require 'time' require 'socket' module Ougai module Formatters # Base formatter # Custom formatter must override `_call`. # @attr [Fixnum] trace_indent Specify exception backtrace indent (by default this is 2). # @attr [Fixnum] trace_max_lines Keep exception backtrace lines (by default this is 100). # @attr [Boolean] serialize_backtrace Whether exception should converts String (by default this is on). class Base < Logger::Formatter attr_accessor :trace_indent, :trace_max_lines attr_accessor :serialize_backtrace attr_reader :app_name, :hostname # Intialize a formatter # @param [String] app_name application name # @param [String] hostname hostname # @param [Hash] opts the initial values of attributes # @option opts [String] :trace_indent (2) the value of trace_indent attribute # @option opts [String] :trace_max_lines (100) the value of trace_max_lines attribute # @option opts [String] :serialize_backtrace (true) the value of serialize_backtrace attribute def initialize(app_name = nil, hostname = nil, opts = {}) @app_name = app_name || File.basename($0, ".rb") @hostname = hostname || Socket.gethostname.force_encoding('UTF-8') @trace_indent = opts.fetch(:trace_indent, 2) @trace_max_lines = opts.fetch(:trace_max_lines, 100) @serialize_backtrace = opts.fetch(:serialize_backtrace, true) self.datetime_format = nil end def call(severity, time, progname, data) _call(severity, time, progname, data.is_a?(Hash) ? data : { msg: data.to_s }) end def _call(severity, time, progname, data) raise NotImplementedError, "_call must be implemented" end def datetime_format=(value) @datetime_format = value || default_datetime_format end def serialize_exc(ex) err = { name:, message: ex.to_s } if ex.backtrace bt = ex.backtrace.slice(0, @trace_max_lines) err[:stack] = @serialize_backtrace ? serialize_trace(bt) : bt end err end def serialize_trace(trace) sp = "\n" + ' ' * @trace_indent trace.join(sp) end private def format_datetime(time) time.strftime(@datetime_format) end def default_datetime_format t = f = '%FT%T.%3N' f << (t.utc? ? 'Z' : '%:z') f.freeze end def self.parse_new_params(args) idx = args.index {|i| i.is_a?(Hash) } return args if idx == 2 opts = args[idx] app_name = opts.delete(:app_name) hostname = opts.delete(:hostname) app_name ||= args[0] if idx > 0 [app_name, hostname, opts] end end end end