# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # PostGIS Adapter - http://github.com/nofxx/postgis_adapter # # Hope you enjoy this plugin. # # # Post any bugs/suggestions to GitHub issues tracker: # http://github.com/nofxx/postgis_adapter/issues # # # Some links: # # PostGis Manual - http://postgis.refractions.net/documentation/manual-svn/ch07.html # Earth Spheroid - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Figure_of_the_Earth # module PostgisFunctions # WGS84 Spheroid EARTH_SPHEROID = "'SPHEROID[\"GRS-80\",6378137,298.257222101]'" # SRID => 4326 def postgis_calculate(operation, subjects, options = {}) subjects = [subjects] unless subjects.respond_to?(:map) execute_geometrical_calculation(operation, subjects, options) end def geo_columns @geo_columns ||= postgis_geoms[:columns] end private # # Construct the PostGIS SQL query # # Returns: # Area/Distance/DWithin/Length/Perimeter => projected units # DistanceSphere/Spheroid => meters # def construct_geometric_sql(type,geoms,options) not_db, on_db = geoms.partition { |g| g.is_a? Geometry } tables = on_db.map do |t| { :name => t.class.table_name, :column => t.postgis_geoms.keys[0], :uid => unique_identifier, :id => t[:id] } end # Implement a better way for options? if options.instance_of? Hash transform = options.delete(:transform) stcollect = options.delete(:stcollect) options = nil end fields = tables.map { |f| "#{f[:uid]}.#{f[:column]}" } # W1.geom fields << not_db.map { |g| "'#{g.as_hex_ewkb}'::geometry"} unless not_db.empty? fields.map! { |f| "ST_Transform(#{f}, #{transform})" } if transform # ST_Transform(W1.geom,x) fields.map! { |f| "ST_Union(#{f})" } if stcollect # ST_Transform(W1.geom,x) conditions = tables.map do |f| raise unless f[:uid] "#{f[:uid]}.id = #{f[:id]}" end # W1.id = 5 tables.map! { |f| "#{f[:name]} #{f[:uid]}" } # streets W1 # # Data => SELECT Func(A,B) # BBox => SELECT (A <=> B) # Func => SELECT Func(Func(A)) # if type != :bbox opcode = type.to_s opcode = "ST_#{opcode}" unless opcode =~ /th3d|pesinter/ fields << options if options fields = fields.join(",") else fields = fields.join(" #{options} ") end sql = "SELECT #{opcode}(#{fields}) " sql << "FROM #{tables.join(",")} " unless tables.empty? sql << "WHERE #{conditions.join(" AND ")}" unless conditions.empty? sql end # # Execute the query and parse the return. # We may receive: # # "t" or "f" for boolean queries # BIGHASH for geometries # HASH for ST_Relate # Rescue a float # def execute_geometrical_calculation(operation, subject, options) #:nodoc: value = connection.select_value(construct_geometric_sql(operation, subject, options)) return nil unless value # TODO: bench case vs if here if value =~ /^[tf]$/ {"f" => false, "t" => true}[value] elsif value =~ /^\{/ value else GeoRuby::SimpleFeatures::Geometry.from_hex_ewkb(value) rescue value end rescue Exception => e raise StandardError, "#{e}" end # Get a unique ID for tables def unique_identifier @u_id ||= "T1" @u_id = @u_id.succ end end # # POINT(0 0) # LINESTRING(0 0,1 1,1 2) # POLYGON((0 0,4 0,4 4,0 4,0 0),(1 1, 2 1, 2 2, 1 2,1 1)) # MULTIPOINT(0 0,1 2) # MULTILINESTRING((0 0,1 1,1 2),(2 3,3 2,5 4)) # MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0,4 0,4 4,0 4,0 0),(1 1,2 1,2 2,1 2,1 1)), ..) # GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT(2 3),LINESTRING((2 3,3 4))) # #Accessors # #ST_Dump #ST_ExteriorRing #ST_GeometryN #ST_GeometryType #ST_InteriorRingN #ST_IsEmpty #ST_IsRing #ST_IsSimple #ST_IsValid #ST_mem_size #ST_M #ST_NumGeometries #ST_NumInteriorRings #ST_PointN #ST_SetSRID #ST_Summary1 #ST_X #ST_XMin,ST_XMax #ST_Y #YMin,YMax #ST_Z #ZMin,ZMax #OUTPUT #ST_AsBinary #ST_AsText #ST_AsEWKB #ST_AsEWKT #ST_AsHEXEWKB #ST_AsGML #ST_AsKML #ST_AsSVG # #EARTH_SPHEROID = "'SPHEROID[\"IERS_2003\",6378136.6,298.25642]'" # SRID => # def distance_convert(value, unit, from = nil) # factor = case unit # when :km, :kilo then 1 # when :miles,:mile then 0.62137119 # when :cm, :cent then 0.1 # when :nmi, :nmile then 0.5399568 # end # factor *= 1e3 if from # value * factor # end #use all commands in lowcase form #opcode = opcode.camelize unless opcode =~ /spher|max|npoints/