require 'rspec' require 'tmpdir' require 'git/gsub' require 'pry' RSpec.configure do |config| config.filter_run :focus => true config.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true end describe 'git-gsub' do def run_in_tmp_repo Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| Dir.chdir dir do `git init` `git config --local ""` `git config --local "Your Name"` `git add .` `git commit -m init` yield end end end def commit_file(name, content) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(name)) File.write(name, content) `git add .` `git commit -m 'Add #{name}'` end let!(:git_gsub_path) { if ENV['USE_RUBY'] File.expand_path("../../bin/git-gsub-ruby", __FILE__) else File.expand_path("../../bin/git-gsub", __FILE__) end } around do |example| run_in_tmp_repo do end end describe 'Substituting' do it 'should substitute files' do commit_file '', 'Git Subversion Bzr' `#{git_gsub_path} Bzr Mercurial` expect('')).to eq 'Git Subversion Mercurial' end it 'should substitute files with case conversion' do commit_file '', 'GitGsub git_gsub git-gsub' `#{git_gsub_path} GitGsub SvnGsub --camel --kebab --snake` expect('')).to eq 'SvnGsub svn_gsub svn-gsub' end it 'should escape well' do commit_file '', %(

) `#{git_gsub_path} '

' '

'` expect('')).to eq %(

) end it 'should substutute @' do commit_file '', %( `#{git_gsub_path} @example bar@example` expect('')).to eq %( end it 'should substitute consequenting @' do commit_file '', %(Hello this is @git) `#{git_gsub_path} @git @@svn` expect('')).to eq %(Hello this is @@svn) end it %(should substitute " to ') do commit_file '', %(Hello this is "git") `#{git_gsub_path} '"git"' "'svn'"` expect('')).to eq %(Hello this is 'svn') end it %(should substitute ' to ") do commit_file '', %(Hello this is 'git') `#{git_gsub_path} "'git'" '"svn"'` expect('')).to eq %(Hello this is "svn") end it 'should substitute text including { and }'do commit_file '', %({git{svn}) `#{git_gsub_path} {git{svn} {hg{svn}}` expect('')).to eq %({hg{svn}}) end it 'should not create backup file' do commit_file '', 'Git Subversion Bzr' `#{git_gsub_path} Bzr Darcs` expect(`ls`).to eql "\n" end end describe 'Renaming' do it 'should rename with --rename' do commit_file '', 'GitGsub git_gsub git-gsub' `#{git_gsub_path} GitGsub SvnGsub --snake --rename` expect(`ls`).to eql "\n" expect('')).to eq 'SvnGsub svn_gsub git-gsub' end it 'should rename with --rename' do commit_file 'lib/git.rb', 'puts "Git"' `#{git_gsub_path} git svn --camel --rename` expect(`ls lib`).to eql "svn.rb\n" expect('lib/svn.rb')).to eq 'puts "Svn"' end it 'should do nothing if no file found' do commit_file '', 'GitGsub git_gsub git-gsub' expect { `#{git_gsub_path} Atlanta Chicago --snake --rename` }.not_to raise_error end end it 'should output command with dry-run' do commit_file '', 'GitGsub git_gsub git-gsub' expect { %w[GitGsub SvnGsub --snake --rename --dry-run] }.to output(/Svn/).to_stdout end end