module SPARQL; module Algebra class Operator ## # A SPARQL `concat` operator. # # The CONCAT function corresponds to the XPath fn:concat function. The function accepts string literals as arguments. # # [121] BuiltInCall ::= ... 'CONCAT' ExpressionList # # @example SPARQL Grammar # PREFIX : # SELECT (CONCAT(?str1,?str2) AS ?str) WHERE { # :s6 :str ?str1 . # :s7 :str ?str2 . # } # # @example SSE # (prefix # ((: )) # (project (?str) # (extend ((?str (concat ?str1 ?str2))) # (bgp # (triple :s6 :str ?str1) # (triple :s7 :str ?str2))))) # # @see # @see class Concat < Operator include Evaluatable NAME = :concat ## # The lexical form of the returned literal is obtained by concatenating the lexical forms of its inputs. If all input literals are typed literals of type xsd:string, then the returned literal is also of type `xsd:string`, if all input literals are plain literals with identical language tag, then the returned literal is a plain literal with the same language tag, in all other cases, the returned literal is a simple literal. # # @example # concat("foo", "bar") #=> "foobar" # concat("foo"@en, "bar"@en) #=> "foobar"@en # concat("foo"^^xsd:string, "bar"^^xsd:string) #=> "foobar"^^xsd:string # concat("foo", "bar"^^xsd:string) #=> "foobar" # concat("foo"@en, "bar") #=> "foobar" # concat("foo"@en, "bar"^^xsd:string) #=> "foobar" # # @param [RDF::Query::Solution] bindings # a query solution containing zero or more variable bindings # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options ({}) # options passed from query # @return [RDF::Term] # @raise [TypeError] if any operand is not a literal def evaluate(bindings, **options) ops = {|op| op.evaluate(bindings, **options.merge(depth: options[:depth].to_i + 1))} raise TypeError, "expected all plain literal operands" unless ops.all? {|op| op.literal? && op.plain?} ops.inject do |memo, op| case when memo.datatype == RDF::XSD.string && op.datatype == RDF::XSD.string"#{memo}#{op}", datatype: RDF::XSD.string) when memo.has_language? && memo.language == op.language"#{memo}#{op}", language: memo.language) else"#{memo}#{op}") end end end ## # # Returns a partial SPARQL grammar for this operator. # # @return [String] def to_sparql(**options) "CONCAT(#{operands.to_sparql(delimiter: ', ', **options)})" end end # Concat end # Operator end; end # SPARQL::Algebra