require "io/wait" namespace :bt do desc "Symlink registered gems in `./tmp/gems` so their views, etc. can be inspected by Tailwind CSS." task link: :environment do if Dir.exist?("tmp/gems") puts "Removing previously linked gems." `rm -f tmp/gems/*` else if File.exist?("tmp/gems") raise "A file named `tmp/gems` already exists? It has to be removed before we can create the required directory." end puts "Creating 'tmp/gems' directory." `mkdir tmp/gems` end `touch tmp/gems/.keep` BulletTrain.linked_gems.each do |linked_gem| target = `bundle show #{linked_gem}`.chomp if target.present? puts "Linking '#{linked_gem}' to '#{target}'." `ln -s #{target} tmp/gems/#{linked_gem}` end end end end namespace :bullet_train do desc "Figure out where something is coming from." task :resolve, [:all_options] => :environment do |t, arguments| ARGV.pop while ARGV.any? arguments[:all_options]&.split&.each do |argument| ARGV.push(argument) end if ARGV.include?("--interactive") puts "\nOK, paste what you've got for us and hit !\n".blue input = $stdin.gets.strip $stdin.getc while $stdin.ready? # Extract absolute paths from annotated views. if input =~ // input = $1 end # Append the main application's path if the file is a local file. # i.e. - app/views/layouts/_head.html.erb if input.match?(/^app/) input = "#{Rails.root}/#{input}" end ARGV.unshift input.strip end if ARGV.first.present? ARGV.include?("--eject"), open: ARGV.include?("--open"), force: ARGV.include?("--force"), interactive: ARGV.include?("--interactive")) else warn "\nšŸš… Usage: `bin/resolve [path, partial, or URL] (--eject) (--open)`\n".blue end end task :develop, [:all_options] => :environment do |t, arguments| def stream(command, prefix = " ") puts "" begin trap("SIGINT") { throw :ctrl_c } IO.popen(command) do |io| while (line = io.gets) puts "#{prefix}#{line}" end end rescue UncaughtThrowError puts "Received a . Exiting the child process.".blue end puts "" end framework_packages = I18n.t("framework_packages") puts "Which framework package do you want to work on?".blue puts "" framework_packages.each do |gem, details| puts " #{framework_packages.keys.find_index(gem) + 1}. #{gem}".blue end puts "" puts "Enter a number below and hit :".blue number = $stdin.gets.chomp gem = framework_packages.keys[number.to_i - 1] if gem details = framework_packages[gem] package = details[:git].split("/").last puts "OK! Let's work on `#{gem}` together!".green puts "" if File.exist?("local/#{package}") puts "We found the repository in `local/#{package}`. We will try to use what's already there.".yellow puts "" # Adding these flags enables us to execute git commands in the gem from our starter repo. work_tree_flag = "--work-tree=local/#{package}" git_dir_flag = "--git-dir=local/#{package}/.git" git_status = `git #{work_tree_flag} #{git_dir_flag} status` unless git_status.match?("nothing to commit, working tree clean") puts "This package currently has uncommitted changes.".red puts "Please make sure the branch is clean and try again.".red exit end current_branch = `git #{work_tree_flag} #{git_dir_flag} branch`.split("\n").select { |branch_name| branch_name.match?(/^\*\s/) }.pop.gsub(/^\*\s/, "") unless current_branch == "main" puts "Previously on #{current_branch}.".blue puts "Switching local/#{package} to main branch.".blue stream("git #{work_tree_flag} #{git_dir_flag} checkout main") end puts "Updating the main branch with the latest changes.".blue stream("git #{work_tree_flag} #{git_dir_flag} pull origin main") else # Use https:// URLs when using this task in Gitpod. stream "git clone #{(`whoami`.chomp == "gitpod") ? "" : ""}#{details[:git]}.git local/#{package}" end stream("git #{work_tree_flag} #{git_dir_flag} fetch") stream("git #{work_tree_flag} #{git_dir_flag} branch -r") puts "The above is a list of remote branches.".blue puts "If there's one you'd like to work on, please enter the branch name and press .".blue puts "If not, just press to continue.".blue input = $stdin.gets.strip unless input.empty? puts "Switching to #{input.gsub("origin/", "")}".blue # TODO: Should we remove origin/ here if the developer types it? stream("git #{work_tree_flag} #{git_dir_flag} checkout #{input}") end glob = if package == "bullet_train-core" ", glob: \"#{gem}/#{gem}.gemspec\"" end puts "" puts "Now we'll try to link up that repository in the `Gemfile`.".blue if `cat Gemfile | grep "gem \\\"#{gem}\\\", path: \\\"local/#{package}\\\""`.chomp.present? puts "This gem is already linked to a checked out copy in `local` in the `Gemfile`.".green elsif `cat Gemfile | grep "gem \\\"#{gem}\\\","`.chomp.present? puts "This gem already has some sort of alternative source configured in the `Gemfile`.".yellow puts "We can't do anything with this. Sorry! We'll proceed, but you have to link this package yourself.".red elsif `cat Gemfile | grep "gem \\\"#{gem}\\\""`.chomp.present? puts "This gem is directly present in the `Gemfile`, so we'll update that line.".green text ="Gemfile") new_contents = text.gsub(/gem "#{gem}"/, "gem \"#{gem}\", path: \"local/#{package}\"#{glob}")"Gemfile", "w") { |file| file.puts new_contents } else puts "This gem isn't directly present in the `Gemfile`, so we'll add it temporarily.".green"Gemfile", "a+") { |file| file.puts file.puts "gem \"#{gem}\", path: \"local/#{package}\"#{glob} # Added by `bin/develop`." } end puts "" puts "Now we'll run `bundle install`.".blue stream "bundle install" puts "" puts "We'll restart any running Rails server now.".blue stream "rails restart" puts "" puts "OK, we're opening that package in your IDE, `#{ENV["IDE"] || "code"}`. (You can configure this with `export IDE=whatever`.)".blue `#{ENV["IDE"] || "code"} local/#{package}` puts "" if details[:npm] puts "This package also has an npm package, so we'll link that up as well.".blue stream "cd local/#{gem} && yarn install && npm_config_yes=true npx yalc link && cd ../.. && npm_config_yes=true npx yalc link \"#{details[:npm]}\"" puts "" puts "And now we're going to watch for any changes you make to the JavaScript and recompile as we go.".blue puts "When you're done, you can hit and we'll clean all off this up.".blue stream "cd local/#{gem} && yarn watch" else puts "This package has no npm package, so we'll just hang out here and do nothing. However, when you hit here, we'll start the process of cleaning all of this up.".blue $stdin.gets end puts "" puts "OK, here's a list of things this script still doesn't do you for you:".yellow puts "1. It doesn't clean up the repository that was cloned into `local`.".yellow puts "2. Unless you remove it, it won't update that repository the next time you link to it.".yellow else puts "" puts "Invalid option, \"#{number}\". Try again.".red end end end