# -*- ruby -*- # # Tests for rsi/dictionary.rb # require 'test/unit' require 'fileutils' require 'tmpdir' require 'rsi/dictionary' require 'rsi/serializers' require 'rsi/logmanager' class DictTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup() @failed = false @tmp = Dir::tmpdir() fn = "d_#{$$}-#{rand(65536)}" @root = File.join( @tmp, fn ) end def add_failure( msg, bt ) super @failed = true end # Delete the temp dir for the index tests def teardown() if @failed print "Test case failed, not cleaning up #@root\n"; else FileUtils::rm_rf( @root ) end end def test_create() create_dictionary() end def test_reopen() create_dictionary() assert( FileTest.exists?( @root ), "Test dict root should exist" ) d = RSI::Dictionary.new( @root ) d.serializer = RSI::YAMLSerializer.new() d.open() id2 = d.get_termid_for( "STRAWBERRY" ) assert_equal( 1, id2, "Should get same termid both times") el = d.get_entry_list( id2 ) assert_equal( 1, el.length(), "Should be one entry" ) assert_equal( "poo.txt", el[0].docid ) assert_equal( 1, el[0].freq ) assert_equal( 1, el[0].pos_list.length() ) end def create_dictionary() assert( !FileTest.exists?( @root ), "Test dict root should not exist" ) d = RSI::Dictionary.new( @root ) d.serializer = RSI::YAMLSerializer.new() d.open() assert( FileTest.directory?( @root ), "Root should exist" ) id = d.get_termid_for( "STRAWBERRY", true ) d.add_term_entries( "poo.txt", id, [0] ) d.store() id2 = d.get_termid_for( "STRAWBERRY" ) assert_equal( 1, id2, "Should get one termid") el = d.get_entry_list( id2 ) assert_equal( 1, el.length(), "Should be one entry" ) assert_equal( "poo.txt", el[0].docid ) assert_equal( 1, el[0].freq ) assert_equal( 1, el[0].pos_list.length() ) end end