# Public: Methods for managing sections of Asciidoc content in a document. # The section responds as an Array of content blocks by delegating # block-related methods to its @blocks Array. # # Examples # # section = Asciidoctor::Section.new # section.name = 'DESCRIPTION' # section.anchor = 'DESCRIPTION' # # section.size # => 0 # # section.section_id # => "_description" # # section << new_block # section.size # => 1 class Asciidoctor::Section # Public: Get/Set the Integer section level. attr_accessor :level # Public: Set the String section name. attr_writer :name # Public: Get/Set the String section title. attr_accessor :title # Public: Get/Set the String section caption. attr_accessor :caption # Public: Get/Set the String section anchor name. attr_accessor :anchor # Public: Get the Array of section blocks. attr_reader :blocks # Public: Initialize an Asciidoctor::Section object. # # parent - The parent Asciidoc Object. def initialize(parent) @parent = parent @blocks = [] end # Public: Get the String section name with intrinsics converted # # Examples # # section.name = "git-web{litdd}browse(1) Manual Page" # section.name # => "git-web--browse(1) Manual Page" # # Returns the String section name def name @name && @name.gsub(/(^|[^\\])\{(\w[\w\-]+\w)\}/) { $1 + Asciidoctor::INTRINSICS[$2] }. gsub( /`([^`]+)`/, '\1' ) end # Public: Get the String section id # # Examples # # section = Section.new # section.name = "Foo" # section.section_id # => "_foo" def section_id "_#{name && name.downcase.gsub(' ','_')}" end # Public: Get the Asciidoctor::Document instance to which this Block belongs def document @parent.is_a?(Asciidoctor::Document) ? @parent : @parent.document end # Public: Get the Asciidoctor::Renderer instance being used for the ancestor # Asciidoctor::Document instance. def renderer Asciidoctor.debug "Section#renderer: Looking for my renderer up in #{@parent}" @parent.renderer end # Public: Get the rendered String content for this Section and all its child # Blocks. def render Asciidoctor.debug "Now rendering section for #{self}" renderer.render('section', self) end # Public: Get the String section content by aggregating rendered section blocks. # # Examples # # section = Section.new # section << 'foo' # section << 'bar' # section << 'baz' # section.content # "






" def content @blocks.map do |block| Asciidoctor.debug "Begin rendering block #{block.is_a?(Asciidoctor::Section) ? block.name : 'n/a'} #{block} (context: #{block.is_a?(Asciidoctor::Block) ? block.context : 'n/a' })" poo = block.render Asciidoctor.debug "===> Done rendering block #{block.is_a?(Asciidoctor::Section) ? block.name : 'n/a'} #{block} (context: #{block.is_a?(Asciidoctor::Block) ? block.context : 'n/a' })" poo end.join end # Public: Get the Integer number of blocks in the section. # # Examples # # section = Section.new # # section.size # => 0 # # section << 'foo' # section << 'bar' # section.size # => 2 def size @blocks.size end # Public: Get the element at i in the array of section blocks. # # i - The Integer array index number. # # section = Section.new # # section << 'foo' # section << 'bar' # section[1] # => "bar" def [](i) @blocks[i] end # Public: Delete the element at i in the array of section blocks, # returning that element or nil if i is out of range. # # i - The Integer array index number. # # section = Section.new # # section << 'foo' # section << 'bar' # section.delete_at(1) # => "bar" # # section.blocks # => ["foo"] def delete_at(i) @blocks.delete_at(i) end # Public: Append a content block to this section's list of blocks. # # block - The new section block. # # section = Section.new # # section << 'foo' # section << 'bar' # section.blocks # => ["foo", "bar"] def <<(block) @blocks << block end # Public: Clear this Section's list of blocks. # # section = Section.new # # section << 'foo' # section << 'bar' # section.blocks # => ["foo", "bar"] # section.clear_blocks # section.blocks # => [] def clear_blocks @blocks = [] end # Public: Insert a content block at the specified index in this section's # list of blocks. # # i - The Integer array index number. # val = The content block to insert. # # section = Section.new # # section << 'foo' # section << 'baz' # section.insert(1, 'bar') # section.blocks # ["foo", "bar", "baz"] def insert(i, block) @blocks.insert(i, block) end # Public: Get the Integer index number of the first content block element # for which the provided block returns true. Returns nil if no match is # found. # # block - A block that can be used to determine whether a supplied element # is a match. # # section = Section.new # # section << 'foo' # section << 'bar' # section << 'baz' # section.index{|el| el =~ /^ba/} # => 1 def index(&block) @blocks.index(&block) end end