require 'spec_helper' shared_examples "an invalid state transition" do |status, expected_status| let(:status) { status } it "cannot transition to #{expected_status}" do expect { subject }.to raise_error(StateMachines::InvalidTransition) end end describe Spree::ReturnItem, :type => :model do all_reception_statuses = Spree::ReturnItem.state_machines[:reception_status] all_acceptance_statuses = Spree::ReturnItem.state_machines[:acceptance_status] before do allow_any_instance_of(Spree::Order).to receive_messages(return!: true) end describe '#receive!' do let(:now) { Time.current } let(:inventory_unit) { create(:inventory_unit, state: 'shipped') } let(:return_item) { create(:return_item, inventory_unit: inventory_unit) } before do inventory_unit.update_attributes!(state: 'shipped') return_item.update_attributes!(reception_status: 'awaiting') allow(return_item).to receive(:eligible_for_return?).and_return(true) end subject { return_item.receive! } it 'returns the inventory unit' do subject expect(inventory_unit.reload.state).to eq 'returned' end it 'attempts to accept the return item' do expect(return_item).to receive(:attempt_accept) subject end context 'with a stock location' do let(:stock_item) { inventory_unit.find_stock_item } let!(:customer_return) { create(:customer_return_without_return_items, return_items: [return_item], stock_location_id: inventory_unit.shipment.stock_location_id) } before do inventory_unit.update_attributes!(state: 'shipped') return_item.update_attributes!(reception_status: 'awaiting') end it 'increases the count on hand' do expect { subject }.to change { stock_item.reload.count_on_hand }.by(1) end context "when the variant is not resellable" do before { return_item.update_attributes(resellable: false) } it { expect { subject }.not_to change { stock_item.reload.count_on_hand } } end context 'when variant does not track inventory' do before do inventory_unit.update_attributes!(state: 'shipped') inventory_unit.variant.update_attributes!(track_inventory: false) return_item.update_attributes!(reception_status: 'awaiting') end it 'does not increase the count on hand' do expect { subject }.to_not change { stock_item.reload.count_on_hand } end end context 'when the restock_inventory preference is false' do before do Spree::Config[:restock_inventory] = false end it 'does not increase the count on hand' do expect { subject }.to_not change { stock_item.reload.count_on_hand } end end end end describe "#display_pre_tax_amount" do let(:pre_tax_amount) { 21.22 } let(:return_item) { build(:return_item, pre_tax_amount: pre_tax_amount) } it "returns a Spree::Money" do expect(return_item.display_pre_tax_amount).to eq( end end describe ".default_refund_amount_calculator" do it "defaults to the default refund amount calculator" do expect(Spree::ReturnItem.refund_amount_calculator).to eq Spree::Calculator::Returns::DefaultRefundAmount end end describe "pre_tax_amount calculations on create" do let(:inventory_unit) { build(:inventory_unit) } before {! } context "pre tax amount is not specified" do subject { build(:return_item, inventory_unit: inventory_unit) } context "not an exchange" do it { expect(subject.pre_tax_amount).to eq } end context "an exchange" do subject { build(:exchange_return_item) } it { expect(subject.pre_tax_amount).to eq 0.0 } end end context "pre tax amount is specified" do subject { build(:return_item, inventory_unit: inventory_unit, pre_tax_amount: 100) } it { expect(subject.pre_tax_amount).to eq 100 } end end describe ".from_inventory_unit" do let(:inventory_unit) { build(:inventory_unit) } subject { Spree::ReturnItem.from_inventory_unit(inventory_unit) } context "with a cancelled return item" do let!(:return_item) { create(:return_item, inventory_unit: inventory_unit, reception_status: 'cancelled') } it { is_expected.not_to be_persisted } end context "with a non-cancelled return item" do let!(:return_item) { create(:return_item, inventory_unit: inventory_unit) } it { be_persisted } end end describe "reception_status state_machine" do subject(:return_item) { create(:return_item) } it "starts off in the awaiting state" do expect(return_item).to be_awaiting end end describe "acceptance_status state_machine" do subject(:return_item) { create(:return_item) } it "starts off in the pending state" do expect(return_item).to be_pending end end describe "#receive" do let(:inventory_unit) { create(:inventory_unit, order: create(:shipped_order)) } let(:return_item) { create(:return_item, reception_status: status, inventory_unit: inventory_unit) } subject { return_item.receive! } context "awaiting status" do let(:status) { 'awaiting' } before do expect(return_item.inventory_unit).to receive(:return!) end before { subject } it "transitions successfully" do expect(return_item).to be_received end end (all_reception_statuses - ['awaiting']).each do |invalid_transition_status| context "return_item has a reception status of #{invalid_transition_status}" do it_behaves_like "an invalid state transition", invalid_transition_status, 'received' end end end describe "#cancel" do let(:return_item) { create(:return_item, reception_status: status) } subject { return_item.cancel! } context "awaiting status" do let(:status) { 'awaiting' } before { subject } it "transitions successfully" do expect(return_item).to be_cancelled end end (all_reception_statuses - ['awaiting']).each do |invalid_transition_status| context "return_item has a reception status of #{invalid_transition_status}" do it_behaves_like "an invalid state transition", invalid_transition_status, 'cancelled' end end end describe "#give" do let(:return_item) { create(:return_item, reception_status: status) } subject { return_item.give! } context "awaiting status" do let(:status) { 'awaiting' } before { subject } it "transitions successfully" do expect(return_item).to be_given_to_customer end end (all_reception_statuses - ['awaiting']).each do |invalid_transition_status| context "return_item has a reception status of #{invalid_transition_status}" do it_behaves_like "an invalid state transition", invalid_transition_status, 'give_to_customer' end end end describe "#attempt_accept" do let(:return_item) { create(:return_item, acceptance_status: status) } let(:validator_errors) { {} } let(:validator_double) { double(errors: validator_errors) } subject { return_item.attempt_accept! } before do allow(return_item).to receive(:validator).and_return(validator_double) end context "pending status" do let(:status) { 'pending' } before do allow(return_item).to receive(:eligible_for_return?).and_return(true) subject end it "transitions successfully" do expect(return_item).to be_accepted end it "has no acceptance status errors" do expect(return_item.acceptance_status_errors).to be_empty end end (all_acceptance_statuses - ['accepted', 'pending']).each do |invalid_transition_status| context "return_item has an acceptance status of #{invalid_transition_status}" do it_behaves_like "an invalid state transition", invalid_transition_status, 'accepted' end end context "not eligible for return" do let(:status) { 'pending' } let(:validator_errors) { { number_of_days: "Return Item is outside the eligible time period" } } before do allow(return_item).to receive(:eligible_for_return?).and_return(false) end context "manual intervention required" do before do allow(return_item).to receive(:requires_manual_intervention?).and_return(true) subject end it "transitions to manual intervention required" do expect(return_item).to be_manual_intervention_required end it "sets the acceptance status errors" do expect(return_item.acceptance_status_errors).to eq validator_errors end end context "manual intervention not required" do before do allow(return_item).to receive(:requires_manual_intervention?).and_return(false) subject end it "transitions to rejected" do expect(return_item).to be_rejected end it "sets the acceptance status errors" do expect(return_item.acceptance_status_errors).to eq validator_errors end end end end describe "#reject" do let(:return_item) { create(:return_item, acceptance_status: status) } subject { return_item.reject! } context "pending status" do let(:status) { 'pending' } before { subject } it "transitions successfully" do expect(return_item).to be_rejected end it "has no acceptance status errors" do expect(return_item.acceptance_status_errors).to be_empty end end (all_acceptance_statuses - ['accepted', 'pending', 'manual_intervention_required']).each do |invalid_transition_status| context "return_item has an acceptance status of #{invalid_transition_status}" do it_behaves_like "an invalid state transition", invalid_transition_status, 'rejected' end end end describe "#accept" do let(:return_item) { create(:return_item, acceptance_status: status) } subject { return_item.accept! } context "pending status" do let(:status) { 'pending' } before { subject } it "transitions successfully" do expect(return_item).to be_accepted end it "has no acceptance status errors" do expect(return_item.acceptance_status_errors).to be_empty end end (all_acceptance_statuses - ['accepted', 'pending', 'manual_intervention_required']).each do |invalid_transition_status| context "return_item has an acceptance status of #{invalid_transition_status}" do it_behaves_like "an invalid state transition", invalid_transition_status, 'accepted' end end end describe "#require_manual_intervention" do let(:return_item) { create(:return_item, acceptance_status: status) } subject { return_item.require_manual_intervention! } context "pending status" do let(:status) { 'pending' } before { subject } it "transitions successfully" do expect(return_item).to be_manual_intervention_required end it "has no acceptance status errors" do expect(return_item.acceptance_status_errors).to be_empty end end (all_acceptance_statuses - ['accepted', 'pending', 'manual_intervention_required']).each do |invalid_transition_status| context "return_item has an acceptance status of #{invalid_transition_status}" do it_behaves_like "an invalid state transition", invalid_transition_status, 'manual_intervention_required' end end end describe 'validity for reimbursements' do let(:return_item) { create(:return_item, acceptance_status: acceptance_status) } let(:acceptance_status) { 'pending' } before { return_item.reimbursement = build(:reimbursement) } subject { return_item } context 'when acceptance_status is accepted' do let(:acceptance_status) { 'accepted' } it 'is valid' do expect(subject).to be_valid end end context 'when acceptance_status is accepted' do let(:acceptance_status) { 'pending' } it 'is valid' do expect(subject).to_not be_valid expect(subject.errors.messages).to eq({reimbursement: [I18n.t(:cannot_be_associated_unless_accepted, scope: 'activerecord.errors.models.spree/return_item.attributes.reimbursement')]}) end end end describe "#exchange_requested?" do context "exchange variant exists" do before { allow(subject).to receive(:exchange_variant) { mock_model(Spree::Variant) } } it { expect(subject.exchange_requested?).to eq true } end context "exchange variant does not exist" do before { allow(subject).to receive(:exchange_variant) { nil } } it { expect(subject.exchange_requested?).to eq false } end end describe "#exchange_processed?" do context "exchange inventory unit exists" do before { allow(subject).to receive(:exchange_inventory_unit) { mock_model(Spree::InventoryUnit) } } it { expect(subject.exchange_processed?).to eq true } end context "exchange inventory unit does not exist" do before { allow(subject).to receive(:exchange_inventory_unit) { nil } } it { expect(subject.exchange_processed?).to eq false } end end describe "#exchange_required?" do context "exchange has been requested and not yet processed" do before do allow(subject).to receive(:exchange_requested?) { true } allow(subject).to receive(:exchange_processed?) { false } end it { expect(subject.exchange_required?).to be true } end context "exchange has not been requested" do before { allow(subject).to receive(:exchange_requested?) { false } } it { expect(subject.exchange_required?).to be false } end context "exchange has been requested and processed" do before do allow(subject).to receive(:exchange_requested?) { true } allow(subject).to receive(:exchange_processed?) { true } end it { expect(subject.exchange_required?).to be false } end end describe "#eligible_exchange_variants" do it "uses the exchange variant calculator to compute possible variants to exchange for" do return_item = build(:return_item) expect(Spree::ReturnItem.exchange_variant_engine).to receive(:eligible_variants).with(return_item.variant) return_item.eligible_exchange_variants end end describe ".exchange_variant_engine" do it "defaults to the same product calculator" do expect(Spree::ReturnItem.exchange_variant_engine).to eq Spree::ReturnItem::ExchangeVariantEligibility::SameProduct end end describe "exchange pre_tax_amount" do let(:return_item) { build(:return_item) } context "the return item is intended to be exchanged" do before do return_item.inventory_unit.variant.update_column(:track_inventory, false) return_item.exchange_variant = return_item.inventory_unit.variant end it do return_item.pre_tax_amount = 5.0! expect(return_item.reload.pre_tax_amount).to eq 0.0 end end context "the return item is not intended to be exchanged" do it do return_item.pre_tax_amount = 5.0! expect(return_item.reload.pre_tax_amount).to eq 5.0 end end end describe "#build_exchange_inventory_unit" do let(:return_item) { build(:return_item) } subject { return_item.build_exchange_inventory_unit } context "the return item is intended to be exchanged" do before { allow(return_item).to receive(:exchange_variant).and_return(mock_model(Spree::Variant)) } context "an exchange inventory unit already exists" do before { allow(return_item).to receive(:exchange_inventory_unit).and_return(mock_model(Spree::InventoryUnit)) } it { expect(subject).to be_nil } end context "no exchange inventory unit exists" do it "builds a pending inventory unit with references to the return item, variant, and previous inventory unit" do expect(subject.variant).to eq return_item.exchange_variant expect(subject.pending).to eq true expect(subject).not_to be_persisted expect(subject.original_return_item).to eq return_item expect(subject.line_item).to eq return_item.inventory_unit.line_item expect(subject.order).to eq return_item.inventory_unit.order end end end context "the return item is not intended to be exchanged" do it { expect(subject).to be_nil } end end describe "#exchange_shipment" do it "returns the exchange inventory unit's shipment" do inventory_unit = build(:inventory_unit) subject.exchange_inventory_unit = inventory_unit expect(subject.exchange_shipment).to eq inventory_unit.shipment end end describe "#shipment" do it "returns the inventory unit's shipment" do inventory_unit = build(:inventory_unit) subject.inventory_unit = inventory_unit expect(subject.shipment).to eq inventory_unit.shipment end end describe 'inventory_unit uniqueness' do let!(:old_return_item) { create(:return_item, reception_status: old_reception_status) } let(:old_reception_status) { 'awaiting' } subject do build(:return_item, { return_authorization: old_return_item.return_authorization, inventory_unit: old_return_item.inventory_unit, }) end context 'with other awaiting return items exist for the same inventory unit' do let(:old_reception_status) { 'awaiting' } it 'cancels the others' do expect {! }.to change { old_return_item.reload.reception_status }.from('awaiting').to('cancelled') end it 'does not cancel itself' do! expect(subject).to be_awaiting end end context 'with other cancelled return items exist for the same inventory unit' do let(:old_reception_status) { 'cancelled' } it 'succeeds' do expect {! }.to_not raise_error end end context 'with other received return items exist for the same inventory unit' do let(:old_reception_status) { 'received' } it 'is invalid' do expect(subject).to_not be_valid expect(subject.errors.to_a).to eq ["Inventory unit #{subject.inventory_unit_id} has already been taken by return item #{}"] end end context 'with other given_to_customer return items exist for the same inventory unit' do let(:old_reception_status) { 'given_to_customer' } it 'is invalid' do expect(subject).to_not be_valid expect(subject.errors.to_a).to eq ["Inventory unit #{subject.inventory_unit_id} has already been taken by return item #{}"] end end end describe "valid exchange variant" do subject { return_item } before { } context "return item doesn't have an exchange variant" do let(:return_item) { create(:return_item) } it "is valid" do expect(subject).to be_valid end end context "return item has an exchange variant" do let(:return_item) { create(:exchange_return_item) } let(:exchange_variant) { create(:on_demand_variant, product: return_item.inventory_unit.variant.product) } context "the exchange variant is eligible" do before { return_item.exchange_variant = exchange_variant } it "is valid" do expect(subject).to be_valid end end context "the exchange variant is not eligible" do context "new return item" do let(:return_item) { build(:return_item) } let(:exchange_variant) { create(:variant, product: return_item.inventory_unit.variant.product) } before { return_item.exchange_variant = exchange_variant } it "is invalid" do expect(subject).to_not be_valid end it "adds an error message about the invalid exchange variant" do subject.valid? expect(subject.errors.to_a).to eq ["Invalid exchange variant."] end end context "the exchange variant has been updated" do before do other_variant = create(:variant) return_item.exchange_variant_id = subject.valid? end it "is invalid" do expect(subject).to_not be_valid end it "adds an error message about the invalid exchange variant" do expect(subject.errors.to_a).to eq ["Invalid exchange variant."] end end context "the exchange variant has not been updated" do before do other_variant = create(:variant) return_item.update_column(:exchange_variant_id, return_item.reload subject.valid? end it "is valid" do expect(subject).to be_valid end end end end end describe "included tax in total" do let(:inventory_unit) { create(:inventory_unit, state: 'shipped') } let(:return_item) do create( :return_item, inventory_unit: inventory_unit, included_tax_total: 10 ) end it 'includes included tax total' do expect(return_item.pre_tax_amount).to eq 10 expect(return_item.included_tax_total).to eq 10 expect( eq 20 end end describe '#process_inventory_unit!' do let(:inventory_unit) { create(:inventory_unit, state: 'shipped') } let(:return_item) { create(:return_item, inventory_unit: inventory_unit, reception_status: 'awaiting') } let!(:stock_item) { inventory_unit.find_stock_item } before { return_item.update_attributes!(reception_status: 'awaiting') } subject { return_item.send(:process_inventory_unit!) } it { expect { subject }.to change { inventory_unit.state }.to('returned').from('shipped') } context 'stock should restock' do let(:stock_movement_attributes) do { stock_item_id:, quantity: 1, originator: return_item.return_authorization } end it { expect(subject).to eq(Spree::StockMovement.find_by(stock_movement_attributes)) } end context 'stock should not restock' do context 'return_item is not resellable' do before { return_item.resellable = false } it { expect(subject).to be_nil } it { expect { subject }.to_not change { stock_item.reload.count_on_hand } } end context 'variant should not track inventory' do before { return_item.variant.track_inventory = false } it { expect(subject).to be_nil } it { expect { subject }.to_not change { stock_item.reload.count_on_hand } } end context 'stock_item not present' do before { stock_item.destroy } it { expect(subject).to be_nil } it { expect { subject }.to_not change { stock_item.reload.count_on_hand } } end context 'when restock inventory preference false' do before { Spree::Config[:restock_inventory] = false } it { expect(subject).to be_nil } it { expect { subject }.to_not change { stock_item.reload.count_on_hand } } end end end end