require "open3" require "fileutils" require "tempfile" require "shellwords" require "addressable" module BrowserifyRails class BrowserifyProcessor attr_accessor :config, :data, :file def self.instance @instance ||= new end def end def initialize self.config = Rails.application.config.browserify_rails end def call(input) self.file = input[:filename] return input[:data] unless in_path? = input[:data] # Clear the cached dependencies because the source file changes @dependencies = nil ensure_tmp_dir_exists! ensure_commands_exist! # If there's nothing to do, we just return the data we received return data unless should_browserify? dependencies =[:metadata][:dependencies]) # Signal dependencies to sprockets to ensure we track changes evaluate_dependencies(input[:environment].paths).each do |path| resolved = input[:environment].resolve(path) if resolved && resolved.is_a?(Array) dependencies += resolved[1] elsif resolved dependencies << "file-digest://#{Addressable::URI.escape resolved}" elsif config.evaluate_node_modules dependencies << "file-digest://#{Addressable::URI.escape path}" end end new_data = run_browserify(input[:name]) { data: new_data, dependencies: dependencies } end private def tmp_path @tmp_path ||= Rails.root.join("tmp", "cache", "browserify-rails").freeze end def browserify_cmd @browserify_cmd ||= File.join(config.node_bin, "browserify").freeze end def browserifyinc_cmd @browserifyinc_cmd ||= File.join(config.node_bin, "browserifyinc").freeze end def exorcist_cmd @exorcist_cmd ||= rails_path(File.join(config.node_bin, "exorcist").freeze) end def ensure_tmp_dir_exists! FileUtils.mkdir_p(rails_path(tmp_path)) end def ensure_commands_exist! error = ->(cmd) { "Unable to run #{cmd}. Ensure you have installed it with npm." } # Browserify has to be installed in any case if !File.exist?(rails_path(browserify_cmd)) raise end # If the user wants to use browserifyinc, we need to ensure it's there too if config.use_browserifyinc && !File.exist?(rails_path(browserifyinc_cmd)) raise end end def should_browserify? force_browserify? || (in_path? && !browserified? && commonjs_module?) end def force_browserify? if config.force.is_a? Proc file else config.force end end # Is this file in any of the configured paths? def in_path? config.paths.any? do |path_spec| path_spec === file end end # Is this file already packaged for the browser? def browserified? data.to_s.include?("define.amd") || data.to_s.include?("_dereq_") end # Is this a commonjs module? # # Be here as strict as possible, so that non-commonjs files are not # preprocessed. def commonjs_module? data.to_s.include?("module.exports") || data.present? && data.to_s.match(/(require\(.*\)|import)/) && dependencies.length > 0 end def asset_paths @asset_paths ||= Rails.application.config.assets.paths.collect { |p| p.to_s }.join(":") || "" end # This primarily filters out required files from node modules # # @return [] Paths of dependencies to evaluate def evaluate_dependencies(asset_paths) return dependencies if config.evaluate_node_modules do |path| path.start_with?(*asset_paths) end end # @return [] Paths of files, that this file depends on def dependencies @dependencies ||= begin # We forcefully run browserify (avoiding browserifyinc) with the --list # option to get a list of files. list = run_browserify(nil, "--list") cleaned_paths = do |path| # clean and normalize paths for all operating systems end do |path| # Filter the temp file, where browserify caches the input stream File.exist?(path) end end end # Environtment to run browserify in: # # NODE_PATH # but basically allows one to have multiple locations for non-relative requires # to be resolved to. # # NODE_ENV is set to the Rails.env. This is used by some modules to determine # how to build. Example: def env env_hash = {} env_hash["NODE_PATH"] = asset_paths unless uses_exorcist env_hash["NODE_ENV"] = config.node_env || Rails.env env_hash end # Run the requested version of browserify (browserify or browserifyinc) # based on configuration or the use_browserifyinc parameter if present. # # We are passing the data via stdin, so that earlier preprocessing steps are # respected. If you had, say, an "", passing the # filename would fail, because browserify would read the original file with # ERB tags and fail. By passing the data via stdin, we get the expected # behavior of success, because everything has been compiled to plain # javascript at the time this processor is called. # # @raise [BrowserifyRails::BrowserifyError] if browserify does not succeed # @param logical_path [String] Sprockets's logical path for the file # @param extra_options [String] Options to be included in the command # @param force_browserifyinc [Boolean] Causes browserifyinc to be used if true # @return [String] Output of the command def run_browserify(logical_path=nil, extra_options=nil, force_browserifyinc=nil) command_options = "#{options} #{extra_options} #{granular_options(logical_path)}".strip # Browserifyinc uses a special cache file. We set up the path for it if # we're going to use browserifyinc. if uses_browserifyinc(force_browserifyinc) cache_file_path = rails_path(tmp_path, "browserifyinc-cache.json") command_options << " --cachefile=#{Shellwords.escape(cache_file_path)}" end # Create a temporary file for the output. Such file is necessary when # using browserifyinc, but we use it in all instances for consistency output_file ="output", rails_path(tmp_path)) command_options << " -o #{output_file.path.inspect}" # Compose the full command (using browserify or browserifyinc as necessary) command = "#{Shellwords.escape(browserify_command(force_browserifyinc))} #{command_options} -" # The directory the command will be executed from base_directory = File.dirname(file) Logger::log "Browserify: #{command}" # If we are on JRuby 1.x, capture3 does not support chdir option stdout, stderr, status = if RUBY_PLATFORM == "java" && JRUBY_VERSION =~ /^1/ Dir.chdir(base_directory) { Open3.capture3(env, command, stdin_data: data) } else Open3.capture3(env, command, stdin_data: data, chdir: base_directory) end if !status.success? raise"Error while running `#{command}`:\n\n#{stderr}") end # If using exorcist, pipe output from browserify command into exorcist if uses_exorcist && logical_path if stdout.present? bfy_output = stdout else bfy_output = end sourcemap_output_file = "#{File.dirname(file)}/#{logical_path.split('/')[-1]}.map" exorcist_command = "#{Shellwords.shellescape(exorcist_cmd)} #{Shellwords.shellescape(sourcemap_output_file)} #{exorcist_options}" Logger::log "Exorcist: #{exorcist_command}" exorcist_stdout, exorcist_stderr, exorcist_status = Open3.capture3(env, exorcist_command, stdin_data: bfy_output, chdir: base_directory) if !exorcist_status.success? raise"Error while running `#{exorcist_command}`:\n\n#{exorcist_stderr}") end end # Read the output that was stored in the temp file output = # Destroy the temp file (good practice) output_file.close output_file.unlink # Some command flags (such as --list) make the output go to stdout, # ignoring -o. If this happens, we give out stdout instead. # If we're using exorcist, then we directly use its output if uses_exorcist && exorcist_stdout.present? exorcist_stdout elsif stdout.present? stdout else output end end def uses_browserifyinc(force=nil) !force.nil? ? force : config.use_browserifyinc end def uses_exorcist config.use_exorcist end def browserify_command(force=nil) rails_path(uses_browserifyinc(force) ? browserifyinc_cmd : browserify_cmd) end def options_to_array(options) if options.respond_to? :call else Array(options) end end def options options = [] options.push("-d") if config.source_map_environments.include?(Rails.env) options += options_to_array(config.commandline_options) if config.commandline_options.present? options.uniq.join(" ") end def exorcist_options exorcist_options = [] root_path = config.root || File.expand_path('../..', __FILE__) exorcist_base_path = config.exorcist_base_path || root_path exorcist_options.push("-b #{exorcist_base_path}") exorcist_options.join(" ") end def get_granular_config(logical_path) granular_config = config.granular["javascript"] granular_config && granular_config[logical_path] end def granular_options(logical_path) granular_config = get_granular_config(logical_path) return nil if granular_config.blank? # We set separate options for each of the items in granular_config options = granular_config.keys.collect do |key| granular_config[key].collect { |value| "--#{key} #{value}" } end options.flatten.join(" ") if options end def rails_path(*paths) Rails.root.join(*paths).to_s end end end