# SimpleModel [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/JoshMcKin/simple_model.png)](http://travis-ci.org/JoshMcKin/simple_model) A collection of convenience methods for building table-less models. SimpleModel implements: * ActiveModel::Validations * ActiveModel::Conversion * ActiveModel::Validations::Callbacks * ActiveModel::Dirty * ActiveModel::Naming * ActiveModel::Callbacks * ActiveSupport core extensions (see [SimpleModel::Base](https://github.com/JoshMcKin/simple_model/blob/master/lib/simple_model/base.rb)) Additionally SimpleModel implements basic model actions ## Installation SimpleModel is available through [Rubygems](http://rubygems.org/gems/simple_model) and can be installed via: $ gem install simple_model ## Usage ### Basic require 'simple_model' class Item < SimpleModel::Base # Model Actions save :save_item, :rollback => :undo_save # Callbacks before_validation :add_to_array # Attributes has_booleans :active, :default => true has_booleans :paid has_currency :price, :default => 10.0.to_currency has_times :created_at, :default => :now has_attribute :my_array, :default => [] # Validation validates_inclusion_of :price, :in => 10..25 def now Time.now end def file_name @file_name ||= "receipt-#{self.created_at.to_i}.txt" end private def add_to_array my_array << 1 end def save_item begin File.open(self.file_name, 'w') do |receipt| receipt.puts self.created_at receipt.puts "price:#{self.price}" receipt.puts "paid:#{self.paid}" end rescue return false end true end def undo_save File.delete(file_name) end end item = Item.new item.changed? # => false item.created_at # => 2011-10-23 21:56:07 -0500 item.created_at # => 2011-10-23 21:56:08 -0500 item.active # => true item.paid # => nil item.paid? # => false item.price # => 10.0 item.price = '$1,024.00' item.price # => # item.changed? # => true item.price_changed? # => true item.changes # => {"price"=>[#, #]} item.my_array # => [] item.valid? # => false items.save! # raises SimpleModel::ValidationError exception item.my_array # => [1] item.price = 15 item.persisted? # => false item.save # => true item.persisted? # => true item.changed? # => false item.previous_changes # => {"price"=>[#, #], "saved"=>[nil, true]} ### Rails Session Modeling require 'simple_model' class SessionUser < SimpleModel::Base has_attributes :permissions, :default => [] # Returns true only if all required permission are set def authorized?(*required_permissions) (permissions == (required_permissions | permissions)) end #... lots of other handy methods...# end class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base #... omitted for space ...# # Initialize, if necessary, and return our session user object def session_user session[:user] ||= {:permissions => [:foo,:baz]} @session_user ||= SessionUser.new_with_store(session[:user]) end helper_method :session_user private # redirect if not authorized def authorize(*required_permissions) redirect_to '/sessions/error' unless session_user.authorized?(*required_permissions) end end class FoosController < ApplicationController before_filter do |c| c.send(:authorize,:foo) # Make sure session user has permission end ## Contributing to simple_model * Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet * Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it * Fork the project * Start a feature/bugfix branch * Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution * Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it. ## Notes Release 1.2+ no longer creates instance variables, just uses the attributes hash as the data store. ## Thanks Code based on Rails/ActiveRecord and [Appoxy/SimpleRecord](https://github.com/appoxy/simple_record)