== (WIP) * Ruote remote participants * Allow process umask to be configured, defaults to 022 * Updates to DaemonKit::Config hashes * Fixed argument parsing bug (reported by Mathijs Kwik (bluescreen303) * Support for privilege separation (See Configuration.txt) == 2009-06-22 * Backtraces only logged on unclean shutdown * AMQP generator got new keep alive code == 2009-06-22 * Optional logging of all exceptions when the daemon process dies unexpectedly * Update generated environment.rb to reflect new backtraces option == 2009-06-22 * Fixed compatibility with rufus-scheduler-2.0.0 (or newer) in cron generator * Started central eventmachine reactor management code * Now depends on eventmachine == (Not released) * Support for cucumber * Fixed issue in daemon_kit:upgrade task * Moved rspec generator into new home * Removed conflicting rubigen generator, messed with our script directory * Fixed bug where environment.rb overwrites some --config values (reported by Josh Owens) == 2009-06-08 * New AbstractLogger ** Default Logger backend ** SysLogLogger support * More documentation == 2009-06-05 * Fixed bug with control script generator (thanks Sho Fukamachi) * Enhanced deploy.rb template to check for current dk gem verion, unless vendored * Fix bug in capistrano recipe for restarting daemons * Added log:truncate rake task * Error mails now handled by TMail == 2009-05-31 * Removed dependency on daemons gem, now handled in house * New argument management * Some more docs == 2009-05-28 * Fixed some minor issue with Capistrano support * Added support for generating dog/monit configuration files via rake * Initial implementation of ./script/* utilities == 0.1.7 2009-05-26 * Capistrano deployment support == 0.1.6 2009-05-13 * DaemonKit::Safety class to handle the trapping and logging of exceptions, as well as email notifications or Hoptoad notifications. * New config/pre-daemonize and config/post-daemonize structure * New tasks to simplify upgrading daemon-kit projects * Fixed some other annoyances and bugs * Bigger TODO list == 0.1.5 2009-05-07 * DaemonKit::Config class to easy the use of YAML configs internally, and in generated daemons == 0.1.2 2009-04-28 * Added missing rubigen dependency == 0.1.1 2009-04-27 * AMQP consumer generator added * 'cron' style generator added * Allow configuring dir_mode and dir (pid file location) (Jim Lindley) == 0.1.0 2009-01-08 * Ability to freeze the gem/edge copies of DaemonKit * Simple non-evented Jabber generator * Flexible UNIX signal trapping configuration * Basic generator completed * 1 small step for man, 1 giant leap for mankind