require 'base64' require 'time' require 'cgi' module ActiveMerchant module Fulfillment class AmazonMarketplaceWebService < Service APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER = "active_merchant_mws/0.01 (Language=ruby)" REGISTRATION_URI = URI.parse("") SIGNATURE_VERSION = 2 SIGNATURE_METHOD = "SHA256" VERSION = "2010-10-01" SUCCESS, FAILURE, ERROR = 'Accepted', 'Failure', 'Error' MESSAGES = { :status => { 'Accepted' => 'Success', 'Failure' => 'Failed', 'Error' => 'An error occurred' }, :create => { 'Accepted' => 'Successfully submitted the order', 'Failure' => 'Failed to submit the order', 'Error' => 'An error occurred while submitting the order' }, :list => { 'Accepted' => 'Successfully submitted request', 'Failure' => 'Failed to submit request', 'Error' => 'An error occurred while submitting request' } } ENDPOINTS = { :ca => '', :cn => '', :de => '', :es => '', :fr => '', :it => '', :jp => '', :uk => '', :us => '' } LOOKUPS = { :destination_address => { :name => "DestinationAddress.Name", :address1 => "DestinationAddress.Line1", :address2 => "DestinationAddress.Line2", :city => "DestinationAddress.City", :state => "DestinationAddress.StateOrProvinceCode", :country => "DestinationAddress.CountryCode", :zip => "DestinationAddress.PostalCode", :phone => "DestinationAddress.PhoneNumber" }, :line_items => { :comment => "Items.member.%d.DisplayableComment", :gift_message => "Items.member.%d.GiftMessage", :currency_code => "Items.member.%d.PerUnitDeclaredValue.CurrencyCode", :value => "Items.member.%d.PerUnitDeclaredValue.Value", :quantity => "Items.member.%d.Quantity", :order_id => "Items.member.%d.SellerFulfillmentOrderItemId", :sku => "Items.member.%d.SellerSKU", :network_sku => "Items.member.%d.FulfillmentNetworkSKU", :item_disposition => "Items.member.%d.OrderItemDisposition", }, :list_inventory => { :sku => "SellerSkus.member.%d" } } ACTIONS = { :outbound => "FulfillmentOutboundShipment", :inventory => "FulfillmentInventory" } OPERATIONS = { :outbound => { :status => 'GetServiceStatus', :create => 'CreateFulfillmentOrder', :list => 'ListAllFulfillmentOrders', :tracking => 'GetFulfillmentOrder' }, :inventory => { :get => 'ListInventorySupply', :list => 'ListInventorySupply', :list_next => 'ListInventorySupplyByNextToken' } } # The first is the label, and the last is the code # Standard: 3-5 business days # Expedited: 2 business days # Priority: 1 business day def self.shipping_methods [ [ 'Standard Shipping', 'Standard' ], [ 'Expedited Shipping', 'Expedited' ], [ 'Priority Shipping', 'Priority' ] ].inject({|h, (k,v)| h[k] = v; h} end def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :password) @seller_id = options[:seller_id] super end def seller_id=(seller_id) @seller_id = seller_id end def endpoint ENDPOINTS[@options[:endpoint] || :us] end def fulfill(order_id, shipping_address, line_items, options = {}) requires!(options, :order_date, :shipping_method) commit :post, :outbound, :create, build_fulfillment_request(order_id, shipping_address, line_items, options) end def status commit :post, :outbound, :status, build_status_request end def fetch_current_orders commit :post, :outbound, :status, build_get_current_fulfillment_orders_request end def fetch_stock_levels(options = {}) options[:skus] = [options.delete(:sku)] if options.include?(:sku) response = commit :post, :inventory, :list, build_inventory_list_request(options) while token = response.params['next_token'] do next_page = commit :post, :inventory, :list_next, build_next_inventory_list_request(token) # if we fail during the stock-level-via-token gathering, fail the whole request return next_page if next_page.params['response_status'] != SUCCESS next_page.stock_levels.merge!(response.stock_levels) response = next_page end response end def fetch_tracking_data(order_ids, options = {}) order_ids.reduce(nil) do |previous, order_id| response = commit :post, :outbound, :tracking, build_tracking_request(order_id, options) return response if !response.success? if previous response.tracking_numbers.merge!(previous.tracking_numbers) response.tracking_companies.merge!(previous.tracking_companies) response.tracking_urls.merge!(previous.tracking_urls) end response end end def valid_credentials? fetch_stock_levels.success? end def test_mode? false end def build_full_query(verb, uri, params) signature = sign(verb, uri, params) build_query(params) + "&Signature=#{signature}" end def commit(verb, service, op, params) uri = URI.parse("https://#{endpoint}/#{ACTIONS[service]}/#{VERSION}") query = build_full_query(verb, uri, params) headers = build_headers(query) data = ssl_post(uri.to_s, query, headers) response = parse_response(service, op, data), message_from(response), response) rescue ActiveMerchant::ResponseError => e handle_error(e) end def handle_error(e) response = parse_error(e.response) if response.fetch(:faultstring, "").match(/^Requested order \'.+\' not found$/), nil, {:status => SUCCESS, :tracking_numbers => {}, :tracking_companies => {}, :tracking_urls => {}}) else, message_from(response), response) end end def success?(response) response[:response_status] == SUCCESS end def message_from(response) response[:response_message] end ## PARSING def parse_response(service, op, xml) begin document = rescue REXML::ParseException return { :success => FAILURE } end case service when :outbound case op when :tracking parse_tracking_response(document) else parse_fulfillment_response(op, document) end when :inventory parse_inventory_response(document) else raise ArgumentError, "Unknown service #{service}" end end def parse_tracking_response(document) response = {} response[:tracking_numbers] = {} response[:tracking_companies] = {} response[:tracking_urls] = {} tracking_numbers = REXML::XPath.match(document, "//FulfillmentShipmentPackage/member/TrackingNumber") if tracking_numbers.present? order_id = REXML::XPath.first(document, "//FulfillmentOrder/SellerFulfillmentOrderId").text.strip response[:tracking_numbers][order_id] ={ |t| t.text.strip } end tracking_companies = REXML::XPath.match(document, "//FulfillmentShipmentPackage/member/CarrierCode") if tracking_companies.present? order_id = REXML::XPath.first(document, "//FulfillmentOrder/SellerFulfillmentOrderId").text.strip response[:tracking_companies][order_id] ={ |t| t.text.strip } end response[:response_status] = SUCCESS response end def parse_fulfillment_response(op, document) { :response_status => SUCCESS, :response_comment => MESSAGES[op][SUCCESS] } end def parse_inventory_response(document) response = {} response[:stock_levels] = {} document.each_element('//InventorySupplyList/member') do |node| params = node.elements.to_a.each_with_object({}) { |elem, hash| hash[] = elem.text } response[:stock_levels][params['SellerSKU']] = params['InStockSupplyQuantity'].to_i end next_token = REXML::XPath.first(document, '//NextToken') response[:next_token] = next_token ? next_token.text : nil response[:response_status] = SUCCESS response end def parse_error(http_response) response = {} response[:http_code] = http_response.code response[:http_message] = http_response.message document = node = REXML::XPath.first(document, '//Error') error_code = REXML::XPath.first(node, '//Code') error_message = REXML::XPath.first(node, '//Message') response[:status] = FAILURE response[:faultcode] = error_code ? error_code.text : "" response[:faultstring] = error_message ? error_message.text : "" response[:response_message] = error_message ? error_message.text : "" response[:response_comment] = "#{response[:faultcode]}: #{response[:faultstring]}" response rescue REXML::ParseException => e rescue NoMethodError => e response[:http_body] = http_response.body response[:response_status] = FAILURE response[:response_comment] = "#{response[:http_code]}: #{response[:http_message]}" response end def sign(http_verb, uri, options) string_to_sign = "#{http_verb.to_s.upcase}\n" string_to_sign += "#{}\n" string_to_sign += uri.path.length <= 0 ? "/\n" : "#{uri.path}\n" string_to_sign += build_query(options) # remove trailing newline created by encode64 escape(Base64.encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(SIGNATURE_METHOD, @options[:password], string_to_sign)).chomp) end def amazon_request?(signed_string, expected_signature) calculated_signature = escape(Base64.encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(SIGNATURE_METHOD, @options[:password], signed_string)).chomp) calculated_signature == expected_signature end def registration_url(options) opts = { "returnPathAndParameters" => options["returnPathAndParameters"], "id" => @options[:app_id], "AWSAccessKeyId" => @options[:login], "SignatureMethod" => "Hmac#{SIGNATURE_METHOD}", "SignatureVersion" => SIGNATURE_VERSION } signature = sign(:get, REGISTRATION_URI, opts) "#{REGISTRATION_URI.to_s}?#{build_query(opts)}&Signature=#{signature}" end def md5_content(content) Base64.encode64('md5', content).digest).chomp end def build_query(query_params){ |key, value| [escape(key.to_s), escape(value.to_s)].join('=') }.join('&') end def build_headers(querystr) { 'User-Agent' => APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER, 'Content-MD5' => md5_content(querystr), 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } end def build_basic_api_query(options) opts = Hash[{ |k,v| [k.to_s, v.to_s] }] opts["AWSAccessKeyId"] = @options[:login] unless opts["AWSAccessKey"] opts["Timestamp"] = unless opts["Timestamp"] opts["Version"] = VERSION unless opts["Version"] opts["SignatureMethod"] = "Hmac#{SIGNATURE_METHOD}" unless opts["SignatureMethod"] opts["SignatureVersion"] = SIGNATURE_VERSION unless opts["SignatureVersion"] opts["SellerId"] = @seller_id unless opts["SellerId"] || !@seller_id opts end def build_fulfillment_request(order_id, shipping_address, line_items, options) params = { :Action => OPERATIONS[:outbound][:create], :SellerFulfillmentOrderId => order_id.to_s, :DisplayableOrderId => order_id.to_s, :DisplayableOrderDateTime => options[:order_date].utc.iso8601, :ShippingSpeedCategory => options[:shipping_method] } params[:DisplayableOrderComment] = options[:comment] if options[:comment] request = build_basic_api_query(params.merge(options)) request = request.merge build_address(shipping_address) request = request.merge build_items(line_items) request end def build_get_current_fulfillment_orders_request(options = {}) start_time = options.delete(:start_time) || params = { :Action => OPERATIONS[:outbound][:list], :QueryStartDateTime => start_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") } build_basic_api_query(params.merge(options)) end def build_inventory_list_request(options = {}) response_group = options.delete(:response_group) || "Basic" params = { :Action => OPERATIONS[:inventory][:list], :ResponseGroup => response_group } if skus = options.delete(:skus) skus.each_with_index do |sku, index| params[LOOKUPS[:list_inventory][:sku] % (index + 1)] = sku end else start_time = options.delete(:start_time) || params[:QueryStartDateTime] = start_time.utc.iso8601 end build_basic_api_query(params.merge(options)) end def build_next_inventory_list_request(token) params = { :NextToken => token, :Action => OPERATIONS[:inventory][:list_next] } build_basic_api_query(params) end def build_tracking_request(order_id, options) params = {:Action => OPERATIONS[:outbound][:tracking], :SellerFulfillmentOrderId => order_id} build_basic_api_query(params.merge(options)) end def build_address(address) requires!(address, :name, :address1, :city, :country, :zip) address[:state] ||= "N/A" address[:zip].upcase! address[:name] = "#{address[:company]} - #{address[:name]}" if address[:company].present? ary ={ |key, value| [LOOKUPS[:destination_address][key], value] if LOOKUPS[:destination_address].include?(key) && value.present? } Hash[ary.compact] end def build_items(line_items) lookup = LOOKUPS[:line_items] counter = 0 line_items.reduce({}) do |items, line_item| counter += 1 lookup.each do |key, value| entry = value % counter case key when :sku items[entry] = line_item[:sku] || "SKU-#{counter}" when :order_id items[entry] = line_item[:sku] || "FULFILLMENT-ITEM-ID-#{counter}" when :quantity items[entry] = line_item[:quantity] || 1 else items[entry] = line_item[key] if line_item.include? key end end items end end def build_status_request build_basic_api_query({ :Action => OPERATIONS[:outbound][:status] }) end def escape(str) CGI.escape(str.to_s).gsub('+', '%20') end end end end