# Copyright (c) 2007 by Mike Mondragon () # # Please see the LICENSE file for licensing. require 'fileutils' require 'pathname' require 'tmpdir' require 'yaml' require 'mms2r' require 'mms2r/version' require 'mms2r/cingular_media' require 'mms2r/mmode_media' require 'mms2r/nextel_media' require 'mms2r/sprint_media' require 'mms2r/tmobile_media' require 'mms2r/verizon_media' ## # MMS2R is a library to collect media files from MMS messages. MMS messages # are multipart emails and cellphone carriers often inject branding into these # messages. MMS2R strips the advertising from an MMS leaving the actual user # generated media. # # If you encounter MMS from a carrier that contains advertising other non- # standard media features submit a sample to the author for inclusion in this # project. # # The create method is a factory method to create MMS2R::Media # Custom media producers can be pushed into the factory via the # MMS2R::CARRIER_CLASSES Hash, e.g. # # class MMS2R::FakeCarrier < MMS2R::Media; end # MMS2R::CARRIER_CLASSES['mms.fakecarrier.com'] = MMS2R::FakeCarrier # ... # media = MMS2R::Media.create(some_tmail) #media will be a MMS2R::FakeCarrier module MMS2R ## # A hash of file extentions for common mimetypes EXT = { 'text/plain' => 'txt', 'text/html' => 'html', 'image/png' => 'png', 'image/gif' => 'gif', 'image/jpeg' => 'jpg', 'video/quicktime' => 'mov', 'video/3gpp2' => '3g2' } ## # A hash of carriers that MMS2r is currently aware of. # The factory create method uses the hostname portion # of an MMS's from to select the correct type of MMS2R::Media # product. If a specific media product is not available # MMS2R::Media should be used. CARRIER_CLASSES = { 'mms.mycingular.com' => MMS2R::CingularMedia, 'cingularme.com' => MMS2R::CingularMedia, 'mmode.com' => MMS2R::MModeMedia, 'messaging.nextel.com' => MMS2R::NextelMedia, 'pm.sprint.com' => MMS2R::SprintMedia, 'messaging.sprintpcs.com' => MMS2R::SprintMedia, 'tmomail.net' => MMS2R::TMobileMedia, 'vtext.com' => MMS2R::VerizonMedia, 'vzwpix.com' => MMS2R::VerizonMedia } class MMS2R::Media ## # TMail object that the media files were derived from. attr_reader :mail ## # media returns the hash of media. The media hash # is keyed by mimetype such as 'text/plain' and the # value mapped to the key is an array of media that # are of that type. attr_reader :media ## # Carrier is the domain name of the carrier. If the # carrier is not known the carrier will be set to 'mms2r.media' attr_reader :carrier ## # Base working dir where media for a unique mms message are # dropped attr_reader :media_dir ## # Creates a new Media comprised of a mail # a logger. Logger is an instance attribute allowing # for a logging strategy per carrier type def initialize(mail, carrier, logger=nil) @mail = mail @carrier = carrier @logger = logger @logger.info("#{self.class} created") unless @logger.nil? @media = Hash.new @dir_count = 0 @media_dir = File.join(self.class.tmp_dir(), self.class.safe_message_id(@mail.message_id)) end ## # Helper for process template method to decode the part based # on its type and write its content to a temporary file. Returns # path to temporary file that holds the content. Parts with a main # type of text will have their contents transformed with a call to # transform_text # # Producers should only override this method if the parts of # the MMS need special treatment besides what is expected for # a normal mime part. # # Returns a tupple of content type, file path def process_media(part) # TMail body auto-magically decodes quoted # printable for text/html type. file = temp_file(part) if self.class.main_type?(part).eql?('text') type, content = transform_text(part) else type = self.class.part_type?(part) content = part.body end @logger.info("#{self.class} writing file #{file}") unless @logger.nil? File.open(file,'w'){ |f| f.write(content) } return type, file end ## # Helper for process_media template method to transform text. def transform_text(part) type = self.class.part_type?(part) text = part.body f = "#{self.class.name.downcase.gsub(/::/,'_')}_transform.yml" yf = File.join(self.class.conf_dir(), "#{f}") return type, text unless File::exist?(yf) h = YAML::load_file(yf) a = h[type] return type, text if a.nil? a.each do |from,to| text.gsub!(/#{from}/m,to) end return type, text end ## # Helper for process template method to determine if # media contained in a part should be ignored. Producers # should override this method to return true for media such # as images that are advertising, carrier logos, etc. def ignore_media?(type,part) f = "#{self.class.name.downcase.gsub(/::/,'_')}_ignore.yml" yf = File.join(self.class.conf_dir(), "#{f}") return false unless File::exist?(yf) h = YAML::load_file(yf) a = h[type] return false if a.nil? m = /^([^\/]+)\//.match(type)[1] a.each do |i| if m.eql?('text') return true if 0 == (part.body =~ /#{Regexp.escape("#{i}")}/m) else return true if filename?(part).eql?(i) end end false end ## # Helper for process template method to name a temporary # filepath based on information in the part. This version # attempts to honor the name of the media as labeled in the part # header and creates a unique temporary directory for writing # the file so filename collision does not occur. # Consumers of this method expect the directory # structure to the file exists, if the method is overriden it # is mandatory that this behavior is retained. def temp_file(part) file_name = filename?(part) File.join(msg_tmp_dir(),File.basename(file_name)) end ## # Purges the unique MMS2R::Media.media_dir directory created # for this producer and all of the media that it contains. def purge() @logger.info("#{self.class} purging #{@media_dir} and all its contents") unless @logger.nil? FileUtils.rm_rf(@media_dir) end ## # process is a template method and collects all the media in a MMS. # Override helper methods to this template to clean out advertising # and/or ignore media that are advertising. This method should not be # overridden unless there is an extreme special case in processing the # media of a MMS. # # Helpers methods for the process template: # * ignore_media? -- true if the media contained in a part should be ignored. # * process_media -- retrieves media to temporary file, returns path to file. # * transform_text -- called by process_media, strips out advertising. # * temp_file -- creates a temporary filepath based on information from the part. def process() @logger.info("#{self.class} processing") unless @logger.nil? parts = @mail.parts if !@mail.multipart? parts = Array.new() parts << @mail end parts.each do |p| if self.class.part_type?(p).eql?('multipart/alternative') part = parts.delete(p) part.parts.each do |mp| parts << mp end end end parts.each do |p| t = self.class.part_type?(p) unless ignore_media?(t,p) t,f = process_media(p) add_file(t,f) unless f.nil? end end end ## # Helper to add a file to the media hash. def add_file(type, file) if @media[type].nil? @media[type] = Array.new end @media[type] << file end ## # Helper to temp_file to create a unique temporary directory that is # a child of tmp_dir This version is based on the message_id of the # mail. def msg_tmp_dir() @dir_count += 1 dir = File.join(@media_dir, "#{@dir_count}") FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) dir end ## # Factory method that creates MMS2R::Media products. # # Returns a MMS2R::Media product based on the characteristics # of the carrier from which the the MMS originated. # mail is a TMail object, logger is a Logger and can be # nil. def self.create(mail, logger=nil) d = lambda{['mms2r.media',MMS2R::Media]} cc = MMS2R::CARRIER_CLASSES.detect(d) do |n, c| /[^@]+@(.+)/.match(mail.from[0])[1] =~ /#{Regexp.escape("#{n}")}/ end cls = cc[1] cls.new(mail, cc[0], logger) end ## # returns a filename declared for a part, or a default if its not defined def filename?(part) part.sub_header("content-type", "name") || part.sub_header("content-disposition", "filename") || (part['content-location'] && part['content-location'].body) || "#{Time.now.to_i}.#{self.class.default_ext(self.class.part_type?(part))}" end @@tmp_dir = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, (ENV['USER'].nil? ? '':ENV['USER']), 'mms2r') ## # Get the temporary directory where media files are written to. def self.tmp_dir @@tmp_dir end ## # Set the temporary directory where media files are written to. def self.tmp_dir=(d) @@tmp_dir=d end @@conf_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'conf') ## # Get the directory where conf files are stored. def self.conf_dir @@conf_dir end ## # Set the directory where conf files are stored. def self.conf_dir=(d) @@conf_dir=d end ## # Helper to created a safe directory path element based on the # mail message id. def self.safe_message_id(mid) return "#{Time.now.to_i}" if mid.nil? mid.gsub(/\$|<|>|@|\./, "") end ## # Returns a default file extension based on a content_type def self.default_ext(content_type) ext = MMS2R::EXT[content_type] return /[^\/]+\/(.+)/.match(content_type)[1] if ext.nil? ext end ## # Determines the mimetype of a part. Gauruntees a type is returned. def self.part_type?(part) if part.content_type.nil? return 'text/plain' end part.content_type end ## # Determines the main type of the part's mimetype def self.main_type?(part) /^([^\/]+)\//.match(self.part_type?(part))[1] end ## # Determines the sub type of the part's mimetype def self.sub_type?(part) /\/([^\/]+)$/.match(self.part_type?(part))[1] end end end