module Enginery module Test module RouteGenerator self do Should 'fail cause not inside Espresso application' do does(new_route 'Foo bar').fail_with? /not.*Espresso.*application/im end Dir.chdir DST_ROOT do Testing do is(new_app 'App').ok? Dir.chdir 'App' do Should 'fail with "controller does not exists"' do does(new_route 'Foo bar').fail_with? =~ /controller does not exists/ end is(new_controller 'Foo').ok? Should 'create a basic route' do is(new_route 'Foo bar').ok? file = 'base/controllers/foo/bar.rb' is(File).file? file expect( file) =~ /def\s+bar\n/ end Should 'create a route with setups' do is(new_route 'Foo setuped engine:Slim format:html').ok? file = 'base/controllers/foo/setuped.rb' is(File).file? file code = file expect(code) =~ /format_for\s+:setuped\,\s+\Whtml/ expect(code) =~ /before\s+:setuped\s+do[\n|\s]+engine\s+:Slim/ expect(code) =~ /def\s+setuped/m end Should 'correctly convert route into file and method names' do { 'bar/baz' => 'bar__baz', 'bar-baz' => 'bar___baz', 'bar.baz' => 'bar____baz', }.each_pair do |route, meth| Testing "#{route} to #{meth}" do is(new_route "Foo #{route}").ok? file = "base/controllers/foo/#{meth}.rb" is(File).file? file expect( file) =~ /def\s+#{meth}/ end end end Should 'inherit engine defined at controller generation' do is(new_controller 'Pages e:Slim').ok? is(new_route 'Pages edit').ok? is(File).file? 'base/views/pages/edit.slim' And 'override it when explicitly given' do is(new_route 'Pages create e:Haml').ok? is(File).file? 'base/views/pages/create.haml' end end end end cleanup Should 'inherit engine defined at project generation' do is(new_app 'App e:Slim').ok? Dir.chdir 'App' do is(new_controller 'Foo').ok? is(new_route 'Foo bar').ok? is(File).file? 'base/views/foo/bar.slim' end end cleanup Should 'create multiple routes' do is(new_app 'App').ok? Dir.chdir 'App' do is(new_controller 'Foo').ok? are(new_routes 'Foo a b c e:Slim').ok? %w[a b c].each do |r| Testing "#{r} route" do file = "base/controllers/foo/#{r}.rb" is(File).file? file code = file expect {code} =~ /class Foo\n/i is(File).file? "base/views/foo/#{r}.slim" end end end end cleanup end end end end end