/** * @docauthor Robert Dougan * * Single checkbox field. Can be used as a direct replacement for traditional checkbox fields. Also serves as a * parent class for {@link Ext.form.field.Radio radio buttons}. * * # Labeling * * In addition to the {@link Ext.form.Labelable standard field labeling options}, checkboxes * may be given an optional {@link #boxLabel} which will be displayed immediately after checkbox. Also see * {@link Ext.form.CheckboxGroup} for a convenient method of grouping related checkboxes. * * # Values * * The main value of a checkbox is a boolean, indicating whether or not the checkbox is checked. * The following values will check the checkbox: * * - `true` * - `'true'` * - `'1'` * - `'on'` * * Any other value will uncheck the checkbox. * * In addition to the main boolean value, you may also specify a separate {@link #inputValue}. This will be * sent as the parameter value when the form is {@link Ext.form.Basic#submit submitted}. You will want to set * this value if you have multiple checkboxes with the same {@link #name}. If not specified, the value `on` * will be used. * * # Example usage * * @example * Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', { * bodyPadding: 10, * width: 300, * title: 'Pizza Order', * items: [ * { * xtype: 'fieldcontainer', * fieldLabel: 'Toppings', * defaultType: 'checkboxfield', * items: [ * { * boxLabel : 'Anchovies', * name : 'topping', * inputValue: '1', * id : 'checkbox1' * }, { * boxLabel : 'Artichoke Hearts', * name : 'topping', * inputValue: '2', * checked : true, * id : 'checkbox2' * }, { * boxLabel : 'Bacon', * name : 'topping', * inputValue: '3', * id : 'checkbox3' * } * ] * } * ], * bbar: [ * { * text: 'Select Bacon', * handler: function() { * Ext.getCmp('checkbox3').setValue(true); * } * }, * '-', * { * text: 'Select All', * handler: function() { * Ext.getCmp('checkbox1').setValue(true); * Ext.getCmp('checkbox2').setValue(true); * Ext.getCmp('checkbox3').setValue(true); * } * }, * { * text: 'Deselect All', * handler: function() { * Ext.getCmp('checkbox1').setValue(false); * Ext.getCmp('checkbox2').setValue(false); * Ext.getCmp('checkbox3').setValue(false); * } * } * ], * renderTo: Ext.getBody() * }); */ Ext.define('Ext.form.field.Checkbox', { extend: 'Ext.form.field.Base', alias: ['widget.checkboxfield', 'widget.checkbox'], alternateClassName: 'Ext.form.Checkbox', requires: ['Ext.XTemplate', 'Ext.form.CheckboxManager' ], componentLayout: 'field', childEls: [ /** * @property {Ext.Element} boxLabelEl * A reference to the label element created for the {@link #boxLabel}. Only present if the component has been * rendered and has a boxLabel configured. */ 'boxLabelEl' ], // note: {id} here is really {inputId}, but {cmpId} is available fieldSubTpl: [ '', '{beforeBoxLabelTpl}', '', '{afterBoxLabelTpl}', '', // Creates not an actual checkbox, but a button which is given aria role="checkbox" (If ARIA is required) and // styled with a custom checkbox image. This allows greater control and consistency in // styling, and using a button allows it to gain focus and handle keyboard nav properly. ' tabIndex="{tabIdx}"', ' disabled="disabled"', ' style="{fieldStyle}"', ' class="{fieldCls} {typeCls}" autocomplete="off" hidefocus="true" />', '', '{beforeBoxLabelTpl}', '', '{afterBoxLabelTpl}', '', { disableFormats: true, compiled: true } ], subTplInsertions: [ /** * @cfg {String/Array/Ext.XTemplate} beforeBoxLabelTpl * An optional string or `XTemplate` configuration to insert in the field markup * before the box label element. If an `XTemplate` is used, the component's * {@link Ext.form.field.Base#getSubTplData subTpl data} serves as the context. */ 'beforeBoxLabelTpl', /** * @cfg {String/Array/Ext.XTemplate} afterBoxLabelTpl * An optional string or `XTemplate` configuration to insert in the field markup * after the box label element. If an `XTemplate` is used, the component's * {@link Ext.form.field.Base#getSubTplData subTpl data} serves as the context. */ 'afterBoxLabelTpl', /** * @cfg {String/Array/Ext.XTemplate} beforeBoxLabelTextTpl * An optional string or `XTemplate` configuration to insert in the field markup * before the box label text. If an `XTemplate` is used, the component's * {@link Ext.form.field.Base#getSubTplData subTpl data} serves as the context. */ 'beforeBoxLabelTextTpl', /** * @cfg {String/Array/Ext.XTemplate} afterBoxLabelTextTpl * An optional string or `XTemplate` configuration to insert in the field markup * after the box label text. If an `XTemplate` is used, the component's * {@link Ext.form.field.Base#getSubTplData subTpl data} serves as the context. */ 'afterBoxLabelTextTpl', /** * @cfg {String/Array/Ext.XTemplate} boxLabelAttrTpl * An optional string or `XTemplate` configuration to insert in the field markup * inside the box label element (as attributes). If an `XTemplate` is used, the component's * {@link Ext.form.field.Base#getSubTplData subTpl data} serves as the context. */ 'boxLabelAttrTpl', // inherited 'inputAttrTpl' ], /* * @property {Boolean} isCheckbox * `true` in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Checkbox, or subclass thereof. */ isCheckbox: true, /** * @cfg {String} [focusCls='x-form-cb-focus'] * The CSS class to use when the checkbox receives focus */ focusCls: 'form-cb-focus', /** * @cfg {String} [fieldCls='x-form-field'] * The default CSS class for the checkbox */ /** * @cfg {String} [fieldBodyCls='x-form-cb-wrap'] * An extra CSS class to be applied to the body content element in addition to {@link #fieldBodyCls}. * . */ fieldBodyCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-cb-wrap', /** * @cfg {Boolean} checked * true if the checkbox should render initially checked */ checked: false, /** * @cfg {String} [checkedCls='x-form-cb-checked'] * The CSS class added to the component's main element when it is in the checked state. */ checkedCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-cb-checked', /** * @cfg {String} boxLabel * An optional text label that will appear next to the checkbox. Whether it appears before or after the checkbox is * determined by the {@link #boxLabelAlign} config. */ /** * @cfg {String} [boxLabelCls='x-form-cb-label'] * The CSS class to be applied to the {@link #boxLabel} element */ boxLabelCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-cb-label', /** * @cfg {String} boxLabelAlign * The position relative to the checkbox where the {@link #boxLabel} should appear. Recognized values are 'before' * and 'after'. */ boxLabelAlign: 'after', /** * @cfg {String} inputValue * The value that should go into the generated input element's value attribute and should be used as the parameter * value when submitting as part of a form. */ inputValue: 'on', /** * @cfg {String} uncheckedValue * If configured, this will be submitted as the checkbox's value during form submit if the checkbox is unchecked. By * default this is undefined, which results in nothing being submitted for the checkbox field when the form is * submitted (the default behavior of HTML checkboxes). */ /** * @cfg {Function} handler * A function called when the {@link #checked} value changes (can be used instead of handling the {@link #change * change event}). * @cfg {Ext.form.field.Checkbox} handler.checkbox The Checkbox being toggled. * @cfg {Boolean} handler.checked The new checked state of the checkbox. */ /** * @cfg {Object} scope * An object to use as the scope ('this' reference) of the {@link #handler} function. * * Defaults to this Checkbox. */ // private overrides checkChangeEvents: [], inputType: 'checkbox', // private onRe: /^on$/i, initComponent: function() { this.callParent(arguments); this.getManager().add(this); }, initValue: function() { var me = this, checked = !!me.checked; /** * @property {Object} originalValue * The original value of the field as configured in the {@link #checked} configuration, or as loaded by the last * form load operation if the form's {@link Ext.form.Basic#trackResetOnLoad trackResetOnLoad} setting is `true`. */ me.originalValue = me.lastValue = checked; // Set the initial checked state me.setValue(checked); }, getElConfig: function() { var me = this; // Add the checked class if this begins checked if (me.isChecked(me.rawValue, me.inputValue)) { me.addCls(me.checkedCls); } return me.callParent(); }, getFieldStyle: function() { return Ext.isObject(this.fieldStyle) ? Ext.DomHelper.generateStyles(this.fieldStyle) : this.fieldStyle ||''; }, getSubTplData: function() { var me = this; return Ext.apply(me.callParent(), { disabled : me.readOnly || me.disabled, boxLabel : me.boxLabel, boxLabelCls : me.boxLabelCls, boxLabelAlign : me.boxLabelAlign }); }, initEvents: function() { var me = this; me.callParent(); me.mon(me.inputEl, 'click', me.onBoxClick, me); }, /** * @private Handle click on the checkbox button */ onBoxClick: function(e) { var me = this; if (!me.disabled && !me.readOnly) { this.setValue(!this.checked); } }, /** * Returns the checked state of the checkbox. * @return {Boolean} True if checked, else false */ getRawValue: function() { return this.checked; }, /** * Returns the checked state of the checkbox. * @return {Boolean} True if checked, else false */ getValue: function() { return this.checked; }, /** * Returns the submit value for the checkbox which can be used when submitting forms. * @return {String} If checked the {@link #inputValue} is returned; otherwise the {@link #uncheckedValue} * (or null if the latter is not configured). */ getSubmitValue: function() { var unchecked = this.uncheckedValue, uncheckedVal = Ext.isDefined(unchecked) ? unchecked : null; return this.checked ? this.inputValue : uncheckedVal; }, isChecked: function(rawValue, inputValue) { return (rawValue === true || rawValue === 'true' || rawValue === '1' || rawValue === 1 || (((Ext.isString(rawValue) || Ext.isNumber(rawValue)) && inputValue) ? rawValue == inputValue : this.onRe.test(rawValue))); }, /** * Sets the checked state of the checkbox. * * @param {Boolean/String/Number} value The following values will check the checkbox: * `true, 'true', '1', 1, or 'on'`, as well as a String that matches the {@link #inputValue}. * Any other value will uncheck the checkbox. * @return {Boolean} the new checked state of the checkbox */ setRawValue: function(value) { var me = this, inputEl = me.inputEl, checked = me.isChecked(value, me.inputValue); if (inputEl) { me[checked ? 'addCls' : 'removeCls'](me.checkedCls); } me.checked = me.rawValue = checked; return checked; }, /** * Sets the checked state of the checkbox, and invokes change detection. * @param {Boolean/String} checked The following values will check the checkbox: `true, 'true', '1', or 'on'`, as * well as a String that matches the {@link #inputValue}. Any other value will uncheck the checkbox. * @return {Ext.form.field.Checkbox} this */ setValue: function(checked) { var me = this, boxes, i, len, box; // If an array of strings is passed, find all checkboxes in the group with the same name as this // one and check all those whose inputValue is in the array, unchecking all the others. This is to // facilitate setting values from Ext.form.Basic#setValues, but is not publicly documented as we // don't want users depending on this behavior. if (Ext.isArray(checked)) { boxes = me.getManager().getByName(me.name, me.getFormId()).items; len = boxes.length; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { box = boxes[i]; box.setValue(Ext.Array.contains(checked, box.inputValue)); } } else { me.callParent(arguments); } return me; }, // private valueToRaw: function(value) { // No extra conversion for checkboxes return value; }, /** * @private * Called when the checkbox's checked state changes. Invokes the {@link #handler} callback * function if specified. */ onChange: function(newVal, oldVal) { var me = this, handler = me.handler; if (handler) { handler.call(me.scope || me, me, newVal); } me.callParent(arguments); }, resetOriginalValue: function(/* private */ fromBoxInGroup){ var me = this, boxes, box, len, i; // If we're resetting the value of a field in a group, also reset the others. if (!fromBoxInGroup) { boxes = me.getManager().getByName(me.name, me.getFormId()).items; len = boxes.length; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { box = boxes[i]; if (box !== me) { boxes[i].resetOriginalValue(true); } } } me.callParent(); }, // inherit docs beforeDestroy: function(){ this.callParent(); this.getManager().removeAtKey(this.id); }, // inherit docs getManager: function() { return Ext.form.CheckboxManager; }, onEnable: function() { var me = this, inputEl = me.inputEl; me.callParent(); if (inputEl) { // Can still be disabled if the field is readOnly inputEl.dom.disabled = me.readOnly; } }, setReadOnly: function(readOnly) { var me = this, inputEl = me.inputEl; if (inputEl) { // Set the button to disabled when readonly inputEl.dom.disabled = !!readOnly || me.disabled; } me.callParent(arguments); }, getFormId: function(){ var me = this, form; if (!me.formId) { form = me.up('form'); if (form) { me.formId = form.id; } } return me.formId; } });