# ronin-core [![CI](https://github.com/ronin-rb/ronin-core/actions/workflows/ruby.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/ronin-rb/ronin-core/actions/workflows/ruby.yml) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/ronin-rb/ronin-core.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/ronin-rb/ronin-core) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/ronin-core.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/ronin-core) * [Website](https://ronin-rb.dev/) * [Source](https://github.com/ronin-rb/ronin-core) * [Issues](https://github.com/ronin-rb/ronin-core/issues) * [Documentation](https://ronin-rb.dev/docs/ronin-core/frames) * [Discord](https://discord.gg/6WAb3PsVX9) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ronin_rb) | [Mastodon](https://infosec.exchange/@ronin_rb) ## Description ronin-core is a core library providing common functionality for all ronin libraries. ronin-core is part of the [ronin-rb] project, a toolkit for security research and development. ## Features * Provides access to the XDG directories (`~/.config/`, `~/.cache/`, `~/.local/share`). * Allows querying `~/.gitconfig` for common git settings. * Provides a common `Command` base class for all ronin libraries. * Provides a `Shell` and `CommandShell` base classes for writing interactive shells. * Provides a `Params` API for adding user configurable parameters to classes. * Has 85% documentation coverage. * Has 99% test coverage. ## Requirements * [Ruby] >= 3.0.0 * [reline] ~> 0.1 * [command_kit] ~> 0.4 * [irb] ~> 1.0 ## Install ### Gemfile ```ruby gem 'ronin-core', '~> 0.1' ``` ### gemspec ```ruby gem.add_depedency 'ronin-core', '~> 0.1' ``` ### [gemspec.yml] ```yaml dependencies: ronin-core: ~> 0.1 ``` ## Examples ### Params ```ruby class BaseClass include Ronin::Core::Params::Mixin end ``` ```ruby class MyModule < BaseClass param :str, desc: 'A basic string param' param :feature_flag, Boolean, desc: 'A boolean param' param :enum, Enum[:one, :two, :three], desc: 'An enum param' param :num1, Integer, desc: 'An integer param' param :num2, Integer, default: 42, desc: 'A param with a default value' param :num3, Integer, default: ->{ rand(42) }, desc: 'A param with a dynamic default value' param :float, Float, 'Floating point param' param :url, URI, desc: 'URL param' param :pattern, Regexp, desc: 'Regular Expression param' end mod = MyModule.new(params: {num1: 1, enum: :two}) mod.params # => {:num2=>42, :num3=>25, :num1=>1, :enum=>:two} ``` ### CLI Define a main command for `ronin-foo`: ```ruby # lib/ronin/foo/cli.rb require 'command_kit/commands' require 'command_kit/commands/auto_load' module Ronin module Foo class CLI include CommandKit::Commands include CommandKit::Commands::AutoLoad.new( dir: "#{__dir__}/cli/commands", namespace: "#{self}::Commands" ) command_name 'ronin-foo' command_aliases['ls'] = 'list' # ... end end end ``` Add a `bin/ronin-foo` file (don't forget to `chmod +x` it) that invokes the main command: ```ruby #!/usr/bin/env ruby root = File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__,'..')) if File.file?(File.join(root,'Gemfile.lock')) Dir.chdir(root) do begin require 'bundler/setup' rescue LoadError => e warn e.message warn "Run `gem install bundler` to install Bundler" exit -1 end end end require 'ronin/foo/cli' Ronin::Foo::CLI.start ``` Define a common command class for all `ronin-foo`'s commands: ```ruby # lib/ronin/foo/cli/command.rb require 'ronin/core/cli/command' module Ronin module Foo class CLI class Command < Core::CLI::Command man_dir File.join(__dir__,'..','..','..','..','man') end end end end ``` Define a `list` sub-command under the `ronin-foo` main command: ```ruby # lib/ronin/foo/cli/commands/list.rb require 'ronin/foo/cli/command' module Ronin module Foo class CLI module Commands class List < Command usage '[options] [NAME]' argument :name, required: false, desc: 'Optional name to list' description 'Lists all things' man_page 'ronin-foo-list.1' def run(name=nil) # ... end end end end end end ``` Test it out: ```shell $ ./bin/ronin-foo Usage: ronin-foo [options] [COMMAND [ARGS...]] Options: -h, --help Print help information Arguments: [COMMAND] The command name to run [ARGS ...] Additional arguments for the command Commands: help list, ls $ ./bin/ronin-foo ls ``` ### CLI::CommandShell Define a custom command shell: ```ruby class HTTPShell < Ronin::Core::CLI::CommandShell shell_name 'http' command :get, usage: 'PATH [HEADERS...]', summary: 'Sends a GET request' def get(path,*headers) # ... end command :post, usage: 'PATH DATA [HEADERS...]', summary: 'Sends a POST request' def post(path,data,*headers) # ... end end ``` Then start it: ```ruby HTTPShell.start ``` ``` http> get /foo ... http> post /foo var=bar ... ``` ## Development 1. [Fork It!](https://github.com/ronin-rb/ronin-core/fork) 2. Clone It! 3. `cd ronin-core/` 4. `bundle install` 5. `git checkout -b my_feature` 6. Code It! 7. `bundle exec rake spec` 8. `git push origin my_feature` ## License Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Hal Brodigan (postmodern.mod3@gmail.com) ronin-core is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ronin-core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with ronin-core. If not, see . [ronin-rb]: https://ronin-rb.dev/ [Ruby]: https://www.ruby-lang.org [command_kit]: https://github.com/postmodern/command_kit.rb#readme [reline]: https://github.com/ruby/reline#readme [irb]: https://github.com/ruby/irb#readme [gemspec.yml]: https://github.com/postmodern/gemspec.yml#readme