%form{ :method => "post", :action => (@project.new_record? ? "/" : project_path(@project)) } - unless @project.new_record? .hidden %input{ :name => "_method", :type => "hidden", :value => "put" } %p.required{ :class => error_class(@project, :name) } %label{ :for => "project_name" }< &== Name #{errors_on @project, :name} %input.text#project_name{ :name => "project_data[name]", :type => "text", :value => h(@project.name) } %p.required{ :class => error_class(@project, :uri) } %label{ :for => "project_repository" }< &== Git repository #{errors_on @project, :uri} %input.text#project_repository{ :name => "project_data[uri]", :type => "text", :value => h(@project.uri) } %p.normal{ :class => error_class(@project, :branch) } %label{ :for => "project_branch" }< &== Branch to track #{errors_on @project, :branch} %input.text#project_branch{ :name => "project_data[branch]", :type => "text", :value => "master", :value => h(@project.branch) } %p.normal{ :class => error_class(@project, :command) } %label{ :for => "project_build_script" } &== Build script #{errors_on @project, :command} %textarea#project_build_script{ :name => "project_data[command]", :cols => 40, :rows => 1 } &== #{@project.command.to_s} %p.normal.checkbox %label{ :for => "project_public" } Public project %input.hidden{ :name => "project_data[public]", :value => "0", :type => "hidden" } %input.checkbox#project_public{ checkbox("project_data[public]", @project.public?) } - Notifier.available.each do |notifier| = notifier_form(notifier) %p.submit %button.positive{ :type => "submit" }= @project.new_record? ? "Create Project" : "Update Project" - unless @project.new_record? %h2 Push URL %p You can use this Push URL with your GitHub project to enable automated continuous integration. %p %code#push_url= push_url_for(@project) %form{ :method => "post", :action => project_path(@project) } .hidden %input{ :name => "_method", :type => "hidden", :value => "delete" } %h2 Delete this project %p.submit.destroy This will delete the project and all the builds in the system %button.negative{ :type => "submit" } Yes, I'm sure, nuke it