_we_dont_recognize_that_email_address.l end end def resend_activation if params[:email] @user = User.find_by_email(params[:email]) else @user = User.find(params[:id]) end if @user && ! flash[:notice] = :activation_email_resent_message.l UserNotifier.signup_notification(@user).deliver redirect_to login_path and return else flash[:notice] = :activation_email_not_sent_message.l end end def assume user = User.find(params[:id]) if assumed_user_session = self.assume_user(user) redirect_to user_path(assumed_user_session.record) else redirect_to users_path end end def return_admin return_to_admin end def metro_area_update country = Country.find(params[:country_id]) unless params[:country_id].blank? state = State.find(params[:state_id]) unless params[:state_id].blank? states = country ? country.states : [] if states.any? metro_areas = state ? state.metro_areas.order("name ASC") : [] else metro_areas = country ? country.metro_areas.order("name ASC") : [] end respond_to do |format| format.js { render :partial => 'shared/location_chooser', :locals => { :states => states, :metro_areas => metro_areas, :selected_country => params[:country_id].to_i, :selected_state => params[:state_id].to_i, :selected_metro_area => nil, :js => true } } end end def toggle_featured @user = User.find(params[:id]) @user.toggle!(:featured_writer) redirect_to user_path(@user) end def toggle_moderator @user = User.find(params[:id]) if not @user.admin? @user.role = @user.moderator? ? Role[:member] : Role[:moderator]! else flash[:error] = :you_cannot_make_an_administrator_a_moderator.l end redirect_to user_path(@user) end def statistics if params[:date] date =[:date][:year].to_i, params[:date][:month].to_i) @month = Time.parse(date.to_s) else @month = end start_date = @month.beginning_of_month end_date = @month.end_of_month.end_of_day @posts = @user.posts.where('? <= published_at AND published_at <= ?', start_date, end_date) @estimated_payment = @posts.to_a.sum do |p| 7 end respond_to do |format| format.html format.xml { render :xml => @posts.to_xml(:include => :category) } end end def delete_selected if params[:delete] params[:delete].each { |id| user = User.find(id) unless user.admin? || user.featured_writer? user.spam! if params[:spam] && configatron.has_key?(:akismet_key) user.destroy end } end flash[:notice] = :the_selected_users_were_deleted.l redirect_to admin_users_path end protected def setup_metro_areas_for_cloud @metro_areas_for_cloud = MetroArea.where("users_count > 0", :order => "users_count DESC").limit(100) @metro_areas_for_cloud = @metro_areas_for_cloud.sort_by{|m|} end def setup_locations_for(user) metro_areas = states = [] states = if metro_areas = user.state.metro_areas.order("name") if user.state return metro_areas, states end def admin_or_current_user_required current_user && (current_user.admin? || @is_current_user) ? true : access_denied end def avatar_params params[:avatar] && params[:avatar].permit(:name, :description, :album_id, :photo) end def user_params params[:user].permit(:avatar_id, :company_name, :country_id, :description, :email, :firstname, :fullname, :gender, :lastname, :login, :metro_area_id, :middlename, :notify_comments, :notify_community_news, :notify_friend_requests, :password, :password_confirmation, :profile_public, :state_id, :stylesheet, :time_zone, :vendor, :zip, :tag_list, {:avatar_attributes => [:id, :name, :description, :album_id, :user, :user_id, :photo, :photo_remote_url]}, :birthday) if params[:user] end def comment_params params[:comment].permit(:author_name, :author_email, :notify_by_email, :author_url, :comment) end end