# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'range input' do include FormtasticSpecHelper before do @output_buffer = '' mock_everything end describe "when object is provided" do before do concat(semantic_form_for(@bob) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:age, :as => :range)) end) end it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_class(:range) it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_class(:input) it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_class(:numeric) it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_class(:stringish) it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_id("author_age_input") it_should_have_label_with_text(/Age/) it_should_have_label_for("author_age") it_should_have_input_with_id("author_age") it_should_have_input_with_type(:range) it_should_have_input_with_name("author[age]") end describe "when namespace is provided" do before do concat(semantic_form_for(@james, :namespace => "context2") do |builder| concat(builder.input(:age, :as => :range)) end) end it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_id("context2_author_age_input") it_should_have_label_and_input_with_id("context2_author_age") end describe "when index is provided" do before do @output_buffer = '' mock_everything concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.fields_for(:author, :index => 3) do |author| concat(author.input(:name, :as => :range)) end) end) end it 'should index the id of the wrapper' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("li#post_author_attributes_3_name_input") end it 'should index the id of the select tag' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("input#post_author_attributes_3_name") end it 'should index the name of the select tag' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("input[@name='post[author_attributes][3][name]']") end end describe "when validations require a minimum value (:greater_than)" do before do allow(@new_post.class).to receive(:validators_on).with(:title).and_return([ active_model_numericality_validator([:title], {:only_integer=>false, :allow_nil=>false, :greater_than=>2}) ]) end it "should allow :input_html to override :min" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range, :input_html => { :min => 5 }) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@min="5"]') end it "should allow :input_html to override :min through :in" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range, :input_html => { :in => 5..102 }) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@min="5"]') end it "should allow options to override :min" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range, :min => 5) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@min="5"]') end it "should allow options to override :min through :in" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range, :in => 5..102) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@min="5"]') end describe "and the column is an integer" do before do allow(@new_post).to receive(:column_for_attribute).with(:title).and_return(double('column', :type => :integer)) end it "should add a min attribute to the input one greater than the validation" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@min="3"]') end end describe "and the column is a float" do before do allow(@new_post).to receive(:column_for_attribute).with(:title).and_return(double('column', :type => :float)) end it "should raise an error" do expect { concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range) end) }.to raise_error(Formtastic::Inputs::Base::Validations::IndeterminableMinimumAttributeError) end end describe "and the column is a big decimal" do before do allow(@new_post).to receive(:column_for_attribute).with(:title).and_return(double('column', :type => :decimal)) end it "should raise an error" do expect { concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range) end) }.to raise_error(Formtastic::Inputs::Base::Validations::IndeterminableMinimumAttributeError) end end end describe "when validations require a minimum value (:greater_than_or_equal_to)" do before do allow(@new_post.class).to receive(:validators_on).with(:title).and_return([ active_model_numericality_validator([:title], {:only_integer=>false, :allow_nil=>false, :greater_than_or_equal_to=>2}) ]) end it "should allow :input_html to override :min" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range, :input_html => { :min => 5 }) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@min="5"]') end it "should allow options to override :min" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range, :min => 5) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@min="5"]') end it "should allow :input_html to override :min with :in" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range, :input_html => { :in => 5..102 }) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@min="5"]') end it "should allow options to override :min with :in" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range, :in => 5..102) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@min="5"]') end [:integer, :decimal, :float].each do |column_type| describe "and the column is a #{column_type}" do before do allow(@new_post).to receive(:column_for_attribute).with(:title).and_return(double('column', :type => column_type)) end it "should add a max attribute to the input equal to the validation" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@min="2"]') end end end describe "and there is no column" do before do allow(@new_post).to receive(:column_for_attribute).with(:title).and_return(nil) end it "should add a max attribute to the input equal to the validation" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@min="2"]') end end end describe "when validations do not require a minimum value" do it "should default to 1" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@min="1"]') end end describe "when validations require a maximum value (:less_than)" do before do allow(@new_post.class).to receive(:validators_on).with(:title).and_return([ active_model_numericality_validator([:title], {:only_integer=>false, :allow_nil=>false, :less_than=>20}) ]) end it "should allow :input_html to override :max" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range, :input_html => { :max => 102 }) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@max="102"]') end it "should allow option to override :max" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range, :max => 102) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@max="102"]') end it "should allow :input_html to override :max with :in" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range, :input_html => { :in => 1..102 }) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@max="102"]') end it "should allow option to override :max with :in" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range, :in => 1..102) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@max="102"]') end describe "and the column is an integer" do before do allow(@new_post).to receive(:column_for_attribute).with(:title).and_return(double('column', :type => :integer)) end it "should add a max attribute to the input one greater than the validation" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@max="19"]') end end describe "and the column is a float" do before do allow(@new_post).to receive(:column_for_attribute).with(:title).and_return(double('column', :type => :float)) end it "should raise an error" do expect { concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range) end) }.to raise_error(Formtastic::Inputs::Base::Validations::IndeterminableMaximumAttributeError) end end describe "and the column is a big decimal" do before do allow(@new_post).to receive(:column_for_attribute).with(:title).and_return(double('column', :type => :decimal)) end it "should raise an error" do expect { concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range) end) }.to raise_error(Formtastic::Inputs::Base::Validations::IndeterminableMaximumAttributeError) end end end describe "when validations require a maximum value (:less_than_or_equal_to)" do before do allow(@new_post.class).to receive(:validators_on).with(:title).and_return([ active_model_numericality_validator([:title], {:only_integer=>false, :allow_nil=>false, :less_than_or_equal_to=>20}) ]) end it "should allow :input_html to override :max" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range, :input_html => { :max => 102 }) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@max="102"]') end it "should allow options to override :max" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range, :max => 102) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@max="102"]') end it "should allow :input_html to override :max with :in" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range, :input_html => { :in => 1..102 }) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@max="102"]') end it "should allow options to override :max with :in" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range, :in => 1..102) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@max="102"]') end [:integer, :decimal, :float].each do |column_type| describe "and the column is a #{column_type}" do before do allow(@new_post).to receive(:column_for_attribute).with(:title).and_return(double('column', :type => column_type)) end it "should add a max attribute to the input equal to the validation" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@max="20"]') end end end describe "and there is no column" do before do allow(@new_post).to receive(:column_for_attribute).with(:title).and_return(nil) end it "should add a max attribute to the input equal to the validation" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@max="20"]') end end end describe "when validations do not require a maximum value" do it "should default to 1" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@max="100"]') end end describe "when validations require conflicting minimum values (:greater_than, :greater_than_or_equal_to)" do before do allow(@new_post.class).to receive(:validators_on).with(:title).and_return([ active_model_numericality_validator([:title], {:only_integer=>false, :allow_nil=>false, :greater_than => 20, :greater_than_or_equal_to=>2}) ]) end it "should add a max attribute to the input equal to the :greater_than_or_equal_to validation" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@min="2"]') end end describe "when validations require conflicting maximum values (:less_than, :less_than_or_equal_to)" do before do allow(@new_post.class).to receive(:validators_on).with(:title).and_return([ active_model_numericality_validator([:title], {:only_integer=>false, :allow_nil=>false, :less_than => 20, :less_than_or_equal_to=>2}) ]) end it "should add a max attribute to the input equal to the :greater_than_or_equal_to validation" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@max="2"]') end end describe "when validations require only an integer (:only_integer)" do before do allow(@new_post.class).to receive(:validators_on).with(:title).and_return([ active_model_numericality_validator([:title], {:allow_nil=>false, :only_integer=>true}) ]) end it "should add a step=1 attribute to the input to signify that only whole numbers are allowed" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@step="1"]') end it "should let input_html override :step" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range, :input_html => { :step => 3 }) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@step="3"]') end it "should let options override :step" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range, :step => 3) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@step="3"]') end end describe "when validations require a :step (non standard)" do before do allow(@new_post.class).to receive(:validators_on).with(:title).and_return([ active_model_numericality_validator([:title], {:allow_nil=>false, :only_integer=>true, :step=>2}) ]) end it "should add a step=1 attribute to the input to signify that only whole numbers are allowed" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@step="2"]') end it "should let input_html override :step" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range, :input_html => { :step => 3 }) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@step="3"]') end it "should let options override :step" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range, :step => 3) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@step="3"]') end end describe "when validations do not specify :step (non standard) or :only_integer" do before do allow(@new_post.class).to receive(:validators_on).with(:title).and_return([ active_model_numericality_validator([:title], {:allow_nil=>false}) ]) end it "should default step to 1" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@step="1"]') end it "should let input_html set :step" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range, :input_html => { :step => 3 }) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@step="3"]') end it "should let options set :step" do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| builder.input(:title, :as => :range, :step => 3) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@step="3"]') end end end