/* * Author : P.J. Kunst * Date : 25-02-93 * * Purpose: This program demonstrates the use of the 'curses' library * for the creation of (simple) menu-operated programs. * In the PDCurses version, use is made of colors for the * highlighting of subwindows (title bar, status bar etc). * * Acknowledgement: some ideas were borrowed from Mark Hessling's * version of the 'testcurs' program. */ #include #include #include #include #include "tui.h" /* change this if source at other location */ # define FNAME "../demos/tui.c" /**************************** strings entry box ***************************/ void address(void) { char *fieldname[6] = { "Name", "Street", "City", "State", "Country", (char *)0 }; char *fieldbuf[5]; WINDOW *wbody = bodywin(); int i, field = 50; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) fieldbuf[i] = calloc(1, field + 1); if (getstrings(fieldname, fieldbuf, field) != KEY_ESC) { for (i = 0; fieldname[i]; i++) wprintw(wbody, "%10s : %s\n", fieldname[i], fieldbuf[i]); wrefresh(wbody); } for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) free(fieldbuf[i]); } /**************************** string entry box ****************************/ char *getfname(char *desc, char *fname, int field) { char *fieldname[2]; char *fieldbuf[1]; fieldname[0] = desc; fieldname[1] = 0; fieldbuf[0] = fname; return (getstrings(fieldname, fieldbuf, field) == KEY_ESC) ? NULL : fname; } /**************************** a very simple file browser ******************/ void showfile(char *fname) { int i, bh = bodylen(); FILE *fp; char buf[MAXSTRLEN]; bool ateof = FALSE; statusmsg("FileBrowser: Hit key to continue, Q to quit"); if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) != NULL) /* file available? */ { while (!ateof) { clsbody(); for (i = 0; i < bh - 1 && !ateof; i++) { buf[0] = '\0'; if( fgets(buf, MAXSTRLEN, fp)) { size_t j = 0; while( buf[j] >= ' ') j++; buf[j] = '\0'; bodymsg(buf); bodymsg( "\n"); } else ateof = TRUE; } switch (waitforkey()) { case 'Q': case 'q': case 0x1b: ateof = TRUE; } } fclose(fp); } else { sprintf(buf, "ERROR: file '%s' not found", fname); errormsg(buf); } } /***************************** forward declarations ***********************/ void sub0(void), sub1(void), sub2(void), sub3(void); void func1(void), func2(void); void subfunc1(void), subfunc2(void); void subsub(void); /***************************** menus initialization ***********************/ menu MainMenu[] = { { "Asub", sub0, "Go inside first submenu" }, { "Bsub", sub1, "Go inside second submenu" }, { "Csub", sub2, "Go inside third submenu" }, { "Dsub", sub3, "Go inside fourth submenu" }, { "", (FUNC)0, "" } /* always add this as the last item! */ }; menu SubMenu0[] = { { "Exit", DoExit, "Terminate program" }, { "", (FUNC)0, "" } }; menu SubMenu1[] = { { "OneBeep", func1, "Sound one beep" }, { "TwoBeeps", func2, "Sound two beeps" }, { "", (FUNC)0, "" } }; menu SubMenu2[] = { { "Browse", subfunc1, "Source file lister" }, { "Input", subfunc2, "Interactive file lister" }, { "Address", address, "Get address data" }, { "", (FUNC)0, "" } }; menu SubMenu3[] = { { "SubSub", subsub, "Go inside sub-submenu" }, { "", (FUNC)0, "" } }; /***************************** main menu functions ************************/ void sub0(void) { domenu(SubMenu0); } void sub1(void) { domenu(SubMenu1); } void sub2(void) { domenu(SubMenu2); } void sub3(void) { domenu(SubMenu3); } /***************************** submenu1 functions *************************/ void func1(void) { beep(); bodymsg("One beep! "); } void func2(void) { beep(); bodymsg("Two beeps! "); beep(); } /***************************** submenu2 functions *************************/ void subfunc1(void) { showfile(FNAME); } void subfunc2(void) { char fname[MAXSTRLEN]; strcpy(fname, FNAME); if (getfname ("File to browse:", fname, 50)) showfile(fname); } /***************************** submenu3 functions *************************/ void subsub(void) { domenu(SubMenu2); } /***************************** start main menu ***************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); startmenu(MainMenu, "TUI - 'textual user interface' demonstration program"); return 0; }