require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' describe 'Moneta' do context 'get token' do before(:each) do @terminal = @amount = '10.00 EUR' end it 'should call moneta service' do @terminal.should_receive(:savon_call).with(:get_token, anything()) @terminal.token(@amount) end it 'should handle exceptions' do @terminal.stub(:moneta_call) { raise "Errror" } res = @terminal.token(@amount) res[:error_code].should == -1 end it 'should return correct status, token and transId on success' do @terminal.stub(:savon_call) { {token: '123', transaction_id: '134', error_code: '0', error_description: '', valid_until: '30.12.2011'} } res = @terminal.token(@amount) res[:token].should == '123' res[:transaction_id].should == '134' res[:error_code] == "0" res[:error_description].should == '' res[:valid_until].should == '30.12.2011' end it 'should return error if amount is greather than 1000000 or amount is not of proper format' do end it 'should return status, code and msg on failure' do Moneta::Eterminal.stub(:savon_call) { raise "Error" } res = @terminal.token(@amount) res[:error_code].should == -1 res[:error_description].should_not == "" end end context 'get transaction status' do before(:each) do @terminal = @transaction_id = 12345 end it 'should call moneta service' do @terminal.should_receive(:savon_call).with(:get_transaction_status, anything()) @terminal.transaction_status(@transaction_id) end it 'should handle exceptions' do @terminal.stub(:savon_call) { raise "Error" } res = @terminal.transaction_status(@transaction_id) res[:error_code].should == -1 res[:error_description].should_not be_empty end it 'should return reference_id and status when transaction is completed' do @terminal.stub(:savon_call) { {status: '3', reference_id: '1234'} } response = @terminal.transaction_status(@transaction_id) response[:reference_id].should == '1234' response[:status].should == '3' end it 'should return status 13 with description when transaction was unproperly processed by processing center' do @terminal.stub(:savon_call) { {status: '13', error_description: 'insufficient funds'} } response = @terminal.transaction_status(@transaction_id) response[:status].should == '13' response[:error_description].should == 'insufficient funds' end it 'should return status for transaction in process' do @terminal.stub(:savon_call) { {status: '2', error_code: '0', error_description: '0'} } response = @terminal.transaction_status(@transaction_id) response[:status].should == '2' end it 'should handle exception' do @terminal.stub(:savon_call) { raise 'Exception' } response = @terminal.transaction_status(@transaction_id) response[:error_code].should == -1 response[:error_description].should_not be_empty end end context 'login' do before(:each) do @terminal = @pin = nil end it 'should call moneta service' do @terminal.should_receive(:savon_call).with(:log_in, anything()) @terminal.login(@pin) end it 'should handle exceptions' do @terminal.stub(:savon_call) { raise 'Error' } res = @terminal.login(@pin) res[:error_code].should == -1 res[:error_description].should == 'Error' end it 'should return customer informations if certificate and pin are correct' do @terminal.stub(:savon_call) { {mid: '9011', pid: '527', error_code: "0", customer_name: 'lorem ipsum', name: 'lorem'} } response = @terminal.login(@pin) response[:name].should == 'lorem' response[:error_code].should == "0" response[:mid].should == '9011' response[:pid].should == '527' response[:customer_name].should == 'lorem ipsum' end it 'should return error code with error description if processing center is having difficulties' do @terminal.stub(:savon_call) { {error_code: '33', error_description: 'processing center is having problems'}} response = @terminal.login(@pin) response[:error_code].should == '33' response[:error_description].should == 'processing center is having problems' end end end