require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/file_bucket/dipper' describe "mount provider (integration)", :unless => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do include PuppetSpec::Files family = Facter.value(:osfamily) def create_fake_fstab(initially_contains_entry), 'w') do |f| if initially_contains_entry f.puts("/dev/disk1s1\t/Volumes/foo_disk\tmsdos\tlocal\t0\t0") end end end before :each do @fake_fstab = tmpfile('fstab') @current_options = "local" @current_device = "/dev/disk1s1" Puppet[:digest_algorithm] = 'md5' allow(Puppet::Type.type(:mount).defaultprovider).to receive(:default_target).and_return(@fake_fstab) allow(Facter).to receive(:value).with(:hostname).and_return('some_host') allow(Facter).to receive(:value).with(:domain).and_return('some_domain') allow(Facter).to receive(:value).with(:kernel).and_return('Linux') allow(Facter).to receive(:value).with(:operatingsystem).and_return('RedHat') allow(Facter).to receive(:value).with(:osfamily).and_return('RedHat') allow(Facter).to receive(:value).with(:fips_enabled).and_return(false) Puppet::Util::ExecutionStub.set do |command, options| case command[0] when %r{/s?bin/mount} if command.length == 1 if @mounted "#{@current_device} on /Volumes/foo_disk (msdos, #{@current_options})\n" else '' end else expect(command.last).to eq('/Volumes/foo_disk') @current_device = check_fstab(true) @mounted = true '' end when %r{/s?bin/umount} expect(command.length).to eq(2) expect(command[1]).to eq('/Volumes/foo_disk') expect(@mounted).to eq(true) # "umount" doesn't work when device not mounted (see #6632) @mounted = false '' else fail "Unexpected command #{command.inspect} executed" end end end after :each do Puppet::Type::Mount::ProviderParsed.clear # Work around bug #6628 end def check_fstab(expected_to_be_present) # Verify that the fake fstab has the expected data in it fstab_contents ="\n").reject { |x| x =~ /^#|^$/ } if expected_to_be_present expect(fstab_contents.length()).to eq(1) device, rest_of_line = fstab_contents[0].split(/\t/,2) expect(rest_of_line).to eq("/Volumes/foo_disk\tmsdos\t#{@desired_options}\t0\t0") device else expect(fstab_contents.length()).to eq(0) nil end end def run_in_catalog(settings) resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new(settings.merge(:name => "/Volumes/foo_disk", :device => "/dev/disk1s1", :fstype => "msdos")) allow_any_instance_of(Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper).to receive(:backup) # Don't backup to the filebucket expect(resource).not_to receive(:err) catalog = catalog.host_config = false # Stop Puppet from doing a bunch of magic catalog.add_resource resource catalog.apply end [false, true].each do |initial_state| describe "When initially #{initial_state ? 'mounted' : 'unmounted'}" do before :each do @mounted = initial_state end [false, true].each do |initial_fstab_entry| describe "When there is #{initial_fstab_entry ? 'an' : 'no'} initial fstab entry" do before :each do create_fake_fstab(initial_fstab_entry) end [:defined, :present, :mounted, :unmounted, :absent].each do |ensure_setting| expected_final_state = case ensure_setting when :mounted true when :unmounted, :absent false when :defined, :present initial_state else fail "Unknown ensure_setting #{ensure_setting}" end expected_fstab_data = (ensure_setting != :absent) describe "When setting ensure => #{ensure_setting}" do ["local", "journaled", "", nil].each do |options_setting| describe "When setting options => '#{options_setting}'" do it "should leave the system in the #{expected_final_state ? 'mounted' : 'unmounted'} state, #{expected_fstab_data ? 'with' : 'without'} data in /etc/fstab" do if family == "Solaris" skip("Solaris: The mock :operatingsystem value does not get changed in lib/puppet/provider/mount/parsed.rb") else if options_setting && options_setting.empty? expect { run_in_catalog(:ensure=>ensure_setting, :options => options_setting) }.to raise_error Puppet::ResourceError else if options_setting @desired_options = options_setting run_in_catalog(:ensure=>ensure_setting, :options => options_setting) else if initial_fstab_entry @desired_options = @current_options else @desired_options = 'defaults' end run_in_catalog(:ensure=>ensure_setting) end expect(@mounted).to eq(expected_final_state) if expected_fstab_data expect(check_fstab(expected_fstab_data)).to eq("/dev/disk1s1") else expect(check_fstab(expected_fstab_data)).to eq(nil) end end end end end end end end end end end end describe "When the wrong device is mounted" do it "should remount the correct device" do pending "Due to bug 6309" @mounted = true @current_device = "/dev/disk2s2" create_fake_fstab(true) @desired_options = "local" run_in_catalog(:ensure=>:mounted, :options=>'local') expect(@current_device).to eq("/dev/disk1s1") expect(@mounted).to eq(true) expect(@current_options).to eq('local') expect(check_fstab(true)).to eq("/dev/disk1s1") end end end