/* Class: Skyline.Tabs Class for a collection of tabs. Can also be used to create accordeons Options: activeClass - The class to set on the windowEl and tabEl when a tab is active. Events: activateTab(tabs,tab) - called when any tab get's activated. deactivateTab(tabs,tab) - called when any tab get's deactivated. */ Skyline.Tabs = new Class({ Implements : [Events,Options], options : { activeClass : "active" }, initialize : function(){ this.tabs = $A([]); }, /* Function: addTab Add a new tab from the dom to the collection. Parameters: tabEl - The element which get's clicked to activate the tab windowEl - The element which get's activated on click Returns: A Skyline.Tab instance. */ addTab : function(tabEl,windowEl){ var e = new Skyline.Tab(tabEl,windowEl,$merge(this.options,arguments[2])); return this.add(e); }, /* Function: add Add a new tab by means of a Skyline.Tab instance. Parameters: tab - The Skyline.Tab instance to add. Returns: The added Skyline.Tab instance. */ add : function(tab){ tab.parent = this; tab.addEvent("activate",this.onActivateTab.bind(this)); tab.addEvent("deactivate",this.onDeactivateTab.bind(this)); this.tabs.push(tab); return tab; }, /* Function: setup Function to setup the initial state of the tabs collection. It also deactivates all but the currently active tab (determined from the DOM by means of activeClass). If no active tab is present, the first tab will be activated. */ setup : function(){ var a; this.tabs.each(function(tab){ if(tab._isActive()){ a = tab; } tab.deactivate(); }); if(a){ a.activate(); } else { this.tabs[0].activate(); } }, onActivateTab : function(tab){ if(this.activeTab && this.activeTab != tab){ this.activeTab.deactivate(); } this.previouslyActiveTab = this.activeTab; this.activeTab = tab; this.fireEvent("activateTab",[this,tab]); }, onDeactivateTab : function(tab){ this.fireEvent("deactivateTab",[this,tab]); } }); /* Class: Skyline.Tab Class for a single tab. Options: activeClass - The class to set on the windowEl and tabEl when a tab is active. Events: activate - called when the tab get's activated. deactivate - called when the tab get's deactivated. */ Skyline.Tab = new Class({ Implements : [Events,Options], initialize : function(tabEl,windowEl){ this.tabEl = $(tabEl); this.windowEl = $(windowEl); this.setOptions(arguments[2]); this._attachEvents(); }, /* Function: activate() Activates this tab. */ activate : function(){ this.tabEl.addClass(this.options.activeClass); this.windowEl.addClass(this.options.activeClass); this.fireEvent("activate",this); }, /* Function: deactivate() Deactivates this tab. */ deactivate : function(){ this.tabEl.removeClass(this.options.activeClass); this.windowEl.removeClass(this.options.activeClass); this.fireEvent("deactivate",this); }, _attachEvents : function(){ this.tabEl.addEvent("click",function(e){e.preventDefault(); this.activate()}.bindWithEvent(this)); }, _isActive : function(){ return this.tabEl.hasClass(this.options.activeClass) || this.windowEl.hasClass(this.options.activeClass); } });