# typed: true
# frozen_string_literal: true

module RubyIndexer
  # A PrefixTree is a data structure that allows searching for partial strings fast. The tree is similar to a nested
  # hash structure, where the keys are the characters of the inserted strings.
  # ## Example
  # ```ruby
  # tree = PrefixTree[String].new
  # # Insert entries using the same key and value
  # tree.insert("bar", "bar")
  # tree.insert("baz", "baz")
  # # Internally, the structure is analogous to this, but using nodes:
  # # {
  # #   "b" => {
  # #     "a" => {
  # #       "r" => "bar",
  # #       "z" => "baz"
  # #     }
  # #   }
  # # }
  # # When we search it, it finds all possible values based on partial (or complete matches):
  # tree.search("") # => ["bar", "baz"]
  # tree.search("b") # => ["bar", "baz"]
  # tree.search("ba") # => ["bar", "baz"]
  # tree.search("bar") # => ["bar"]
  # ```
  # A PrefixTree is useful for autocomplete, since we always want to find all alternatives while the developer hasn't
  # finished typing yet. This PrefixTree implementation allows for string keys and any arbitrary value using the generic
  # `Value` type.
  # See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trie for more information
  class PrefixTree
    extend T::Sig
    extend T::Generic

    Value = type_member

    sig { void }
    def initialize
      @root = T.let(Node.new("", ""), Node[Value])

    # Search the PrefixTree based on a given `prefix`. If `foo` is an entry in the tree, then searching for `fo` will
    # return it as a result. The result is always an array of the type of value attribute to the generic `Value` type.
    # Notice that if the `Value` is an array, this method will return an array of arrays, where each entry is the array
    # of values for a given match
    sig { params(prefix: String).returns(T::Array[Value]) }
    def search(prefix)
      node = find_node(prefix)
      return [] unless node


    # Inserts a `value` using the given `key`
    sig { params(key: String, value: Value).void }
    def insert(key, value)
      node = @root

      key.each_char do |char|
        node = node.children[char] ||= Node.new(char, value, node)

      # This line is to allow a value to be overridden. When we are indexing files, we want to be able to update entries
      # for a given fully qualified name if we find more occurrences of it. Without being able to override, that would
      # not be possible
      node.value = value
      node.leaf = true

    # Deletes the entry identified by `key` from the tree. Notice that a partial match will still delete all entries
    # that match it. For example, if the tree contains `foo` and we ask to delete `fo`, then `foo` will be deleted
    sig { params(key: String).void }
    def delete(key)
      node = find_node(key)
      return unless node

      # Remove the node from the tree and then go up the parents to remove any of them with empty children
      parent = T.let(T.must(node.parent), T.nilable(Node[Value]))

      while parent
        return if parent.children.any? || parent.leaf

        node = parent
        parent = parent.parent


    # Find a node that matches the given `key`
    sig { params(key: String).returns(T.nilable(Node[Value])) }
    def find_node(key)
      node = @root

      key.each_char do |char|
        snode = node.children[char]
        return nil unless snode

        node = snode


    class Node
      extend T::Sig
      extend T::Generic

      Value = type_member

      sig { returns(T::Hash[String, Node[Value]]) }
      attr_reader :children

      sig { returns(String) }
      attr_reader :key

      sig { returns(Value) }
      attr_accessor :value

      sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
      attr_accessor :leaf

      sig { returns(T.nilable(Node[Value])) }
      attr_reader :parent

      sig { params(key: String, value: Value, parent: T.nilable(Node[Value])).void }
      def initialize(key, value, parent = nil)
        @key = key
        @value = value
        @parent = parent
        @children = {}
        @leaf = false

      sig { returns(T::Array[Value]) }
      def collect
        result = []
        result << @value if @leaf

        @children.each_value do |node|
