## v1.6.0 **Changes** * `Document::Annotation` updated types of annotation * `Signature::FieldMethods#modify_field!` added parament "recipientGuid" **New** * Added `Documet::Annotation#remove_annotations!` * Added `Document::Annotation` attributes * Added `Document::Annotation::Reply` attributes * Added `Document` attributes * Added `Signature.public_get_default_email_template!` * Added `Signature` template fields * Added `Signature::Form` attribute * Added `Signature::Envelope#resend!` ## v1.5.9 **Changes** * `Api::Helpers::URL#sign_url` changes an initialize library OpenSSL * `Api::Helpers::AccessRights` changes an array ACCESS_RIGHTS * `Document#changes` updates in request path ## v1.5.8 **Changes** * `Api::Helpers::REST#send_request!` new functionality for request type :DELETE * `Document#access_mode_set!` updates in request path * `Document#details!` updates in request path * `Document#compare!` updates in request path * `Document#update_changes!` updates in request path * `Document#changes` updates in request path * `Document#download!` updates in request path. Fixed bugs * `Signature#get_document_fields!` renamed to `Document#public_fields!` * `Signature#sign_document!` renamed to `Document#public_sign_document!` * `Document::Annotation.remove!` renamed to `Document::Annotation#remove!` * Fixed bugs `Document::Annotation#move_marker!` * Fixed bugs `Document::Annotation#resize!` * Fixed bugs `Questionnaire#collectors!` * Fixed bugs `Questionnaire#copy_to_templates!` * Fixed bugs `Signature.verify!` * Fixed bugs `Signature.sign_document_status!` * `Signature::Envelope#add_recipient!` returns GroupDosc::Signature::Recipient * `Signature#get_sign_envelope!` renamed to `Signature::Envelope#public_get!` * `Signature#get_signed_documents!` renamed to `Signature::Envelope#public_signed_documents! ` * `Signature#field_envelope_date!` renamed to `Signature::Envelope#date!` * `Signature::Form#fields!` updated * Fixed bugs `Signature::Form#assign_field!` * `Subscription.self.list!` updated **New** * Added `Document#hyperlinks!` * Added `Document::Annotation` attributes * Added `Document::Annotation::MarkerPosition` class * Added `Document::Annotation::Reply` attributes * Added `Document::Field` attributes * Added `Questionnaire` attributes * Added `Questionnaire#get_document!` * Added `Questionnaire.get_by_name!` * Added `Questionnaire#delete_list!` * Added `Questionnaire#delete_collectors_list!` * Added `Questionnaire#delete_executions_list!` * Added `Questionnaire#delete_datasources_list!` * Added `Questionnaire::Collector#get_questionnaire!` * Added `Questionnaire::Question` attributes * Added `Questionnaire::Question::Conditions` class * Added `Questionnaire::Question::Answer` attribute * Added `Signature::Field` attributes * Added `Signature::Field::Location` attributes * Added `Storage::File#upload_cancel!` * Added `User` attributes ## v1.5.3 **Changes** * Fixes critical issue with unauthorized requests. ## v1.5.2 **Changes** * Do not replace `{{client_id}}` if `:sign` is `false`. ## v1.5.1 **New** * Added `:sign` flag `Api::Request.options` allowing request not to be signed ## v1.5.0 **New** * Added `Signature.get_for_recipients!` * Added `Signature#create_for_recipient!` * Added `Signature#signature_data!` * Added `Signature#initials_data!` **Changes** * `Signature::Envelope#fill_field!` supports `:public` flag * `Signature::Envelope#sign!` supports `:public` flag * `Signature::Form.get!` supports `:public` flag * `Signature::Form#documents!` supports `:public` flag * `Signature::Envelope#documents!` supports `:public` flag * `Signature::Envelope#recipients!` supports `:public` flag ## v1.4.2 **New** * Added new `Document` attributes **Changes** * Fixed `Signature` attributes * Fixed `Document` access modes ## v1.4.1 **Changes** * Fixed file guid lookup in `Form#documents!` * URI now can handle `[]` corrrectly * `Package#create!` now properly handles objects in sub-directories ## v1.4 **New** * Added watermark support to `Signature::EntityFields` and `Signature::Form` * Added signature and initials data support to `Signature` * Added `Signature::Envelope#is_demo` * Added `:scheduled` status for `Envelope` * Added `Envelope#delegate_recipient!` * Added `Envelope#signed_document!` * Added `Signature::FieldMethods#assign_field!` support in templates and envelopes * Added `Signature::Contact#add_integration!` * `Signature::Form` now supports document methods * `Signature::Form` now supports field methods **Changes** * Fixed `#owner_should_sign` and `#ordered_signature` in `Signature::EntityFields` as API now return boolean values * Fixed `Signature::Role#can*` methods as API now return boolean values * `Signature::Field#acceptable_values` should properly handle arrays * `Signature::Form#fields_in_final_file_name` should properly handle arrays * `Signature::DocumentMethods#documents!` now find documents both by `:documentId` and `:id` * `Signature::Form#create!` now can be created without template ## v1.3 **New** * Added Ruby 1.8 support * Added Ruby 2.0 support * Added `Document#thumbnails!` ## v1.2 **New** * Added `Annotation::Collector` class * Added `Collector.get!` * Added `Collector#add!` * Added `Collector#update!` * Added `Collector#remove!` * Added `Collector#executions!` * Added `Collector#add_execution!` * Added `Collector#fill!` * Added `Document.templates!` * Added `Questionnaire#executions!` * Added `Questionnaire#collectors!` * Added `Questionnaire#metadata!` * Added `Questionnaire#update_metadata!` * Added `Questionnaire#fields!` * Added `Execution.get!` * Added `Execution#delete!` * Added `Execution#fill!` * Added `Document.sign_documents!` * Added `Document#page_images!` * Added MIME helper **Changes** * Fixed `Questionnaire#create!` * Fixed `Field#rectangle=` * Fixed `File#download!` * Fixed `Folder#list!` params handling (see issue #30) * Fixed coordinates-related responses (they now have downcased fields) * Fixed `Job#add_datasource!` * `Questionnaire.all!` now accepts optional paging and status filter params * New attributes for a lot of entities **Removed** * Removed `Questionnaire#create_execution!` ## v1.1 **New** * Added `Annotation::Reviewer` class * Added `Reviewer.all!` * Added `Reviewer.set!` * Added `Job#delete!` * Added `Document#shared_link_access_rights!` * Added `Document#set_shared_link_access_rights!` * Added `Document#set_reviewers!` * Added `Document#add_collaborotor!` * More attributes for `User` class * Added `Annotation#move_marker!` * Added new `Job` action - `:compare` **Changes** * Moved `Annotation#collaborators!` and `Annotation#set_collaborators!` to `Document` class as it makes more sense * `Document#set_collaborators!` now accepts options `version` parameter (default to `1`) ## v1.0 **New** * Added fully-featured Signature API * Added API to retrieve subscription plans * Added `Annotation#set_access!` to control annotation access: public or private * Added `Job.get!` to retrieve job by its identifier * Added `Job#delete_document!` * Added `File.upload_web!` to convert webpages to documents * Added `File#move_to_trash!` * Added `User.users!` to retrieve my account's users **Changes** * `File` and `Folder` has changed the way paths are handled. Path should no longer start with `/` * `File.upload!` now accept hash of options as argument: `:path` to upload to, `:name` to rename file, `:description` to add description to file * `File#move!` now accept hash of options as argument: `:name` to rename file * `File#copy!` now accept hash of options as argument: `:name` to rename file **Removed** * `Document.all!` is removed (slow recursive implementation) * `Document.find!` is removed (slow recursive implementation) * `Document.find_all!` is removed (slow recursive implementation) * `File.all!` is removed (slow recursive implementation) * `File.find!` is removed (slow recursive implementation) * `File.find_all!` is removed (slow recursive implementation) * `Folder.all!` is removed (slow recursive implementation) * `Folder.find!` is removed (slow recursive implementation) * `Folder.find_all!` is removed (slow recursive implementation) * `Extensions::LookUp` is removed (slow recursive implementation) * `File#upload!` is removed (not really needed, use `File.upload!`) * `Folder#rename!` is removed (has some quirks due to API, use `Folder#move!` instead) ## v0.3.11 * Fix for critical bug in `Entity#to_hash` ## v0.3.10 * Updated `Document#metadata!` * Fixed `Folder#move!` * Fixed `Folder#copy!` ## v0.3.9 * Added `File#upload!` * Proper handling of `File#file_type` * More annotation types * `Document#datasource!` options are now optional ## v0.3.8 * Updated `Datasource for new API * Updated `Datasource::Field` for new API * Some minor fixes ## v0.3.7 * More flexible `Execution#owner=` and specs for it * More flexible `Execution#executive=` and specs for it * More flexible `Execution#approver=` and specs for it ## v0.3.6 * `Questionnaire::Execution` now returns objects for`owner`, `executive` and `approver` ## v0.3.5 * Methods to retrieve and update user profile information ## v0.3 **This release breaks backwards compatibility** New API version uses strings for job actions, access modes, statuses, file types, etc. This release reflects corresponding changes. ## v0.2.11 * Added `Questionnaire#default_answer` and `Questionnaire#default_answer=` ## v0.2.10 * Added `Annotation#collaborators!` ## v0.2.9 * Added `Annotation#position` * Added `Annotation#move!` ## v0.2.8 * Human-readable `Annotation#access` * Machine-readable `Annotation#access=` * `Document#annotations!` now handles `null` in "annotations" response ## v0.2.7 * `Job#documents!` now updates job status ## v0.2.6 * Minor `Job` and `Document` fixes ## v0.2.5 * `Document` now parses `outputs` to `Storage::File` object * `Document` now has `output_formats` with corresponding parser * `Document#convert!` URI was changed * Job API methods were returning job documents in different format ## v0.2.4 * `Job` has now more attributes * `Job#documents=` should not raise error when `nil` is passed * Timestamps are being returned in milliseconds, while we were parsing them as seconds ## v0.2.3 * Fixed `Entity#variable_to_accessor` bugs * Updated `Document#fields!` to always include geometry * Added more accessors to `Rectange` (fixes `#inspect` issues) ## v0.2.2 * Updated `Folder.list!` for response changes ## v0.2.1 * `Sugar` namespace is now `Extensions` * Removed `File#delete!` workaround ## v0.2 * `File#compress!` supports only zip, so parameter was removed * `Errors` namespace was removed * `BadRequestError` now shows only error message * `File#upload!` no longer uses description, so parameter was removed * Added `File#file_type` * Added `File::DOCUMENT_TYPES`. `File#type` now returns document type in human-readable format * `Folder#list!` capitalizes `:order_by` option * Introduced `URLHelper#normalize_path`. Path is now normalized before sending request. * HTTP methods as strings are now allowed * Workaround for `File#delete!` * Updated gems ## v0.1 Initial release