require 'securerandom' require 'digest/sha2' require 'cgi' module Cuboid # Includes some useful methods for the system. # # @author Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos module Utilities # @return [String] # Filename (without extension) of the caller. def caller_name File.basename( caller_path( 3 ), '.rb' ) end # @return [String] # Filepath of the caller. def caller_path( offset = 2 ) ::Kernel.caller[offset].split( /:(\d+):in/ ).first end # @return [String] random HEX (SHA2) string def random_seed @@random_seed ||= generate_token end # @return [Fixnum] # Random available port number. def available_port( range = nil ) available_port_mutex.synchronize do loop do port = self.rand_port( range ) return port if port_available?( port ) end end end def self.available_port_mutex @available_port_mutex ||= end available_port_mutex # @return [Integer] # Random port within the user specified range. def rand_port( range = nil ) range ||= [1025, 65535] first, last = range range = (first..last).to_a range[ rand( range.last - range.first ) ] end def generate_token SecureRandom.hex end # Checks whether the port number is available. # # @param [Fixnum] port # # @return [Bool] def port_available?( port ) begin socket = :INET, :STREAM, 0 ) socket.bind( ::Socket.sockaddr_in( port, '' ) ) socket.close true rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE, Errno::EACCES false end end # @param [String, Float, Integer] seconds # # @return [String] # Time in `00:00:00` (`hours:minutes:seconds`) format. def seconds_to_hms( seconds ) seconds = seconds.to_i [seconds / 3600, seconds / 60 % 60, seconds % 60]. map { |t| t.to_s.rjust( 2, '0' ) }.join( ':' ) end def hms_to_seconds( time ) a = [1, 60, 3600] * 2 time.split( /[:\.]/ ).map { |t| t.to_i * a.pop }.inject(&:+) rescue 0 end def bytes_to_megabytes( bytes ) (bytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0).round( 3 ) end def bytes_to_kilobytes( bytes ) (bytes / 1024.0 ).round( 3 ) end # Wraps the `block` in exception handling code and runs it. # # @param [Bool] raise_exception # Re-raise exception? # @param [Block] block def exception_jail( raise_exception = true, &block ) rescue => e if respond_to?( :print_error ) && respond_to?( :print_exception ) print_exception e print_error print_error 'Parent:' print_error self.class.to_s print_error print_error 'Block:' print_error block.to_s print_error print_error 'Caller:' ::Kernel.caller.each { |l| print_error l } print_error '-' * 80 end raise e if raise_exception nil end def regexp_array_match( regexps, str ) regexps = [regexps].flatten.compact. map { |s| s.is_a?( Regexp ) ? s : s.to_s ) } return true if regexps.empty? cnt = 0 regexps.each { |filter| cnt += 1 if filter.match? str } cnt == regexps.size end def remove_constants( mod, skip = [] ) return if skip.include?( mod ) return if !(mod.is_a?( Class ) || mod.is_a?( Module )) || !mod.to_s.start_with?( 'Cuboid' ) parent = Object mod.to_s.split( '::' )[0..-2].each do |ancestor| parent = parent.const_get( ancestor.to_sym ) end mod.constants.each { |m| mod.send( :remove_const, m ) } nil end extend self end end