require 'spec_helper' include Geocoding describe Gmaps4rails::ActsAsGmappable do let(:user) { Factory(:user) } let(:invalid_user) { } before(:all) do set_gmaps4rails_options! end before(:each) do Geocoding.stub_geocoding end context "standard configuration, valid user" do it "should have a geocoded position" do user.should have_same_position_as TOULON end it "should set boolean to true once user is created" do user.gmaps.should be_true end context "process_geocoding" do context "Proc" do it "should prevent geocoding when returns false" do user.instance_eval do def gmaps4rails_options DEFAULT_CONFIG_HASH.merge({ :process_geocoding => lambda {|user| false } }) end end Gmaps4rails.should_not_receive(:geocode) user.update_attributes(:address => "Strasbourg, france") end context "geocoding required" do it "should trigger the geocoding" do user.instance_eval do def gmaps4rails_options DEFAULT_CONFIG_HASH.merge({ :process_geocoding => lambda {|user| true } }) end end Gmaps4rails.should_receive(:geocode) user.update_attributes(:address => "Strasbourg, france") end it "should update coordinates but not update checker" do #first default behavior user.update_attributes(:gmaps => false, :address => "Strasbourg, france") user.gmaps.should eq true #then tested behavior user.instance_eval do def gmaps4rails_options DEFAULT_CONFIG_HASH.merge({ :process_geocoding => lambda {|user| true } }) end end user.update_attributes(:gmaps => false, :address => "Strasbourg, france") user.gmaps.should eq false end end end end it "should not geocode again after address changes if checker is true" do user.update_attributes({ :address => "Paris, France" }) user.should have_same_position_as TOULON end it "should geocode after address changes if checker is false" do user.update_attributes({ :address => "Paris, France", :gmaps => false}) user.should have_same_position_as PARIS end end context "standard configuration, invalid address" do it "should raise an error if validation option is turned on and address incorrect" do invalid_user.should_not be_valid, "Address invalid" end it "should not set boolean to true when address update fails" do invalid_user.gmaps.should_not be_true end end context "acts_as_gmappable options" do after(:all) do #reset all configuration to default set_gmaps4rails_options! end it "should call google api with http by default" do address = "toulon, france" Gmaps4rails.should_receive(:geocode).with(address, "en", false, "http").and_return [TOULON] User.create(:address => address) end it "should call google api with https if passed in settings" do set_gmaps4rails_options!({ :protocol => "https" }) address = "toulon, france" Gmaps4rails.should_receive(:geocode).with(address, "en", false, "https").and_return [TOULON] User.create(:address => address) set_gmaps4rails_options!({ :protocol => "http" }) end it "should use indifferently a db column for address if passed in config" do set_gmaps4rails_options!({:address => "sec_address"}) user = Factory(:user, :sec_address => "Toulon, France") user.should have_same_position_as TOULON end it "should save the normalized address if requested" do set_gmaps4rails_options!({ :normalized_address => "norm_address" }) user.norm_address.should == "Toulon, France" end it "should override user's address with normalized address if requested" do set_gmaps4rails_options!({ :normalized_address => "sec_address" }) user = Factory(:user, :sec_address => "ToUlOn, FrAnCe") user.sec_address.should == "Toulon, France" end it "should display the proper error message when address is invalid" do set_gmaps4rails_options!({ :msg => "Custom Address invalid"}) invalid_user.should_not be_valid invalid_user.errors[:address].should include("Custom Address invalid") end it "should not raise an error if validation option is turned off" do set_gmaps4rails_options!({ :validation => false }) invalid_user.should be_valid end it "should save longitude and latitude to the customized columns" do set_gmaps4rails_options!({ :lat_column => "lat_test", :lng_column => "long_test" }) user.latitude.should be_nil user.should have_same_position_as TOULON end it "should not save the boolean if check_process is false" do set_gmaps4rails_options!({ :check_process => false }) user.gmaps.should be_nil end it "should geocode after each save if 'check_process' is false" do set_gmaps4rails_options!({ :check_process => false }) user = Factory(:user, :address => "Paris, France") user.should have_same_position_as PARIS end it "should save to the proper boolean checker set in checker" do set_gmaps4rails_options!({ :checker => "bool_test" }) user.gmaps.should be_nil user.bool_test.should be_true end it "should call a callback in the model if asked to" do User.class_eval do def gmaps4rails_options DEFAULT_CONFIG_HASH.merge({ :callback => "save_callback" }) end def save_callback(data) self.called_back = true end attr_accessor :called_back end user.called_back.should be_true end end end