# ElectionBuddy Ruby A Ruby client for interacting with the [ElectionBuddy API](https://api.electionbuddy.com). Explore the complete documentation at [https://electionbuddy.github.io/electionbuddy-ruby](https://electionbuddy.github.io/electionbuddy-ruby). ## Installation Install the gem and add it to the application's Gemfile by executing: bundle add electionbuddy-ruby If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing: gem install electionbuddy-ruby Alternatively, add the gem to the Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'electionbuddy-ruby' ``` ## Usage Ensure you have an API key from Electionbuddy. You can configure the API key globally or initialize the client directly with the API key. ### Global Configuration #### Example in a Rails application Create an initializer file in `config/initializers/electionbuddy.rb` and add the following code: ```ruby ElectionBuddy.configure do |config| config.api_key = Rails.application.credentials.electionbuddy[:api_key] end ``` #### Client Initialization You can now initialize the client without passing the API key if it has been configured globally: ```ruby client = ElectionBuddy::Client.new ``` Alternatively, you can still pass the API key directly during initialization. If the API key is passed during initialization, it will take precedence over the global configuration. ```ruby client = ElectionBuddy::Client.new(api_key: 'your-api-key') ``` ### Voter List Validation To validate a voter list, use the `voter_list.validate(vote_id)` method: ```ruby validation = client.voter_list.validate(1) if validation.done? puts "Validation completed successfully! Identifier: #{validation.identifier}" else puts "Validation failed: #{validation.error}" end ``` ### Get the Validation Result Once you have a validation identifier, you can check the validation results. ```ruby begin validation_result = client.voter_list.validation_result('ae0a1724-9791-4bb2-8331-6d4e55a9b7c8') if validation_result.valid? puts "The voter list is valid!" else puts "The voter list is invalid!" puts "Total errors count: #{validation_result.total_errors_count}" end rescue ElectionBuddy::Error => e puts "Something went wrong: #{e.message}" end ``` The voter list validation can have two types of errors: 1. **List-level errors**: Affect the entire voter list (e.g., missing required columns) 2. **Line-level errors**: Affect specific lines in the voter list (e.g., invalid email format) #### List-Level Errors List-level errors can be retrieved using the `list_errors` method. ```ruby if validation_result.list_errors.any? puts "List-level errors:" validation_result.list_errors.each do |list_error| puts "Error message: #{list_error.error_message}" end end ``` #### Line-Level Errors Line-level errors are paginated. You can specify the page number and the number of errors per page. If you don't specify the page number and the number of errors per page, the default values are 1 and 10, respectively. ```ruby validation_result = client.voter_list.validation_result('ae0a1724-9791-4bb2-8331-6d4e55a9b7c8', page: 2, per_page: 10) line_errors = validation_result.line_errors puts "There is a total of #{line_errors.total} line-level errors." puts "The current page is #{line_errors.page}." puts "There are #{line_errors.per_page} errors per page." puts "There are #{line_errors.total_pages} pages in total." ``` PS: The `list_errors` object is always available, regardless of the line-level errors pagination. To iterate over the line-level errors, you can use the following code: ```ruby if line_errors.any? puts "Line-level errors for page #{line_errors.page}:" line_errors.each do |line_error| puts "Line identifier: #{line_error.voter_information_line_id}" puts "Error messages:" line_error.each do |line_error| puts "Error messages #{line_error.error_messages}" end end end ``` ### Possible API Errors The following errors may be raised by the API: - **400**: Malformed request. - **401**: Invalid authentication credentials. - **403**: Unauthorized. - **404**: Resource not found. - **429**: Your request exceeded the API rate limit. - **500**: We were unable to perform the request due to server-side problems. Each error will raise an `Error` exception with a message detailing the status code and the error message returned by the API. ## Documentation The complete documentation for this gem is available at: https://electionbuddy.github.io/electionbuddy-ruby You can also generate the documentation locally using: ```bash yard doc yard server ``` ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake test` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/electionbuddy/electionbuddy-ruby. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).