// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global module test equals context */ var context = null; module("SC.RenderContext#init"); test("it should return a new context object with the passed tag name", function() { equals(SC.RenderContext('foo').tagName(), 'foo', 'tag name'); }); test("it should use a default tag name of div if not passed", function() { equals(SC.RenderContext().tagName(), 'div', 'tag name'); }); test("it should lowercase any tag name passed in", function() { equals(SC.RenderContext('DIV').tagName(), 'div', 'lowercase tag name'); }); test("it should have a length of 1 with a null value for the first time, saving space for the opening tag", function() { var context = SC.RenderContext(); equals(context.length, 1, 'context length'); equals(context.get(0), null, 'first item'); }); test("if script tag is passed, should mark context._selfClosing as NO" ,function() { var context = SC.RenderContext('script'); ok(context._selfClosing === NO, "selfClosing MUST be no"); context = SC.RenderContext('SCRIPT'); ok(context._selfClosing === NO, "selfClosing MUST be no 2"); }); test("if element is passed, it should save element and not reserve space for string output", function() { var elem = document.createElement('div'); var context = SC.RenderContext(elem); equals(context.length, 0, 'no length'); equals(context._elem, elem, 'element'); elem = context._elem = null; //cleanup }); test("offset should should use offset + length of parent for self", function() { var context =SC.RenderContext('div'); context.offset = 2; context.length = 3; var newContext = SC.RenderContext('div', context); equals(newContext.offset, 5, 'has proper offset'); });