- link_text: Academics link_href: 'academics' image: source: 'uploads/e-tech_a-roberts_mar2016_D41_6690.jpg' alt: 'Student working in an electrical technology lab' dropdown: - text: Register for Classes href: '#' - text: Courses & Areas of Study href: '#' - text: Class Schedule href: '#' - text: Academic Calendar href: 'academic-calendar' - text: Continuing Education href: '#' - text: High School Equivalency (GED/HiSET) href: '#' - text: Graduation href: '#' - text: Final Exam Schedule href: '#' - text: Divisions href: '#' - link_text: Admissions link_href: admissions image: source: 'uploads/2016-senior-viewbook.jpg' alt: 'Take the first step to achieveing your goals, dreams & ambitions' dropdown: - text: Start Here href: '#' - text: Apply href: '#' - text: Request Information href: '#' - text: Visit/Explore href: '#' - text: Transcripts & Forms href: '#' - text: Placement Testing href: '#' - text: Cav Day href: '#' - text: Student Complaint Policy href: '#' - link_text: Tuition & Aid image: source: 'uploads/fafsa-early-bird-banner-18.jpg' alt: 'The early bird gets the money. FAFSA available Oct. 1. Apply at fafsa.gov. More details and workshop info at www.kcc.edu/finaid' dropdown: - text: Action href: '#' - text: Another action href: '#' - text: Another action href: '#' - text: Another action href: '#' - text: dropdown-divider - text: Something else here href: '#' - link_text: Student Resources image: source: 'uploads/DSC_5650_helpful.jpg' alt: 'Receptionist answering the phone' dropdown: - text: Action href: '#' - text: Another action href: '#' - text: Another action href: '#' - text: Another action href: '#' - text: Another action href: '#' - text: dropdown-divider - text: Something else here href: '#' - link_text: Community image: source: 'uploads/go_cavs_20171002_193828-web.jpg' alt: 'Group photo of students holding Cavalier signs' dropdown: - text: Action href: '#' - text: Another action href: '#' - text: Another action href: '#' - text: dropdown-divider - text: Something else here href: '#' - link_text: About image: source: 'uploads/ATEC-DSC_1033.jpeg' alt: 'The new Advanced Technology Education Center building' dropdown: - text: Action href: '#' - text: Another action href: '#' - text: Another action href: '#' - text: Another action href: '#' - text: dropdown-divider - text: Something else here href: '#'