module RespondsToParent # Module containing the methods useful for child IFRAME to parent window communication module ActionController # Executes the response body as JavaScript in the context of the parent window. # Use this method of you are posting a form to a hidden IFRAME or if you would like # to use IFRAME base RPC. def responds_to_parent(&block) yield if performed? # Either pull out a redirect or the request body script = if location = erase_redirect_results "document.location.href = '#{self.class.helpers.escape_javascript location.to_s}'" else response.body || '' end # Clear out the previous render to prevent double render erase_results # We're returning HTML instead of JS or XML now response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' @performed_render = false # Eval in parent scope and replace document location of this frame # so back button doesn't replay action on targeted forms # loc = document.location to be set after parent is updated for IE # with(window.parent) - pull in variables from parent window # setTimeout - scope the execution in the windows parent for safari # window.eval - legal eval for Opera render :text => "
" end end alias respond_to_parent responds_to_parent end end