#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'bundler/setup' require 'optparse' require 'methadone' require 'vcloud/core' class App include Methadone::Main include Methadone::CLILogging include Vcloud main do |type| Query.new(type, options).run end on('-A', '--sort-asc', '=ATTRIBUTE', 'Sort ascending') do |v| options[:sortAsc] = v end on('-D', '--sort-desc', '=ATTRIBUTE', 'Sort descending') do |v| options[:sortDesc] = v end on('--fields', '=NAMES', 'Attribute or metadata key names') do |v| options[:fields] = v end on('--format', '=ATTRIBUTE', 'Data format to retrieve: records, idrecords, references') do |v| options[:format] = v end on('--filter', '=FILTER', 'Filter expression') do |v| options[:filter] = v end on('-o', '--output-format', '=FORMAT', 'Output format: csv, tsv, yaml') do |v| options[:output_format] = v.downcase end arg :type, :optional description ' vcloud-query takes a query type and returns all vCloud entities of that type, obeying supplied filter rules. Query types map to vCloud entities, for example: vApp, vm, orgVdc, orgVdcNetwork. Without a type argument, returns a list of available Entity Types to query. See https://github.com/alphagov/vcloud-tools/blob/master/README.md for more info. Example use: # get a list of all vApps, returning all available parameters, in YAML vcloud-query -o yaml vApp # get a list of all powered off VMs return the name and containerName (vapp # name) vcloud-query --filter "status==POWERED_OFF" --fields name,containerName vm # list all query types (types are left-most column, possible formats listed # on the left (records is default, and most useful) vcloud-query ' version Vcloud::Core::VERSION #use_log_level_option go! end