import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus" import { useClickOutside, useDebounce } from "stimulus-use" export default class extends Controller { static targets = ["result", "results", "searchField"] static values = { results: String, loadingText: String, initialText: String, emptyText: String, } static debounces = ["search"] get query() { return this.searchFieldTarget.value } get selectedResult() { // Keep the index within boundaries if (this.selectedIndex < 0) this.selectedIndex = 0 if (this.selectedIndex >= this.resultTargets.length) this.selectedIndex = this.resultTargets.length - 1 return this.resultTargets[this.selectedIndex] } connect() { useClickOutside(this) useDebounce(this) this.selectedIndex = 0 if (this.query) { this.showResults() } } selectResult(event) { event.preventDefault() this.dispatch("submit", { detail: { resultTarget: this.selectedResult } }) } clickedResult(event) { this.selectedIndex = this.resultTargets.indexOf(event.currentTarget) this.render() this.selectResult(event) } selectPrev(event) { event.preventDefault() this.selectedIndex -= 1 this.render() } selectNext(event) { event.preventDefault() this.selectedIndex += 1 this.render() } clickOutside() { this.openResults = false this.render() } async search() { const query = this.query if (query) { this.resultsValue = this.loadingTextValue this.render() this.dispatch("search", { detail: { query, controller: this } }) } else { this.resultsValue = this.initialTextValue this.render() } } resultsValueChanged() { this.selectedIndex = 0 this.render() } showResults() { this.openResults = true this.render() } render() { let resultsHtml = this.resultsValue if (this.renderedHtml !== resultsHtml) { this.renderedHtml = resultsHtml this.resultsTarget.innerHTML = resultsHtml } if (this.openResults && resultsHtml && this.query) { if (this.resultsTarget.parentNode.classList.contains("hidden")) this.selectedIndex = 0 for (const result of this.resultTargets) { if (result === this.selectedResult) { if (!result.hasAttribute("aria-selected") && result.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded) { // This is a non-standard method, but it's supported by all major browsers result.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() } result.setAttribute("aria-selected", true) } else { result.removeAttribute("aria-selected") } } this.resultsTarget.parentNode.classList.remove("hidden") } else { this.resultsTarget.parentNode.classList.add("hidden") } } }