require: - ./lib/rubocop/cul.rb inherit_from: - rubocul_rules_bundler.yml - rubocul_rules_factory_bot.yml - rubocul_rules_performance.yml - rubocul_rules_rails.yml - rubocul_rules_rspec.yml - rubocul_rules_security.yml - rubocul_rules_capybara.yml AllCops: TargetRubyVersion: 2.7 # Disable any new "pending" cops that are introduced in a minor version update of rubocop. # We only want to opt into these explicitly, or accept them when we update to a new MAJOR # version of rubocop. See: NewCops: disable # DisabledByDefault: true DisplayCopNames: true Exclude: - 'db/**/*' - 'script/**/*' - 'bin/**/*' - 'tmp/**/*' - 'vendor/**/*' - 'node_modules/**/*' - 'app/javascript/**/*' Layout/HashAlignment: SupportedHashRocketStyles: - key - table SupportedColonStyles: - key - table Metrics/BlockLength: AllowedMethods: - 'describe' # rspec - 'context' # rspec - 'namespace' # rake - 'task' # rake RSpec/NestedGroups: Max: 5 # Documentation is great, but we're not currently forcing people to add a top level comment # to all classes and modules. Style/Documentation: Enabled: false Style/RedundantSelf: Enabled: false Style/HashSyntax: # We may change this at some point, but it'll take some getting used to. To be safe, we're # forcing explicit hash literal values for now. EnforcedShorthandSyntax: never Layout/FirstHashElementIndentation: EnforcedStyle: consistent Style/BlockDelimiters: EnforcedStyle: braces_for_chaining Style/ClassAndModuleChildren: Enabled: false Style/WordArray: Enabled: false Style/SymbolArray: Enabled: false RSpec/ExpectInHook: Enabled: false Style/BlockComments: Enabled: false Rails/RakeEnvironment: Enabled: false Style/NonNilCheck: Enabled: false RSpec/ContextWording: Enabled: false # TODO: Decide how we feel about this later Naming/VariableNumber: Enabled: false