import $ from 'jquery'; import _ from 'underscore'; import { Object as Object$1 } from 'pageflow/ui'; import Backbone from 'backbone'; import { Entry, Theme, FileTypes, FilesCollection, SubsetCollection, ImageFile, WidgetTypes, EditorApi, WidgetsCollection, VideoFile, TextTrackFile } from 'pageflow/editor'; import { browser } from 'pageflow/frontend'; import I18n from 'i18n-js'; var Base = Object$1.extend({ initialize: function initialize($el) { this.$el = $el; } }); Base.classMethods = function (Constructor) { return { find: function find(viewOrParentElement) { var selector = Constructor.prototype.selector; var parentElement = viewOrParentElement.$el || viewOrParentElement; var element = parentElement.find(selector); if (element.length > 1) { throw new Error('Selector "' + selector + '" matches multiple elements in view. Expected only one'); } if (element.length === 0) { throw new Error('Selector "' + selector + '" did not match any elements in view.'); } return new Constructor(element); }, findAll: function findAll(viewOrParentElement) { var selector = Constructor.prototype.selector; var parentElement = viewOrParentElement.$el || viewOrParentElement; var elements = parentElement.find(selector); return () { return new Constructor($(this)); }).get(); }, findBy: function findBy(predicate, options) { var predicateString = options.predicateName ? ' filtered by ' + options.predicateName : ''; var selector = Constructor.prototype.selector; var selectorString = 'Selector "' + selector + '"' + predicateString; var elements = options.inView.$el.find(selector); var element = elements.filter(function () { return predicate($(this)); }); if (element.length > 1) { throw new Error(selectorString + ' matches multiple elements in view. Expected only one'); } if (element.length === 0) { throw new Error(selectorString + ' did not match any elements in view.'); } return new Constructor(element); }, render: function render(view, options) { view.render(); if (options && options.appendTo) { options.appendTo.append(view.$el); } return new Constructor(view.$el); } }; }; Base.extend = function () { var result = Object$1.extend.apply(this, arguments); _.extend(result, Base.classMethods(result)); return result; }; var DropDownButton = Base.extend({ selector: '.drop_down_button', menuItemNames: function menuItemNames() { return this.$el.find('li').map(function () { return $(this).data('name'); }).get(); }, menuItemLabels: function menuItemLabels() { return this.$el.find('li a').map(function () { return $(this).text(); }).get(); }, selectMenuItemByName: function selectMenuItemByName(name) { var menuItem = this.$el.find('li').filter(function () { return $(this).data('name') == name; }); if (!menuItem.length) { throw new Error('Could not find menu item with name "' + name + '"'); } menuItem.find('a').trigger('click'); }, selectMenuItemByLabel: function selectMenuItemByLabel(label) { var menuItemLink = this.$el.find('li a').filter(function () { return $(this).text() == label; }); if (!menuItemLink.length) { throw new Error('Could not find menu item with label "' + label + '"'); } menuItemLink.trigger('click'); } }); var FileMetaDataTable = Base.extend({ selector: '.file_meta_data table', values: function values() { return this.$el.find('.value').map(function () { return $(this).text(); }).get(); } }); var FileStageItem = Base.extend({ selector: '.file_stage_item' }); var FileThumbnail = Base.extend({ selector: '.file_thumbnail', backgroundImage: function backgroundImage() { return this.$el.css('backgroundImage'); } }); var ReferenceInput = Base.extend({ clickChooseButton: function clickChooseButton() { this.$el.find('.choose').trigger('click'); } }); var StaticThumbnail = Base.extend({ selector: '.static_thumbnail', backgroundImage: function backgroundImage() { return this.$el.css('backgroundImage'); } }); var ThemeItem = Base.extend({ selector: '.theme_item', hover: function hover() { this.$el.trigger('mouseenter'); }, click: function click() { this.$el.trigger('click'); }, clickUseButton: function clickUseButton() { this.$el.find('.use_theme').trigger('click'); } }); ThemeItem.findByName = function (themeName, options) { return this.findBy(function ($el) { return $'themeName') === themeName; }, _.extend({ predicateName: 'theme name ' + themeName }, options)); }; var ConfigurationEditorTab = Base.extend({ selector: '.configuration_editor_tab', inputPropertyNames: function inputPropertyNames() { return this.$el.find('.input').map(function () { return $(this).data('inputPropertyName'); }).get(); }, visibleInputPropertyNames: function visibleInputPropertyNames() { return this.$el.find('.input:not(.hidden_via_binding)').map(function () { return $(this).data('inputPropertyName'); }).get(); }, inputLabels: function inputLabels() { return this.$el.find('.input').map(function () { return $(this).data('labelText'); }).get(); }, inlineHelpTexts: function inlineHelpTexts() { return this.$el.find('.input').map(function () { return $(this).data('inlineHelpText'); }).get(); } }); var Tabs = Base.extend({ selector: '.tabs_view', tabNames: function tabNames() { return this.$el.find('[data-tab-name]').map(function () { return $(this).data('tabName'); }).get(); }, tabLabels: function tabLabels() { return this.$el.find('[data-tab-name]').map(function () { return $(this).text(); }).get(); } }); var ConfigurationEditor = Base.extend({ selector: '.configuration_editor', tabNames: function tabNames() { return Tabs.find(this.$el).tabNames(); }, tabLabels: function tabLabels() { return Tabs.find(this.$el).tabLabels(); }, inputPropertyNames: function inputPropertyNames() { return ConfigurationEditorTab.find(this.$el).inputPropertyNames(); }, visibleInputPropertyNames: function visibleInputPropertyNames() { return ConfigurationEditorTab.find(this.$el).visibleInputPropertyNames(); }, inputLabels: function inputLabels() { return ConfigurationEditorTab.find(this.$el).inputLabels(); }, inlineHelpTexts: function inlineHelpTexts() { return ConfigurationEditorTab.find(this.$el).inlineHelpTexts(); } }); var Table = Base.extend({ selector: '.table_view', columnNames: function columnNames() { return this.$el.find('th').map(function () { return $(this).data('columnName'); }).get(); } }); var ColorInput = Base.extend({ value: function value() { return this._input().val(); }, fillIn: function fillIn(value, clock) { this._input().val(value); this._input().trigger('keyup'); clock.tick(500); }, swatches: function swatches() { return this.$el.find('.minicolors-swatches span').map(function () { return window.getComputedStyle(this)['background-color']; }).get(); }, _input: function _input() { return this.$el.find('input'); } }); function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; } function _objectSpread2(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; } var Base$1 = Base.extend({ selector: '.input' }); Base$1.findByPropertyName = function (propertyName, options) { return this.findBy(function (el) { return'inputPropertyName') === propertyName; }, _objectSpread2({ predicateName: "input property name '".concat(propertyName, "'") }, options)); }; var RadioButtonGroupInput = Base$1.extend({ values: function values() { return this.$el.find('input').map(function () { return $(this).attr('value'); }).get(); }, enabledValues: function enabledValues() { return this.$el.find('input:not([disabled])').map(function () { return $(this).attr('value'); }).get(); } }); var SelectInput = Base$1.extend({ value: function value() { return this.$el.find('select').val(); }, values: function values() { return this.$el.find('option').map(function () { return $(this).attr('value'); }).get(); }, enabledValues: function enabledValues() { return this.$el.find('option:not([disabled])').map(function () { return $(this).attr('value'); }).get(); } }); /** * Build editor Backbone models for tests. */ var factories = { /** * Build an entry model. * * @param {Function} model - Entry type specific entry model * @param {Object} [attributes] - Model attributes * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Object} [options.entryTypeSeed] - Seed data passed to `Entry#setupFromEntryTypeSeed`. * @param {FileTypes} [options.fileTypes] - Use {@link #factoriesfiletypes factories.fileTypes} to construct this object. * @param {Object} [options.filesAttributes] - An object mapping (underscored) file collection names to arrays of file attributes. * @returns {Entry} - An entry Backbone model. * * @example * * import {factories} from 'pageflow/testHelpers'; * import {PagedEntry} from 'editor/models/PagedEntry'; * * const entry = factories.entry(PagedEntry, {slug: 'some-entry'}, { * entryTypeSeed: {some: 'data'}, * fileTypes: factories.fileTypes(f => f.withImageFileType()), * filesAttributes: { * image_files: [{id: 100, perma_id: 1, basename: 'image'}] * } * }); */ entry: function entry(model, attributes) { var options = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}; if (typeof model !== 'function') { return factories.entry(Entry, model, attributes); } ensureFileTypes(options); ensureFilesCollections(options); ensureWidgetsCollections(options); var entry = new model(_objectSpread2({ id: 1 }, attributes), _.extend({ storylines: new Backbone.Collection(), chapters: new Backbone.Collection() }, options)); if (entry.setupFromEntryTypeSeed && options.entryTypeSeed) { entry.setupFromEntryTypeSeed(options.entryTypeSeed); } return entry; }, theme: function theme(attributes, options) { return new Theme(attributes, options); }, /** * Construct a file type registry that can be passed to {@link * #factoriesentry factories.entry}. * * The passed function receives a builder object with the following * methods that register a corresponding file type: * * - `withImageFileType([options])`: Registers a file type with collection name `image_files`. * - `withVideoFileType([options])`: Registers a file type with collection name `video_files`. * - `withTextTrackFileType([options])`: Registers a file type with collection name `text_track_files`. * * @param {Function} fn - Build function. * @returns {FileTypes} - A file Type registry */ fileTypes: function fileTypes(fn) { var fileTypes = new FileTypes(); var fileTypesSetupArray = []; var builder = { withImageFileType: function withImageFileType(options) { fileTypes.register('image_files', _.extend({ model: ImageFile, matchUpload: /^image/, topLevelType: true }, options)); fileTypesSetupArray.push({ collectionName: 'image_files', typeName: 'Pageflow::ImageFile', i18nKey: 'pageflow/image_files' }); return this; }, withVideoFileType: function withVideoFileType(options) { fileTypes.register('video_files', _.extend({ model: VideoFile, matchUpload: /^video/, topLevelType: true }, options)); fileTypesSetupArray.push({ collectionName: 'video_files', typeName: 'Pageflow::VideoFile', i18nKey: 'pageflow/video_files', nestedFileTypes: [{ collectionName: 'text_track_files' }] }); return this; }, withAudioFileType: function withAudioFileType(options) { fileTypes.register('audio_files', _.extend({ model: VideoFile, matchUpload: /^audio/, topLevelType: true }, options)); fileTypesSetupArray.push({ collectionName: 'audio_files', typeName: 'Pageflow::AudioFile', i18nKey: 'pageflow/audio_files', nestedFileTypes: [{ collectionName: 'text_track_files' }] }); return this; }, withTextTrackFileType: function withTextTrackFileType(options) { fileTypes.register('text_track_files', _.extend({ model: TextTrackFile, matchUpload: /vtt$/ }, options)); fileTypesSetupArray.push({ collectionName: 'text_track_files', typeName: 'Pageflow::TextTrackFile', i18nKey: 'pageflow/text_track_files' }); return this; } };, builder); fileTypes.setup(fileTypesSetupArray); return fileTypes; }, /** * Shorthand for calling {@link #factoriesfiletypes * factories.fileTypes} with a builder function that calls * `withImageFileType`. * * @param {Object} options - File type options passed to withImageFileType, * @returns {FileTypes} - A file Type registry. */ fileTypesWithImageFileType: function fileTypesWithImageFileType(options) { return this.fileTypes(function () { this.withImageFileType(options); }); }, imageFileType: function imageFileType(options) { return factories.fileTypesWithImageFileType(options).first(); }, fileType: function fileType(options) { return factories.imageFileType(options); }, filesCollection: function filesCollection(options) { return FilesCollection.createForFileType(options.fileType, [{}, {}]); }, nestedFilesCollection: function nestedFilesCollection(options) { return new SubsetCollection({ parentModel: factories.file({ file_name: options.parentFileName }), filter: function filter() { return true; }, parent: factories.filesCollection({ fileType: options.fileType }) }); }, videoFileWithTextTrackFiles: function videoFileWithTextTrackFiles(options) { var fileTypes = this.fileTypes(function () { this.withVideoFileType(options.videoFileTypeOptions); this.withTextTrackFileType(options.textTrackFileTypeOptions); }); var fileAttributes = { video_files: [_.extend({ id: 1, state: 'encoded' }, options.videoFileAttributes)], text_track_files:, function (attributes) { return _.extend({ parent_file_id: 1, parent_file_model_type: 'Pageflow::VideoFile' }, attributes); }) }; var entry = factories.entry({}, { files: FilesCollection.createForFileTypes(fileTypes, fileAttributes || {}), fileTypes: fileTypes }); var videoFiles = entry.getFileCollection(fileTypes.findByCollectionName('video_files')); var textTrackFiles = entry.getFileCollection(fileTypes.findByCollectionName('text_track_files')); return { entry: entry, videoFile: videoFiles.first(), videoFiles: videoFiles, textTrackFiles: textTrackFiles }; }, imageFilesFixture: function imageFilesFixture(options) { var fileTypes = this.fileTypes(function () { this.withImageFileType(options.fileTypeOptions); }); var fileAttributes = { image_files: [_.extend({ id: 1, state: 'processed' }, options.imageFileAttributes)] }; var entry = factories.entry({}, { files: FilesCollection.createForFileTypes(fileTypes, fileAttributes || {}), fileTypes: fileTypes }); var imageFiles = entry.getFileCollection(fileTypes.findByCollectionName('image_files')); return { entry: entry, imageFile: imageFiles.first(), imageFiles: imageFiles }; }, imageFile: function imageFile(attributes, options) { return new ImageFile(attributes, _.extend({ fileType: this.imageFileType() }, options)); }, file: function file(attributes, options) { return this.imageFile(attributes, options); }, widgetTypes: function widgetTypes(attributesList, beforeSetup) { var widgetTypes = new WidgetTypes(); var attributesListsByRole = {}; _(attributesList).each(function (attributes) { attributesListsByRole[attributes.role] = attributesListsByRole[attributes.role] || []; attributesListsByRole[attributes.role].push(_.extend({ translationKey: 'widget_name.' + }, attributes)); }); if (beforeSetup) { beforeSetup(widgetTypes); } widgetTypes.setup(attributesListsByRole); return widgetTypes; }, editorApi: function editorApi(beforeSetup) { var api = new EditorApi({ router: { navigate: function navigate(path, _ref) { var trigger = _ref.trigger; if (trigger) { api.trigger('navigate', path); } } } }); if (beforeSetup) { beforeSetup(api); } api.pageTypes.setup(, function (config, name) { return { name: name, translation_key_prefix: 'pageflow.' + name, translation_key: 'pageflow.' + name + '.name', category_translation_key: 'pageflow.' + name + '.category', description_translation_key: 'pageflow.' + name + '.description' }; })); return api; } }; function ensureFileTypes(options) { if (!options.fileTypes) { options.fileTypes = new FileTypes(); options.fileTypes.setup([]); } } function ensureFilesCollections(options) { if (!options.files) { options.files = FilesCollection.createForFileTypes(options.fileTypes, options.filesAttributes); } } function ensureWidgetsCollections(options) { if (!options.widgets) { options.widgets = new WidgetsCollection(options.widgetsAttributes); } } var userAgents = { 'Safari on iPhone': 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_0_1 like Mac OS X) ' + 'AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0' + 'Mobile/14A403 Safari/602.1', 'Safari on macOS': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14) ' + 'AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.0 ' + 'Safari/605.1.15', 'Chrome on Android': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10) ' + 'AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.106' + 'Mobile Safari/537.36', 'Chrome on iPhone': 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3 like Mac OS X)' + 'AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/56.0.2924.75' + 'Mobile/14E5239e Safari/602.1', 'Chrome on Windows': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36' + '(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/99.0.4844.51 Safari/537.36' }; function fakeBrowserAgent(name) { if (!userAgents[name]) { throw new Error("Unknown browser ".concat(name, ".")); } return new browser.Agent(userAgents[name]); } var state = window.pageflow || {}; /** * Setup global state for testing Backbone editor components. * * For some editor components like (some views or models) it's easier * to depend on the global mutable state (available via the `$state` * module alias) instead of injecting dependencies. This helper can be * used to test these components in isolation. * * @param {Object} mapping - * Properties to set on the global state. Functions as values will * be evaluated and the return value will be assigned instead. */ var setupGlobals = function setupGlobals(mapping) { var globalsBackup; beforeEach(function () { if (globalsBackup) { throw new Error('There can only be one setupGlobals call per test.'); } globalsBackup = {}; setGlobals(mapping); }); afterEach(function () { _.each(mapping, function (_, key) { state[key] = globalsBackup[key]; }); globalsBackup = null; }); function setGlobals(mapping) { _.each(mapping, function (value, key) { globalsBackup[key] = state[key]; state[key] = typeof value === 'function' ? : value; }); return mapping; } return { setGlobals: setGlobals }; }; /** * Define translations to use in tests. * * @param {Object} translations - * A mapping of either the form `(translation key => translated * text)`. Translation keys can contains dots. * @param {Object} [options] * @param {boolean} [options.multiLocale] - * Set to `true` if keys include the locale name. * * @example * import {useFakeTranslations} from 'pageflow/testHelpers'; * import I18n from 'i18n-js'; * * describe('...', () => { * useFakeTranslations({ * 'some.key': 'some translation' * }); * * it('...', () => { * I18n.t('some.key') // => 'some translation' * }); * }); * * @example * import {useFakeTranslations} from 'pageflow/testHelpers'; * import I18n from 'i18n-js'; * * describe('...', () => { * useFakeTranslations({ * 'en.some.key': 'some text', * 'de.some.key': 'etwas Text' * }, {multiLocale: true}); * * it('...', () => { * I18n.locale = 'de'; * I18n.t('some.key') // => 'etwas Text' * }); * }); */ function useFakeTranslations(translations) { var _ref = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}, multiLocale = _ref.multiLocale; var originalTranslations; beforeEach(function () { originalTranslations = I18n.translations; if (multiLocale) { I18n.translations = keysWithDotsToNestedObjects(translations); } else { I18n.translations = { en: keysWithDotsToNestedObjects(translations) }; } }); afterEach(function () { I18n.translations = originalTranslations; }); } function keysWithDotsToNestedObjects(translations) { return _(translations).reduce(function (result, value, key) { var keys = key.split('.'); var last = keys.pop(); var inner = _(keys).reduce(function (r, key) { r[key] = r[key] || {}; return r[key]; }, result); inner[last] = value; return result; }, {}); } export { ColorInput, ConfigurationEditor, ConfigurationEditorTab, DropDownButton, FileMetaDataTable, FileStageItem, FileThumbnail, RadioButtonGroupInput, ReferenceInput, SelectInput, StaticThumbnail, Table, Tabs, ThemeItem, factories, fakeBrowserAgent, setupGlobals, useFakeTranslations };