# frozen_string_literal: true require 'forwardable' module Fasten module UI class Curses include ::Curses extend Forwardable def_delegators :executor, :worker_list, :task_list, :task_done_list, :task_error_list, :task_running_list, :task_waiting_list, :worker_list def_delegators :executor, :name, :workers, :workers=, :state, :state= attr_accessor :n_rows, :n_cols, :clear_needed, :message, :executor SPINNER_STR = '⠋⠙⠹⠸⠼⠴⠦⠧⠇⠏' SPINNER_LEN = SPINNER_STR.length PROGRESSBAR_STR = ' ▏▎▍▌▋▊▉' PROGRESSBAR_LEN = PROGRESSBAR_STR.length def initialize(executor:) @executor = executor end def update setup unless @setup_done ui_keyboard clear if clear_needed draw_title ui_workers ui_tasks refresh self.clear_needed = false end def draw_title ui_text_aligned(0, :left, 'Fasten your seatbelts!') ui_text_aligned(0, :center, name.to_s) ui_text_aligned(0, :right, Time.new.to_s) end def cleanup close_screen @setup_done = nil end def setup init_screen self.n_rows = lines self.n_cols = cols stdscr.keypad = true stdscr.nodelay = true setup_color noecho cbreak nonl curs_set 0 @setup_done = true end def setup_color start_color use_default_colors init_pair 1, Curses::COLOR_YELLOW, -1 init_pair 2, Curses::COLOR_GREEN, -1 init_pair 3, Curses::COLOR_RED, -1 init_pair 4, Curses::COLOR_WHITE, -1 end def ui_text_aligned(row, align, str, attrs = nil) if align == :center setpos row, (n_cols - str.length) / 2 elsif align == :right setpos row, n_cols - str.length else setpos row, 0 end attrset attrs if attrs addstr str attroff attrs if attrs str.length end def force_clear self.clear_needed = true end def ui_keyboard return unless (key = stdscr.getch) self.message = nil if key == Curses::Key::LEFT if workers <= 1 self.message = "Can't remove 1 worker left, press [P] to pause" else self.workers -= 1 self.message = "Decreasing max workers to #{workers}" end elsif key == Curses::Key::RIGHT self.workers += 1 self.message = "Increasing max workers to #{workers}" elsif key == 'q' self.message = 'Will quit when running tasks end' self.state = :QUITTING elsif key == 'p' self.message = 'Will pause when running tasks end' self.state = :PAUSING elsif key == 'r' self.state = :RUNNING end force_clear end def ui_workers_summary running_count = task_running_list.count waiting_count = task_waiting_list.count workers_count = worker_list.count "Procs: #{running_count} run #{workers_count - running_count} idle #{workers} max #{waiting_count} wait" end def ui_workers l = ui_text_aligned(1, :left, ui_workers_summary) + 1 worker_list.each_with_index do |worker, index| setpos 1, l + index attrs = worker.running? ? A_STANDOUT : color_pair(4) | A_DIM attrset attrs addstr worker.running? ? 'R' : '_' attroff attrs end ui_state end def ui_state if state == :RUNNING attrs = color_pair(2) elsif state == :PAUSING attrs = color_pair(1) | A_BLINK | A_STANDOUT elsif state == :PAUSED attrs = color_pair(1) | A_STANDOUT elsif state == :QUITTING attrs = color_pair(3) | A_BLINK | A_STANDOUT end l = ui_text_aligned(1, :right, state.to_s, attrs) return unless message setpos 1, n_cols - l - message.length - 1 addstr message end def ui_progressbar(row, col_ini, col_fin, count, total) slice = total.to_f / (col_fin - col_ini + 1) col_ini.upto col_fin do |col| setpos row, col count -= slice if count.positive? addstr PROGRESSBAR_STR[-1] elsif count > -slice addstr PROGRESSBAR_STR[(count * PROGRESSBAR_LEN / slice) % PROGRESSBAR_LEN] else addstr '.' end end end def ui_task_icon(task) case task.state when :RUNNING SPINNER_STR[task.worker&.spinner] when :FAIL '✘' when :DONE '✔' else '…' end end def ui_task_color(task) case task.state when :RUNNING color_pair(1) | A_TOP when :FAIL color_pair(3) | A_TOP when :DONE color_pair(2) | A_TOP else color_pair(4) | A_TOP end end def ui_task_string(task, y, x, icon: nil, str: nil) setpos y, x attrs = ui_task_color(task) icon = ui_task_icon(task) if icon str ||= icon ? "#{icon} #{task}" : task.to_s attrset attrs if attrs addstr str attroff attrs if attrs x + str.length end def ui_tasks worker_list.each do |worker| worker.spinner = (worker.spinner + 1) % SPINNER_LEN if worker.running? end count_done = task_done_list.count count_total = task_list.count tl = count_total.to_s.length col_ini = ui_text_aligned(2, :left, format("Tasks: %#{tl}d/%d", count_done, count_total)) + 1 col_fin = n_cols - 5 ui_text_aligned(2, :right, "#{(count_done * 100 / count_total).to_i}%") if count_total.positive? ui_progressbar(2, col_ini, col_fin, count_done, count_total) max = 2 list = task_list.sort_by(&:run_score) list.each_with_index do |task, index| next if 3 + index >= n_rows x = ui_task_string(task, 3 + index, 2, icon: true) max = x if x > max end list.each_with_index do |task, index| next if 3 + index >= n_rows if task.dif setpos 3 + index, max + 2 ui_task_string(task, 3 + index, max + 2, str: format('%.2f s', task.dif)) elsif task.depends && !task.depends.empty? setpos 3 + index, max x = max + 2 addstr ':' task.depends.each do |dependant_task| x = ui_task_string(dependant_task, 3 + index, x) + 1 end end end end end end end